OT--Power Wheelchair


Well-known Member
My FIL was issued a Jazzy Select Power Wheelchair while in a nursing home. It was paid for by Medicare and he used it for a short time.
He passed away about a year after receiving it and he has been gone for about two years.
After he died, I brought the chair home and it is in my way and I have no use for it
I have tried to sell it for $375.00 and have had very little response.
My question is--Is there a return policy with Medicare?
I would think not since it has been so long. Just don't want to sell it an run into problems.
From the response I have received, it doesn't look like I will have to worry about selling it!
Medicare didn't supply it, they just paid for it.
Since you haven't been able to sell it have you thought about donating it to someone that could use it? I bet if you ask around at your church or friends with elderly parents you'll find someone that needs one.
(quoted from post at 14:18:39 04/28/14) Medicare didn't supply it, they just paid for it.
Since you haven't been able to sell it have you thought about donating it to someone that could use it? I bet if you ask around at your church or friends with elderly parents you'll find someone that needs one.
I don't think I would have any problem giving it away!
My question is, Would Medicare be involved?
I don't think I would have any problem giving it away!
My question is, Would Medicare be involved?

I don't see why they would be involved.

My sis and brother in law work at a senior apartment. When the old folks die the kids don't want the power chairs. BIL was given some. Almost impossible to sell. He has one that was used for 2 weeks. Can't sell it for $450. Cost over $5K new.
They've given some to folks in need, but last time I visited them they still had three! Apparently they can be hard to give away.
Around here the VFW collects and distributes wheelchairs, walkers,
canes, hospital beds etc. We have taken a few things there over the
years and they seem to find a use for them in the local community.
(quoted from post at 14:39:03 04/28/14) Around here the VFW collects and distributes wheelchairs, walkers,
canes, hospital beds etc. We have taken a few things there over the
years and they seem to find a use for them in the local community.
Yes I have a contact number for VFW and am considering donating.
Other family members are involved that need the money and I was just trying to sell to help them.
In a couple of weeks, I will convince them that it is not going to sell and let them try if they are not in agreement to donate.
Just asking here, don't know myself, so.......why would anybody bother with buying a used chair with potential mechanical or batteries issues when medicare (meaning your neighbors who pay taxes) will buy you a brand new one for free? The TV channels are lousy with commercials for scooter chairs who all claim they can get you a chair "at no cost to you"! Kind of devalues the used chair market I would think.
You can do about anything you want with the chair, I don't believe Medicare will do anything. They will replace them every 5 years for those that need them and condemn the old one. It's up to the patient to dispose of them. They don't have much of a resale value as many folks end up in the situation as Jiles is. If you want to keep it, disconnecting and removing the batteries isn't that hard.
they cannot re-use it due to health laws. your fil has passed and it should be disposed of. if other in laws have need then sell it to them or donate with a suggested $$. otherwise give to whomever.
I"ve condidered buying one due to mobility issues. I"ve noticed used chairs are extremely cheap.....even those with little use. Medicare issue reminded me of my Mom from years ago- she would be happy with a used chair but Medicare would only pay for a new one. After she passed, her brother used it til he was gone, then we donated it to a local nursing home. Recently I got a wheelchair on loan thru the county Veterans Service office. $25 deposit for as long as I need it.
You'd think there'd be more demand for those. If people knew some of the issues they can get themselves in to by going through Midicare to get them,they'd probably think a little harder about buying a used one instead.
The wife's family just ran in to that. Her dad's wife had fudged the facts a little to get one for the old coot. Claimed he couldn't walk when the fact was that he could walk with a walker. Fast forward about 9 months when she was in need of home care for him and she claimed he couldn't walk. Now he really was bed ridden. Well,they wanted to know what had changed? Said she had been taking care of him just fine for the past 9 months since she made the claim he couldn't walk.
we donated mom's to a young lady in the nursing home
who old power chair was broken. she was happy and
so were we.
I bought a used power-chair for my wife to use on some planned outings, Zoo and state park, after pushing her in Gatlingsburg in a regular wheel chair. I gave $300 for it and the bat. was another $300. She only needed it for about 8 months, now back on her feet. The chair is still here just in case but needs batteries again.
just to make this topic more interesting. why does
a new power wheel chair cost $5000.00? there just
is not that much to one of them. complete ripoff
for medicare!
(quoted from post at 17:12:29 04/28/14) just to make this topic more interesting. why does
a new power wheel chair cost $5000.00? there just
is not that much to one of them. complete ripoff
for medicare!
I would think 1K would be a rip off!!
Well-------------Life is strange, Just sold the wheelchair and the Gentleman was thrilled!
Definitely something I would not buy to resale!
(quoted from post at 06:29:40 04/28/14)
(quoted from post at 13:14:28 04/28/14) i need one.
Are ya thinking a power chair would be faster than your hubby's driving?

teehe, it would probably blow his doors off :) i got a tumor in my lung which caused it to collapse, it's not cancer, thank god, but it's inoperable, so i can walk a few yards and feel like i just ran a marathon.
(quoted from post at 16:12:29 04/28/14) just to make this topic more interesting. why does
a new power wheel chair cost $5000.00? there just
is not that much to one of them. complete ripoff
for medicare!
That's simple.....LIABILITY.
It is VERY hard to get one through medicare, no matter what the ads say. I and several people I know, have them, for outdoor events. A lot easier to get around than a golf cart, and NO restrictions on where you can go.
It is VERY hard to get one through medicare, no matter what the ads say. I and several people I know, have them, for outdoor events. A lot easier to get around than a golf cart, and NO restrictions on where you can go.
Think about it why would anyone buy one when medicare or insurance will pay for one? I have my mom's. They are worthless. I keeping it just in case I or a relative needs it.

On the other hand most of the time, insurance won't pay for an outside off road model.
They are not worthless to the people that need them to lead a somewhat normal life.

Last fall we had a family reunion in Gatlinburg. My Mom is 88 and doesn't get around so well anymore. She used one of the used power chairs that was given to my BIL to go up the hiking trail to Laural Falls in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. It was an indoor chair but it had no problems negotiating most of the trail (that has over 300 feet of altitude gain). The trail got too narrow and rough so with some help Mom walked the last 200 feet. The round trip is something over 2 miles. That was the happiest I've seen Mom in a long time. That "worthless" chair allowed her to do something with her family that she otherwise couldn't have done, not to mention having the opportunity to see some beautiful scenery she wouldn't otherwise have seen.
I've seen the Jazzy power chairs go for as little as $65 at auction. Other brands have also sold for under $100 at same auction house, so it isn't just the Jazzy brand.
I think the scooter store was twisting Dr's arms and ripping medicare off for around $5k. I can't remember if it was the IRS, FBI or medicare shut them down. I haven't seen their ads in a long time.

Now I think the price has dropped to $1k.
1k, Everyone likes to eat steak.

IMHO, power chairs take away the only exercise some people get, which isn't healthy.
I meant, worthless to re-sell when insurance will buy you one for free or little cost. However it's harder to get medicare to buy you one.
(quoted from post at 16:58:31 04/28/14) They are not worthless to the people that need them to lead a somewhat normal life.

Nobody is saying that!

Psychologically they are invaluable. Monetarily they are worthless because the only people that would buy them, can't afford one at any cost. Everyone else is rich enough to buy one, has insurance that covers it, or qualifies for one through Medicare.

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