Hair cut prices


Well-known Member
How much do you all' out thar in the heather lands pay for hair cuts?
There is a man in Palymre, Indiana that still charges $3.00 a head. He trims my beard and I give him $5.00 each time.

To keep this tractor related, he is yust east of our local Case IH, Kabota tractor dealer.
Hope you all' have a good 4th.
One thing youins can do this weekend, the old tractor show is in Brandingburg,Kantucky.
The shop that my Dad and I use is $9 for seniors, and $10 for the rest, though as a regular I have on occasion been charged $9. Regardless I give the barber $11. Around home, (West Phoenix) dont know of any one better priced, and they use warm shaving cream and a stright razor on side burns.

However, this summer I am working in Philly, and am holding out intill the 12th to get mine cut, and likly Ill pay 13-20, and not get as good of a hair cut.
A few years ago, my barber went from $8.00 to $9.00. When it was $8.00, he got a $10.00 tip, at $9.00 it became a $1.00 tip. I doubt if it will go up to $10.00 because he would need to buy a new marker to cross out the old price and put in the new.

I think he only has a year or two left in him before he retires.
First let me say, I am particular about my haircut. When my regular barber retired, (7.50) I was lucky and found another that suited me (10.00). Then he retired too after a couple of years. I tried several beauticians, but they wanted to style not cut my hair. Finally I found (quite by accident) a young barber that does an excellent job for $13.00. I am happy with that.
Well I cut my own hair, brush cut and all. I just lean over a bucket and run the clippers all over. (set of clippers was $18 at the drug store) I have had the clippers for 4 years now, works out to be about 40 hair cuts so far, so about 25 cents each so far.

There is a real nice pretty lady that my wife knows and she cut my hair a couple of times, $20.....aint cheap but she sure is a looker, a few years older than me, real pretty for an older gal. She cuts my wives hair, that is real expensive but.....woman pay top dollar to look good.
I have had the same barber since 1947. Back then it was .25 cents. About 1955 it went to .50 cents. Then he add more help and the price would go up every few years. In 2012 he retired at 90 so I had to find someone new. It has been a bad two year and the cost was $10.00. I now have found a new lady barber does a great job but $15.00.
I just wish my SS check would go up like the price of a hair cut!!

David Pidgeon
New Haven, Vermont
Here in SE Michigan, I paid $20 to have it cut at the same salon that my wife went to. Also, neighbor owned it. Always thought that was a little on the high side for a guys haircuit but figured I was helping my neighbor. When she sold the salon, I tried the cheapo franchises Great Clips. I paid $12, IIRC and it was a crap haircut. Started looking around and there are not many "barbershops" in the area. So I'm back to the salon and $20. I just stretch them out to 6-8 weeks in between.

Seems all the chains are around $14-$15, $12 for seniors.
In the late fifties and sixties in Loogootee Indiana, one older gent in the country charged 25 cents. The local in town shop (Bob and Brownies)charged 50 cents and the two owners raised families and sent their kids to college. Today in Bloomington, Indiana its 12 bucks. At the same time the local Ritz Movie Theatre charged kids 15 cents and adults 25 and again the 2 owners made a living. In the eight grade they asked their popcorn seller if any kids in his class were mechanically inclined and he mentioned my name. They trained me to run the projectors and load and trim the carbon arc lamps, splice and prepare the film and I was paid $3.50 to run a movie wooooooooo hooooooooooo I was rich especially considering a Hershey Bar was only 5 cents and fountain cokes 10 cents........Gee Im olddddddddddddddddddd

John T
$13 for a barber haircut and I leave a $2 tip. That is the normal price around here. It takes 15 minutes and includes some good conversation. There are very few real barbers remaining in my area, all are now over 60 years old. Salons are higher priced, but they are open evenings, Sundays and holidays.
I don"t cut my hair. Once every three or four years I have the ol lady buzz it off and I start again. If we have a wedding or funeral or some such thing,she will set me down and trims the ends up.
We had a saying in Texas poor folks got poor ways. Hair cuts in Dallas $25 and up. Hair cuts in northeast Arkansas $14 and down
I don't know. I've been cutting my own hair for about 30 years. I suppose I could start charging for the haircut but would probably be redundant.
My wife cuts my hair but the local barber has charged $2.25 for longer than I can remember...Most everyone gives him $5.00 or more....The reason for the cheap price goes back to a divorce settlement..
My barber recently went from $8 to $9. He is the only one left in my small town.

I once saw a comic where a bald man went in to get his hair cut and was charged the regular rate. When he complained and asked the barber to explain, the barber responded, "it's a finder's fee"...:) Mike
Sixty Five years ago it was 25cents The old barber charged .25 cents until he retired sometime in the fifties. Got my haircut yesterday by SHMBO she told me she has been cutting it for 46 years now. I think we are on about our 4th set of clippers

There was a local beautician I went to. I would sit in the chair with my hands on the chair arms with palms down. If I was the only one in the shop she would somehow manage for her body to touch the back of my hand. I thought little of it until a couple of boys at the shop mentioned a similar situation.
the barber shop at home when I was a kid was next to one of the bars. you made sure you got there in the morning. the afternoon cuts cost the same but didn't look the same.
Our local barber has been at $9.00 for 15 years, just recently raised it to $11.00. Most gave him $9 plus a dollar tip, I'm sure if he had raised it to $10 the tip would have disappeared from many guys who showed up with just a ten dollar bill.
I do mine myself as well. One barber my dad went to years ago was asked by someone when he was going to retire...he said "It could be any minute now..." I still have all my own hair, I just didn't bring it with me ;)
Hair cut $5, beard cut $3. I have more on face than on head, what the.... But since normally a good looking lady I give $15. Twice a year unless wedding or funeral.
I'm married to my barber. Depending on how you look at it, it could be the cheapest OR the most expensive haircut it town. (smile)
Seniors pay 12.00 I give the barber 20.00 and she keeps the change. By the time the barber pays the shop for the chair they use, I don't think they take home that much. I remember as a kid, the hired hand who lived on the farm cut our hair with a hand clipper. If he didn't keep his hand moving fast enough, he would pull hair out. It was never a fun time to get a hair cut. Stan
Good Morning Every One

Out here in Chandler ,AZ. I go to the Beauty School . About a year ago they started giving Veterans free hair cuts . They do areal nice job.
I asked about improving my Good Looks but got a heavy sigh , guess I shouldn t be so picky.

