Got summons last week for duty 3 months April,May,June I got picked last year also and was on call for 3 months but didn"t get called. I asked Judge in a letter to be excused due to hardship I work fulltime 30 miles away and farm and have 5 children in school. April,May,and June are my busy months of the year trying to work and plant a crop.Judge wrote me today and said he didn"t see the hardship and I have to serve anyway.Now I"m not going to be a happy juror there are 11 million people unemployed why don"t they pick them? I was honest with the Judge I really don"t have time for this
I look at it this way, if I was on the other side, would I wouldn't people that can't hold a job (for whatever reason) making a high powered decision about my freedom/life.
Kansas is different - they let me put it off three times in a row due to hardships (time of year). I didn't get picked the fourth time anyway.

Surely there's some comment you can make in questioning that would help you out. If they find that your attitude is affected due to the situation they may not want you. I know if I was on the other side of the table I would want folks that could give 100 percent.
When called to jury duty act like you are sleeping or busy picking your nose. If questioned act like you cant hear and ask that the question be repeated. Answer by asking a question.
When I was called several years ago I had to go and spend a day at the courthouse 30 miles away, but I was lucky enough to get bumped off the jury in which I was impanelled, which was the first jury for which they were drawing numbers. I think I got taken off because I checked "less than high school" on the education box on my form. This was technically true because I was homeschooled and did not get any type of diploma or degree. The case was embezzlement and other "white collar crime" so I guess they didn't think I was smart enough to understand the issues. One guy was let go because he refused to take off his hat when the sheriff's deputy told him to before the judge came in.
I managed to avoid jury duty for this animal's trial, Paul Bernardo.
Apparently some people involved in the case are still in therapy.
I think the only way that you can get out of it is to say that you are not compensated if you are off of work for "X" days.
What I do not understand is that all the retired people that sit on their duff and watch TV. I personally think that having people who are coherent and have plenty of time should serve on Juries.
I hope I am never called.
I'd like to see fair and impartial people serving on juries, but if it really would be a hardship, here's how to get excused: With a very straight face, when the proper question comes up, say "I'm a real law and order kind of guy. I have great faith in our law enforcement officers. I think if they bring the charge, the defendant must be guilty, and I can't see how I could be convinced otherwise." The judge will ask, "But aren't you willing to listen to the testimony and make your decision on that basis?", you reply, "The world is a mess. The criminals always lie. We have to have people out on the front line, making these decisions without giving the criminals and their attorneys a chance to spin the facts. I'm comfortable giving the police the benefit of the doubt." Don't smile or act snarky, and judge will excuse you for cause.
10 or so years ago, I got called in for jury duty. Out of 100+ jurors, I and a group got picked for a trial. Each lawyer could strike a few from the pool. The trial was for a guy suing a big local auction company that sells mainly heavy construction equip. Judge asked if any of us had ever done business with the firm, and I stood and said yes, but also answered that my dealings would in no way affect my decision, IF I were chosen.. Evidently their lawyer was afraid I might be against them, I was the first juror he struck.. Found that sort of funny..
wille guess i'm one of them retired duffers got copd asbestosis 3 ruptured disc's and spinal stenosis all coupled to hard work. o yea I have to go p every hour and I am a veteran and when I was young I sat on juries when called
I got notices to serve on both local and federal juries years ago. I'm hearing impaired to the tune of (now) 56% and 48% of both ears, have a hard time understanding people if I can't read lips. Went to my audiologist, she tested me, gave copies to send to the courts and I never heard a word back. Fellow running for local clerk of court stopped by my house campaigning and I asked him about it (hearing impairment). He said it would be an automatic dismissal unless I WANTED to serve! I don't want to wrongly convict or release someone because I can't understand what's said, so there you go on my behalf!
Last time I was called I was given a one time "hardship" option. I sent back the card explaining I am a crop farmer, so winter was good for me, and if I was taken away from the farm during a critical season, they would end up supporting me!
They called me up in the winter. Spent part of a day there.
I had to fill out my jury duty questionnaire a couple of years ago, the line that asked if there was any reason I couldn't be on a jury I said no However since having our house get robbed and the sheriffs department's failure to catch anybody that I looked at everbody as a potential thief or guilty of something. Haven't heard from them since.
I got called for jury duty a long time ago, when I was in the Navy. Pop opened the summons, wrote a note on it that I was somewhere in the North Atlantic on a submarine, and wouldn't be able to attend court. I have never received a summons since.....
Let's think about this. There's a trial of some one who took things that they didn't earn from people who worked hard and earned them. What kind of people would you want to determine the guilt or innocence of the people involved. I think maybe I'd have a better chance of getting off if the people making the decision also didn't work and earn what they were getting. They probably would be more sympathetic to someone getting something for nothing than those who had to work for it. So maybe juries should be made up of people who have had to work, and then see part of their wages taken from them to support those who wouldn't work. Just my rant, and I'm stickin' to it!!
I understand farmers not being able to serve during certain seasons but I've never understood the aversion to serving. I see it kinda like voting, it's a privilege.

