Buying and Selling on Craig List.


Well-known Member
I have bought a lot of tractors and other items off CL.
I am thinking about listing a few items that I have for sale.
I have looked but can't see how there is a charge for these ads.
If there is no charge, How does CL make money, I see no advertising on their page ?
Certain categories are charged a fee. I think
dealers have to pay, for instance. But for most of
us who just post a few things for sale now and then,
it's a great way to do it, because it IS free.
For now it's free. CL is owned by ebay. So I still am surprised it's free ! I suspect someone is getting our info in payment ?
I make sure I put my phone number in my ads. You can disguise it if you like by spelling out some numbers.
I NEVER let people email me. I make sure I leave that box unchecked ! That is where the scammers are they will email the heck out of you.
I've bought and sold many things on craigslist.

A few years ago, the summer was so hot, I couldn't do anything outside. Took camera to garage, put pics of things I wanted to get rid of on craigslist. I sold $1500 dollars worth of junk. No cost for posting. Couldn't really see much difference in the new space in garage.

Be carefull there are scammers on craigslist. Craigslist even warns people not to send money to people. There are loads of scammers selling UTV's and tractors. Avoid responding to gmails, no phone numbers. DON'T SEND MONEY, NO MATTER HOW GOOD THE DEAL IS.

No clue how they make money.

Some say you shouldn't use email's some say you shouldn't use phone #. Some put some #'s and spell out other #'s.

I use emails most of the time. Once a woman responded. Sent me over 400 emails with XXX rated pics before she finally gave up on me. She had a very disformed figure.
(quoted from post at 16:54:20 04/02/14) For now it's free. CL is owned by ebay. So I still am surprised it's free ! I suspect someone is getting our info in payment ?
I make sure I put my phone number in my ads. You can disguise it if you like by spelling out some numbers.
I NEVER let people email me. I make sure I leave that box unchecked ! That is where the scammers are they will email the heck out of you.

I just posted a couple of items. Looks like Fordfarmer is correct. I listed my phone number with some numbers spelled out.
I chose to have CL accept a contact and direct buyers to me.
It looks like CL will send me an eMail with buyers questions and I can reply to this. Doing so will give my name and eMail address to buyer. The only bad thing about giving a phone number is that I could get calls at any time.
This is not of major concern for me in that I check every call before answering and I turn cell phone off at night.
Craiglist is owned by Newmark but eBay does have a 25% stake. Some things like job listing by companies are charged fees.Wilepedia has info on how it started and how they charge.
I have heard that they also make money by selling real estate ads
in a major city, I think it was NYC or else a city in CA. All other
areas the real estate ads are free. We have a landline phone so I
do not post a number as people did tend to call in the middle of
the night sometimes which was annoying. I have a cell phone
but it only works when I am outside the buildings. You will get
some spam emails, if they say "item" instead of whatever it is you
are selling it is almost certainly a scam. You will also get a lot of
dumb emails from dumb people who ask things like where your
town is or will you sell to them for 1/3 of the price. Also people
will write and ask things that are clearly stated in the ad. I guess
that is just how it is when dealing with the general public.
They hide the email address going both ways. I deal on Craigslist a fair amount at times and if you look at the emails between the both of you, it'll show the Craigslist email, not your own. Hadn't been an issue yet for me.

I'd rather not put my number out there for every one to see.

Donovan from Wisconsin
I received an email regarding an old stove I advertised which said, "When would be a good time to come and see it. What is your phone number?"
I responded that if he/she could explain what I was advertising, I would give them my phone number.
No more conversation.
I sold my 10 yard Dump on CL had no trouble just added my
ph # to the add and sold it right away. Funny I sold it las
summer and told the buyer I would help him fix the differential
we got all that fixed with a rebuilt on for $1500 but it's still here
in my yard I hope to get liscence and ins so I can use it before
he takes it home. He want to take it Mexico for work down
there. Trucks and heavy Equipment are a lot cheaper up here
you figure it out I can't.
I always put my phone no and say phone calls only, if they email back it usually means a scam. Last fall we bought a tractor from a guy that wanted to text, he was a college student and couldn't talk on the phone during class but could text! Couple of years ago I sold a tractor to a guy over the phone, he sent me a check before he ever saw the tractor. When I delivered it he was very happy! You can kind of tell by talking to someone on the phone what kind of person they are, most of the time!
I have used CL many times to sell and buy. Seems to work good. They don't charge private parties. They do charge for employment and commercial adds. That is how they make their money to make it float.

Donovan < I like you always just put a note reply to add with a phone number and I will call you back. Cuts out most of the scammers and keeps my phone number from becoming public for all the spam. Usually about 5 to 6 replies for ever one real serious buyer but still sell a lot of things there.
Have you ever noticed on link_disallowed or your yahoo home page how there suddenly are ads related to something you just looked at on ebay or craigslist. I am not a computer wizard but understand that google and the other biggies have spyware and cookies implanted to customize those adds to our personal computers. I am still a big fan of craigslist but will not deal with emails and anyone that sends more than 2 text messages. Nothing but time wasters. I also will not respond to adds that have no p[hone number. Scammers are the ones that need to protect their identities IMHO
The scamers are pretty easy to spot if a person just thinks a little.
I found a camper on CL that was very nice till I got an email answer back from the guy.
The camper was 400 miles away,less than half price of what it should have been, and just send money and he would have it delivered at no charge.

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