a few kind words?


Well-known Member
This might sound strange to some of you on the site,but I asking for a few kind words to my wife.She had to take our cat cougar to the vet to have him put to sleep.He had health problems and the vet could do no more for him.She really loves her pets and is taking it hard,I Thought some kind words might help?
I know how you feel. I had a big old tom cat here that used to come in the house during the day. Wanted out to night to prowl. Last time I let him out,there was a big cat fight on the front porch a few hours later and I never saw him again. I sure missed the old big guy.
Our son's girlfriend brought another one over that somebody she worked with was threatening to drop off because she wanted to bite all the time. She was just playful. She's a great little cat.
I know it's not much comfort right now,it wouldn't be to me if something happened to this one,but it'll be OK. Something will come along to fill the void.
Yes, maam, it is tough to say goodbye to a pet. They have a special place for us. I have always had a cat and my wife had to get used to them after we were married. Now, they are like her kids. The oldest is 17 and has had a rough year but is still ticking along, although very slowly. We hope she will pass with ease when her time comes. There are 3 others that are younger and will keep us busy and laughing. My best to you during these trying times.


Philip and Linda
We lost one old tom cat early in this winter. Had a seizure outside and by the time it was noticed he had a body temperature too low to recover. Our oldest cat was suffering also so I brought him inside barely conscious. My daughter is pre-veterinary and works at a clinic so she had him set up with IV and meds. We brought him back but know he will not make it much longer. He is immune compromised and if you over do the meds he has digestive issues sooooo...

It hurts to lose a beloved pet. You start remembering all sorts of things, good times and bad. Pets love you unconditionally, and it is hard to lose something that precious.
I can feel your pain, I had a kitten come to the house several years ago, and it growed to a fine cat, it would follow me to the mail box every day as if it vas trained.
Tell your wife I'm sorry and we've all been there. The following is something I post when someone loses their special friend. Sometimes you just have to cry.

The Rainbow Bridge.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Sorry to hear about your cat. We get mighty attached to some critters!
Chuck's "Rainbow Bridge" is a great sentiment.
All our best to you and your wife.
Your wife has had a rough day Larry. I'll bet if you walked over and gave her a big HUG, she would appreciate it. Sorry about your pet.
We went through that in 2010 when our Chow dog was diagnosed with stomach cancer. We bought another Chow pup. Get her one of these Rag Doll cats. They're not cheap. A lady was going into a nursing home and couldn't take her cat so she gave the cat to my wife. Hal



I feel bad for her Larry, I lost my cat in 3-12, I adopted her, she was 6 when I got her, I had her until she was 15. It's really hard to explain the kind of companion she was. April of 2013 I found the one in the second pic, she is maybe 3 and turned out to be another great cat. The last pic is my cat and my wifes cat, they became buddys pretty fast. As you can tell I like my gray and white long haired cats. I hope you wife feels better soon.
Ps Larry, I don't know which way pics will be, I took them with my phone.



Am sorry to hear she has lost a friend, these furry guys are great company. I grew up with barn cats outside, but anymore, there is one or two in the house, great for the mice problem.
So sorry for your lose. Pets are sometimes more of a friend than family. Able to put them to sleep when they are suffering is a gift that we can give them. They will be missed but we understand that. They will not understand when they miss us. When love ones become memories, memories become love ones. Time will heal. Get another friend, but remember it is not a replacement.
We feel your pain.We too have lost much loved pets.Its hard,it hurts but we get through it....You have our deepest sympathys. Steven & Susan
Nice cat Hal, your cat looks pretty well trained, I see it is on the table?, but on the carpet. Lol, I don't let my cats on the counter tops or table.
Sorry to hear that Larry. I often write stuff on here as I can't say things to my face to face friends and need to vent. It's easier for me. My sympathies to you and your wife.
Not sure what I could say but I can say this. She can pretty much have pick of most any cat I have if you come and pick it up. Have 2 kittens that are right at 6 weeks old that she can have plus a good many others
That's tough, those little buggers can really get under your skin.

The circle of life, but doesn't make it any easier.

tell her I am sorry about her cat, we get very attached to our pets, they love us back unconditionally and is a heartbreaker when something happens :(
I have always belived in the RAINBOW BRIDGE....just worry a tad about some pet horses I lost.....
Larry, so sad for your wifes loss...we all been there and probably will be there again.
Sorry for your loss. We do get attached to these critters. Remind her of the good times. I lost a 15 year old just last year to old age. I still miss him racing around the house.

It's difficult to lost a pet who has been a part of the family. They help enrich our live in many ways. We had lost a orange tom cat a few years ago while living in Wis. While living in ND a orange wandered to our farm. He's the friendliest cat as he follows us every where.
So Sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend cougar. You took the cat in, took good care of him, and gave him shelter and food, all those years you had him, he repaid you with love. There is a time when nothing more can be done. I have gone through having to tell my best friend goodbye many times, it's never easy. Keep in mind there is that special cat waiting to be your best friend again. Stan
We have all walked that lonely road.

Like most of us, I have had to do that many times. It never gets any easier.

Tell your wife she has lots of well wishers on the this board. We all have animals that have been our friends and companions for many years that we have had to make the right choice.

And yes, there is another animal waiting to be blessed by her care and love.

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