I certainly wouldn't come on hear and gripe about how the country is going to you know where in a handbasket and then turn around and complain about fulfilling your civic duty.
I would kind of like to serve just to see what it's like. I was called twice and got off both times. First time was right after neck surgery and the second time was just after shoulder surgery. In my letter I said I'd like to serve sometime but not when I'm on strong pain meds. Jim
They let me off last time (already called and served twice in 10 yrs) I am self employed and if I am not here , no money made and no one to bid on new jobs for future money. Musta hit home with some decision maker.
I was chosen a few years back. Many people tried to get out of it by saying they didn't have time / job / kids / farms / and so on. The judge told them that being a juror was an important part of being an engaged citizen of the community and being important was not always convenient and yes it is a burden and this week it is going to be your burden. I think about the only way you are going to get out of it is to be hospitalized, to be a personal friend, or know one party or the other personally through some relationship.
The trial I sat in on was very interesting. Some Gang Banger shot and killed somebody claiming self defense. Problem was the other person was unarmed and non-combative. The shooter was a previously convicted felon, armed and still on parole. This was his third felony. He was looking at a life sentence witch he got and was really bent out of shape about it.
It is our duty to help make these kind of decisions and represent our communities. It also sends out a message to the rest that we will not put up with it.

Last time I was called, Dr. sent a letter that I was under treatment/&/med for frequent urination [the truth] I was P-N sometimes twice a hour.
I've gotten several questionnaires about jury duty but never been called for jury duty. Every few years they send a questionnaire. Used to be they'd ask if serving on a jury would create a financial hardship.

A couple of times the questionnaires asked you to list all police, lawyers, or judges you were friends with or had a business relationship with. We had done remodeling work for 3 cops from one area department, built houses for two from another department, sons baseball coach was a state cop, and son's friend's dad who we had gotten to know was a sheriff's cop. I had done work for several lawyers and I'm friends with the chief circuit judge. I didn't get any questionnaires for a long time after filling that one out.

One time I replied that I was a remodeling contractor and I'd be happy to serve on a jury if I knew in advance when it would be, but if they called me to serve when I was in the middle of remodeling someone's bathroom or kitchen I'd refer angry customer calls to them. I suggested if they wanted me to serve that January or February would likely be the best time. They sent a notice saying I was excused.

The most recent questionnaire only asked if you were a caregiver to an elderly or handicapped person.
Mike (WA)

I guess I never have to worry about being picked because that is how I truly feel.

I have received the notice several times and had to go to the court house but have always been lucky they had all they needed for the trial before they ever got to asking question of me.

Our system works where they call a bunch of people in one XX day. Pick enough people for the trials and everyone else goes home. You do not need to go back in until you get a new notice.
I've been called a couple of times but have been excused for medical reasons. If I could sit that long and hear halfway decent I would be honored to serve.

My wife had jury duty a few years ago. Welfare fraud case. One person on the jury was a welfare leach. She wanted to hang the woman, who failed to report income after she ask her social worker who told her it wasn't enough to worry about. It was. She got a light fine because although she failed to report it she was told by the social worker not to worry about (social worker was honest and testified to that). 5 other charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.

I was only picked once for jury duty. It was interesting. It lasted a week. A young fellow I knew was called, he come in dressed in a tank top, shorts and flip flops. They let him go.
I have served on a grand jury, two criminal juries, two civil juries, and one traffic court jury, spread out over about fifty years. I have been elected jury foreman on the criminal juries, and on one of the civil juries.

No, it's not fun, and yes, it was a burden for me to be gone from work and other things.

But, I will go when called, simply because I will serve if there is a chance I will take the place of someone who doesn't care what happens. I have many relatives in law enforcement, that usually is a good enough excuse to get someone off. I spent about six years working closely with the local DA's office while collecting hot checks for the company I worked for. That got me off a couple of times. I don't try to get on or off.

The most interesting time I served was on the grand jury. At the time it was a week long process, from 8 til 5 every day. The last day we stayed until about ten that night so we wouldn't have to come back on Saturday morning.

