Price of tractors


Well-known Member
Can anyone guess vhat happened on May 29-31 in 1954 that has affected the price of tractors and other goods one has to purchase?

A hint, one of John D. Rockefeller's son is a big player in it.
I looked it up. The Bilderberg Group met. How many of the same people are in the same kind of groups? The site I went to said that Rumsfeld(Monsatan connection) and Wolfowitz are members. There is the Trilaterial, Rothchilds, and etc. This 5% of the world runs everything and we are just pebbles on the beach.

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands is currantly the head of it. Listen or read Alex Jones about all of this.
Mr. Frank 41,

You are so right, jolly good show ole' chap.
A lot of people have never heard of the bilderbergers and a lot of people don;t care, but the resoulations they pass affects every man, woman, and child all over the world.
Did you know that every president or vise president since Eisenhower has had to be a member of the TLC,or the CFR or Bilderbergers? If they weren't members they didn't get nominated.

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