2 funny tuesday.

jon f mn

Well-known Member

I remember a neighbor always used the boy's middle name if he did sumthing he shouldn;t.

One day he was pushing a wheel barrow around, and his mother said, "Johnny Lewis Terry" git away from that wheel barrow," you don't know nuthin aboot machinery.
I'm surprised how many don't know their middle name, or at least how to spell it. Am referring to students I have had over the years in driver education - ages 14, 15, or 16.....
Taught both my Daughters that if they heard the middle name they were in or fixing to be in trouble. It became a game I'd say Margaret Elizabeth Baker...what does that mean? reply "I'm in trouble daddy"
My dog was named in honor of my other internal combustion hobby-old outboards. His name is Elto. Well, one day, Elto was about to get into something I didn't want him in. In my most stern voice I called "Evinrude Light Twin Outboard!" He turned and sulked away from the trouble he was going after.

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