Our judicial system is not perfect, but it's the best in the world.
I have been called twice, once local, one time federal. The local one, I showed up, and ran into a guy I went to college with. We talked for a few minutes. Later I found out his firm had the public defender contract with the county. The feds, I went, but they didn't pick me, kinda of a lottery. If you avoid serving, I don't think you should complain about the results.
Paul from MI- I do not condone stealing. I have hadmany items stolen from me over the last decade.

But.. to quote you, "I'd have a better chance of getting off if the people making the decision also didn't work and earn what they were getting. They probably would be more sympathetic to someone getting something for nothing than those who had to work for it. So maybe juries should be made up of people who have had to work, and then see part of their wages taken from them to support those who wouldn't work. Just my rant, and I'm stickin' to it!! " IMHO, it seems you are saying that any person that does not work is a thief. And only the ones that have a job should be Judge, Jury and executioner.

Paul, you understand that a lot of folks have lost their jobs due to no fault of their own? Many were downsized and their jobs were shipped overseas.

I hope you realize that the majority of these "users" are working but are paid at minimum wage. Therefore, they are qualified to receive government assistance.

Now, most jobs that are available are in the service industry which pays minimum wage. You do understand that a "minimum wage job still qualifies that person for government subsidies? ie, SNAP, heating, section 8, etc.

Many of these 'underemployed and unemployed people would love to have a job that paid enough to be able to support themselves and/or their families.

Like others have said, serving is supposed to be our "civic duty". That said if our "civic leaders" can pay out our hard earned money to the "worthless individuals" your talking about, why can"t they at least pay a fair wage to those taking their time to listen to a bunch of over paid lawyers doing their best to twist the truth until it"s unrecognizable? Being self employeed I"d have no problem serving for a day or two, if for nothing else than a change of pace, IF they would pay me FAIR portion of what I make in a day....or even minimum wage. As it is you get something like $20 a day around here, for as many days as it takes to finish the case.

I got called for the first time a few years back. Thankfully you can only be called once every 8 years, whether you actually get picked to set on the jury or not.

Now if you want to get off, I can guarantee you the excuses of self employement, etc will rarely work, as you have discovered already. What does work is basically what has already been mentioned before. When asked questions, answer honestly...that is if honestly means you feel that most criminals are guilty, and on the civil side you have a strong opinion of the situation that favors one side way more than the other. In either case one of the lawyers will "excuse" you from service because they "know" you will rule against their client........I know it worked for me, and I was being honest to a fault about the questions they asked me.......
been twice in 6 years, not fun, nobody really wants to be there..... but I am willing to sacrifice some time to see the system work as it should, not the greatest , but best in this part of the world
Never have had to serve jury duty guess I know how to answer the questions in such a way that they do not want me. Now days the justice system is as broken as all the other parts of the gov.
Rich, you're right on that. After witnessing cases in front of the judge and jury by several people I know I have no faith in the modern judicial system. I don't want to hijack this post by going farther into it, nor do I want it to be poofed because of what I have said but I would like to say a lot more. Jim
My wife got called for jury duty when she was nine months pregnant. When they were picking jurors, they asked her if she wanted to be excused for obvious reasons. She said she didn't mind serving, but they may have to stop the trial every 30 minutes so she could use the restroom. That is exactly what happened. She was a juror on a case where a guy was accused of attempted murder of a police officer. The trial lasted a week and the jury decision lasted about a week, during the whole time she had to have the trial and the jury decision stopped every 30-60 minutes so she could hit the restroom. I suspect the judge didn't mind all the recess time. I guess if she had gone into labor, an alternate juror would have just filled in immediately, but it still surprised me that she was picked.
In 50 years in Ca. I was never called until I moved to Oregon about a month after I left Ca. I wrote back and said its to late I have already moved to Oregon. Now I have been here for 25 years and still have yet to be called. Bummer
Here the pool is picked from driver license & registered voter lists. Got the letter three times over the years.
First time had moved to a different county , so excused.
Second time had to show up for two week stand-by. Spent four days in courthouse basement playing cards, reading, & watching TV, but not picked. No new cases coming up , so whole pool was dismissed.
Last time got picked for a criminal case. Even though I had approx 15 years in law enforcement, defense didn't object. Had several college students in the pool who had been deferred from winter session to summer duty so they wouldn't miss classes.
Might be local policy- if have served within last four years, or over age 70, can ask to be excused.
Pay- rate here is 20 bucks a day plus travel & meal expense. When on the second call up, employer decided that from that date on, they would make up the difference between what court payed & vacation pay rate.
The day may come when you find yourself being judged by a jury of your "peers". What sort of people would you want on THAT jury?
Wayne I had lived in Dakota county, MN. for 45 years and never called. And if called during that time my employer would have made up the difference in lost pay. Things changed and a new employer would not make up the difference in pay.

