Ever wonder how this can happen????

Scott 730

Well-known Member
Not the first time it's happened to me either. How can an old fence staple in a 20 acre field find it's way onto the disc openers on my drill??? Looked back and saw beans pouring out of 1 feed cup. Stopped and found staple was stuck perfectly on the openers. I need to buy a lottery ticket tonight.
I lost a shank with chisel on a cultivator once.
Found it back the next year stuck trough the tractor rear tire :shock:

I had a lame cow in the pasture one time, upon investigating i found a 1/4" x 3" OD rubber 0 ring just above the claws.
Some times strange things just happen. I wonder how my mower can pick up s small stone and sent it right into a second story window. Waiting for the estimate on that one. Stan
I've told this story on here before, so bear with me...

Working at my dads service station as a teen. A flat tire came in one day with half of a broken pair of needle nose pliers stuck in it.

The next day another flat came in... With the other half of the pliers stuck in it!

What are the odds, that it even happened, and that both ended up at the same place for repair, rather replace, both ruined. Probably 20 tire repair shops in a 5 mile radius.
Second trip around the field with our new Gehl
forage chopper with the hay head making haylege.
Found what was an old dump rake tine thru the
chopper head. Hay been taken off that field every
year. A dump rake had not been used there in 50+
years according to Dad.
I never could figure how the smallest object can
fly into a person's eye. The object can be as
little as 1/64" and your eye is only a little over
an inch wide and 1/2" tall. Of all the other places
for the object to go you would think your eye would
be the last place it would end up in.
This is the second time I have seen wright for right I guess I'm not the only dummy who can't spell. Problem is the word spell picks it as correct spelling.
The man I buy my tires from has a collection of objects removed from tires, A pair of vise-grips, a lug wrench, can't remember what all else.
How about plowin the back field and FINALLLLLY finding the missing hauling chain that was lost every bit of thirty years ago??
I had this high school classmate who was out with a tractor and a pull-behind swather cutting a hay field. He stopped the swather to cut away some hay that had balled up and he used his cheap pocket knife to do it. As he was getting back on the tractor, he had his pocket knife fall out of his hands and on to the ground. He shut the tractor off and he looked for that pocket knife for over half an hour. He finally gave up ever finding it again, so he started the tractor and he drove forward to finish cutting the hay field.
Just then, he found his pocket knife. It was embedded in the rear tractor tire and cut it so bad that he needed a new rear tire. And tube. And new fluid.
What are the odds?
Wow! That's kinda like the "...an infinite number of monkeys tapping on an infinite number of typewriters....." thing.
I picked up several staples with the grain drill - and I found a lot of harness rings on the points of the field cultivator shovels.
I lost a hauling chain 2 years ago. Tossed it on the ground after having used it to drag the furrow press in place and forgot about it. Plowed it under 2 minutes later and after a few passes it struck me what I had done. Even though I knew almost exactly where it should be I couldn't find it when using a fence post as a probe. Last year when I plowed this spot again I expected it to turn up but no. It is still down there somewhere. I need to borrow a metal detector.
My handyman talked me into letting him do some disking for me so I turned him loose.He finished
the job but noticed his wallet was missing. We
looked for it for about a day with no luck.
Nine years later guess what I found. It was pretty
much intact, drivers license was unreadable and
his $13 dollars were eaten up by the elements.
We had a good laugh as he asked me what I had bought with the money.
Years ago, my dad and I played a round of golf while on vacation at a campground. After we were done, Dad looked at his watch and the guts were missing. Watch was still on his wrist but you could see his arm through the face of it. He had checked the time just before we teed off that morning. Mentioned it to the Pro shop but figured it was gone considering how much acreage we had walked that day. Hour later, campground got a call that some guy had found it next to where his ball had landed. First, how the heck did it fall out of the watch? Second, a ball landed NEXT TO IT?

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