John in AZ,
[email protected]
Local barbers are mostly around 10 to 12 bucks. Lady I go to does a much better job, she's at 20 plus tip, and she stays real busy.

When I was in law school, a gal who lived in the same apartment building and was a friend from school saw me looking shaggy one day in the hall, and said "Grab a towel- you need a haircut." Didn't know quite what to expect. Brought the towel, she told me to get my hair real wet, drape the towel over my shoulders. She grabbed scissors, and in about 2 minutes, I was done- and may be the best haircut I ever had.

Turns out she had paid her way through college cutting hair. When she got done with studies in the evening, she turned on the light outside her dorm room door, and guys would line up for a haircut, each with a towel and their 5 bucks. Some wag put a red bulb in the light one night, then tipped off the campus police- He got there, saw the red light on and guys lined up, with towels, no less, and cut in front of the line. When the door opened and a guy came out, he stepped in to "bust" her- and there she stands, fully clothed, scissors in hand and hair all over the floor, with a whole hall full of guys laughing their heads off. She wasn't in on the gag, and innocently asked, "Where's your towel?" Even more laughter from the hall.

She said the cop became another regular customer.
I just got home from the barber shop.
The goofy, funny Vietnamese lady that normally cuts my hair was closed. She normally charges $11 and I give her $15.
I had to go the sports barbershop just up the street. He cut it for $16 so I gave him the $20.
That guy has more sports memorabilia in there than anyone I've ever seen.
I felt sorry for him for being so overboard on sports.
I hope the Vietnam lady is ok. She's a riot.
I have been quite happy with Great Clips. I especially like it when they have haircut sales.

I also have had good luck with BoRics, but they are a little less convenient for me.
I haven't paid for a haircut in the past 12 years. Bought a clipper set for $18; I cut what I can reach and the wife finishes. Cut it as close to the scalp that the small clipper will cut the hair and I'm good for another month.
Hair cut??? You are suposed to cut it?? I am about two months late for my last hair cut. Useualy get her took down to the wood in mid May. But got to busy with planting and then hay. Maybe next week, if it rians when the barbershop is open. My oldest brother is a barber, he is now 69 . He has given me every hair cut I have had since I was nine years old. Bruce
I'm still paying $9.00 at a local beauty shop. One of my wife's girlfriends does it.

BTW, one of the closest shaves I've ever had, (literally, not figuratively) was by a little Chinese gal on Taiwan. All she used was a plain old straight razor, and I didn't have to shave again for a couple of days. I never did figure out how she shaved so close without taking a layer of hide off.

One time I got a haircut in a local shop on Puerto Rico. It was a hoot. The barber was still using hand clippers instead of electric. He'd take a few snips and clips, stand back and look, then step to the other side and look, then talk to the other barbers in Spanish. They'd look and talk some more.

When it was all over with, it turned out to be a good haircut, but I didn't have much confidence along the way.
I pay $11.00 for a hair cut. The nice thing is her shop is open 7 days a week and I usually go on Sunday after church cuz I am already cleaned up.
My uncle cut mine once when he was about half drunk. He used a crock and when finished, turn me around to look in a mirror. I was pretty young but could cuse real good and lite into him. He just laughed.

My hair cuts are free now. My wife cuts mine and does better than the last barber that I went to. That is what hair is left.

Had a neighor that went to the barber and he asked Art how he wanted his hair cut. Art said a little long back here and a little short here and on and on. The barber said, I can't cut it like that. Art said, why not, that was the way you did it last time.
It cost a buck when I was in high school in the 60's. By then, I was old enough to refuse to allow my mom to cut my hair with her old worn out hair pulling hand operated clippers. Those clippers would qualify as child abuse in today's modern world. Medieval torture device!

My present barber charges $12. I hand him a twenty and ask for a five in change. It's worth every penny, just to listen to his stories and opinions for 15 minutes!
I have been going to our local barber for quite a while last year a franchise place opened in town (cost cutters) I tried them out and woah! I could have done a better job blindfolded using a dull macheti! back to my old favotite !
My wife cuts my hair now. But I started going to a barber back in the late 60's, a real character and fun to go to. Regular charge was about a dollar I think. The shop stayed full not because of the haircut but forthe conversation. When he finished he would offer to roll the dice double or nothing. I bought several 10 dollar haircuts and finally told him I would just pay the dollar and go. Still miss the old man. Tommy
When I was driving truck, if it weren't for the cute haircutter girls at walmart, I never would have got my hair cut. Since there aren't many places where you can window shop around here, and I can't seem to get to town when everything is open, I got a set of clippers. They paid for themselves with the second haircut. When I want it kept long and just trimmed up in winter, I have a friend I go to, or go to the "beauty academy", where it's pretty cheap. And there is 1 old-timer in town yet.
I cut my own hair with electric clippers. Two things about it: it'll grow back; and the price is right.

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