I was called for jury duty when employed by the new employer, when they got to the questioning of do you know this person or that person, they asked if you knew the county attorney. I replied yes he is the man who told an expert witness that he could not work for the defense side of a case. And if he did he would no longer be asked to work for the county for the prosecution.

The expert witness complained and to make a long story short the county attorney was fined and reprimanded for trying to prevent the accused from getting a fair trial.

The prosecution had me fired from jury duty, and I would bet forever. I did not want to sit on that circus for a couple of weeks with lost pay.
Look at all the cases that have been overturned by DNA testing that the prosecution won. We might have the best system in the world but it is broke.
People believe the prosecution is never wrong, they don't lie.
Jury duty should be considered part of the price we pay for our system of justice...not perfect, but a damn site better than what the rest of the world has. Trouble is, too many people think they're "too good" or "too important" or "too [whatever]" to report for jury duty. Nowadays, people think their lives are too important to pause and serve on a jury...yet if you were accused of a crime, wouldn't you want a group of jurors that were the kind of person you try to be, in charge of your opposed to the first bunch of derelicts that showed up?
Same thing happened to me. I was still milking cows when I had it. The judge used to milk cows himself and I reminded him of that. He was my lawyer for a couple of contracts that we needed to have written,so we knew each other well enough. He just kind of grinned at me and said "you'll manage".
A guy tried that when I had jury duty. The judge dressed him down in front of the whole court so bad that he was red faced and about ready to crawl under his seat.
Being on a jury is an honor.Part of your civic duty.I have served.It was an interesting experience.I would serve again in a heartbeat.Sure,the timing sucks,but you will manage....BTW,timing in most of life sucks,too.It rarely works at our 'convenience'.
Sounds like the judge is a real jerk. I have served a lot of times when I was younger. My employer paid me for jury duty. I still get notices to serve. I tell them now I have a hard time staying awake in a warm room sitting in a nice soft chair, which is true. Also my bladder will not let me go too long. I have never heard of someone being arrested for not serving jury duty. I think you should be able to get your jury duty moved to a less busy time for you. Stan
My wife has been called, and has served, a lot. I've only been called once. We hung around all day, and they filled the pool before they got to our group, and sent us home. In my county (state?) they won't call you more often than every five years. Years ago, she was called sometimes twice in one year. I'm glad they changed that. The last time she was called, it coincided with a surgery that I had scheduled. She called them and asked to be moved to another time, telling them the reason, and they moved her. She served at the new time. I'm not gonna hold my hand up and ask to be called, but I'm not gonna try to weasel out of it either. It's part of the price for living in this great country. If you think back over your life, everything always works out, even when we think it won't.
We had an old county judge who used to put people in jail for going to sleep in the jury box. But that was many years ago.
Been called twice, first time I was in service but kept my "legal" address at the farm, wrote the CoC a nice note explaining that being Military if they needed me it would be permissive TDY so they wouldn't have to "pay" but they should in all fairness pay me mileage to and from the Air Base once and then the daily commute miles from the farm. They wrote back stating they had removed me from the jury pool. Second time I was in Florida and about a week before I was to serve I tore the medial meniscus in my left knee I explained to them I declined to participate in anything that entailed walking or comfortable shoes for a while.
Ya'll take the cake. You rant, whine and moan about the welfare class and the youth, and the illegals....then it's YOUR turn to do your civic duty and most of you come up with 50 excuses and ways to get out of jury duty. Just a bunch of hypocrits.................
(quoted from post at 03:34:50 03/14/14) Ya'll take the cake. You rant, whine and moan about the welfare class and the youth, and the illegals....then it's YOUR turn to do your civic duty and most of you come up with 50 excuses and ways to get out of jury duty. Just a bunch of hypocrits.................

(quoted from post at 17:43:18 03/12/14) I managed to avoid jury duty for this animal's trial, Paul Bernardo.
Apparently some people involved in the case are still in therapy.

That guy and his girl were some real sick and twisted people. I never bought the idea that poor Carla was a "victim" as some have portrayed her.
(quoted from post at 18:26:44 03/12/14) I understand farmers not being able to serve during certain seasons but I've never understood the aversion to serving. I see it kinda like voting, it's a privilege.

I certainly wouldn't come on hear and gripe about how the country is going to you know where in a handbasket and then turn around and complain about fulfilling your civic duty.

Bingo. If you're going to complain about the criminal justice system then don't avoid jury duty. If you're going to complain about taxes, then run for office so you can stop some of the crazy spending. if you're going to complain about gun control then you need to get active in the fight with your time and wallet.

It's the same with everything, people sit around and complain and do nothing to help fix whatever they complain about. That's garbage.

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