calling it quits

Hoofer B

Well-known Member
Two of my semi tractors are nothing but trouble. I have spent piles of $$$$$$ hoping they are finally "fixed". Within a week or two they need more repair. One is down for the count with a busted crankshaft onlt three days after it got out of the shop. The other one just about burnt up Friday night. Seems the batt cable rubbed thru by the front of the air tank and started a small fire that went out only because it burnt thru the plastic air line to the tank causing a big release of air to extinquish the fire. I would be $$$ ahead just parking them.Any words of wisdom for me. Thanks, Bill
It would all depend on how old they are. I would rather keep fixing a pre-emission truck over trying to buy a good used one with the new emission JUNK on it.

Like Jon of MN truck. It is real nice but I would never keep it long out of warranty. When the electronics and emission stuff start to git trouble you can spend a fortune and still not get them fixed correctly.

Anymore you either have to keep real new or real old. The middle trucks are too high a price for the risk you take on repairs.
Seems like once you get started having trouble it keeps going for a while, then you will have a stretch where it goes good. Never have figured out why it works that way. I think I met one of your drivers a while back, he was stuck for a day at the In./Oh. line on 70 at the Petro.
Agravating ain't it? I had the motors go up in two tractors the same day several years ago. The 1850 spit a ring out the top of a piston and started hammering like crazy. I had to use the 1600 to grind feed because of it and I broke the top off of a piston in that one while I was grinding.
I'm still farming..........for some fool reason.
I am only quitting on these two trucks, and they will be replaced with newer leased trucks.
Dump the problem child's now before you go bankrupt. When replacing I would look at nothing newer than 2003 before all the emission stuff started. They have DOUBLE the FUEL MPG than today's trucks and are way cheaper to repair. Also NO twin turbo cats either they were a problem and when one went it took the other with it for a 8-10 thousand repair bill. Is there anything of worth in the rest of the trucks? Salvage yards are always looking for trucks to ship over seas or for glider parts.
Did you make a mistake putting out the fire on the second truck? There are a lot of trucks out there for sale but some may not be any better than what you have. A friend that had a semi said, "a truck is like a kid, whenever you take it to town, you have to but it something."
Two in one day? Me too! All I had left was the planter tractor after 2470 AND 4430 went down. a 2470 threw a rod out the side, going down the road. 4430 had an engine tick when warm, was a rod journal going out of round. Nuts barely finger tight.

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