Temper Temper!!

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Holy Sweet bezeezus!!!! Never seen anything like it in 10 years on the road. People have had enough with the crappy weather!! They can't seem to run each other off the road fast enough. Indianna was basically shut down for 2 days so traffic is backed up everywhere. Trucks broke down all over, or stuck in the snow. Can't park because the parking spots are not plowed, same with the shipper/receiver lots. Truckstops are out of fuel or have frozen pumps all over. The restaraunts can't get food in or personnel so a lot are closed or only serving partial menus. Tempers are beginning to flare!!
Hard to believe this was the country that fought a world/foreign war, and handled whatever weather was thrown at us here and abroad, without flinching.
Just like the opposite extreme, high heat/humidity, and or a side dish of full moon, best defense is not to be there LOL !
yup same here in ontario canada. everyone was told to stay off the roads unless its a emergency. snow plow guys trying to get roads opened up AROUND cars stuck in the middle of the road.
what would ever happen if the country was shut down for a week.. We need this event once and a while as a smartening up pill. IT CAN HAPPEN so be prepared.
Makes you wish you were a farmer doesn't it Jon? The wife's and my trucks haven't been out of the garage since Saturday. Beef and noodles for supper from the left over roast from the other night.
I remember back in 77 when the blzzard hit here and guys were stuck on the Ohio Turnpike , back then there was no fast food thing on the pikes as they had Howard Johnson's food was running out and what did the OLDE truck Drivers do , Leave it to the old owner operators to come up with a fix . The guys that pulled refers broke the seals on the trailers and they got out meat veggy's and what have ya and the main important thing was BEER . The Old GUYs made a party out of being snow bound . They help people in four wheeler to make it to the rest areas and the party was on. some how i got Shanghi'ed to go up on the pike with a wrecker to retrieve a froze up A&P truck and take some money to the two drivers stuck up there out around the 100 and something yard stick. Found the truck off the side of the road froze up Noticed that the seal on the back doors was just sorta hanging there . Set the tractor i brought up down and unhooked the dead one and pulled it out from under the trailer and got it hooked up to the wrecker then put the other tractor under it . We knew the drivers were down the road at the service plaza . The guy with me drove the truck and trailer down there and we went in to the plaza and they had a big fire going in the fire place using palets people all over the place and ya know what i did not hear anybody complaining . They had food they had heat and they had warm blankets and pillows that the drivers brought in from there own trucks. NOW fast forward to today we have nothing but people that only think about them selfs and it is ME ME ME . I have said it before back then as a truck driver IF you had a problem and you went off the side of the road there were no less then three trucks stopping to help you out anyway they could . Have a flat or a blow out and you went for the berm there was like i said no less then three that would be there to help you , Before you could get to the back of the trailer someone had his jack under the axle and someone else was loosening the lug nuts and if you had a spare someone was getting it out of the tire rack , If you did not one of those guys would be digging his spare out to get you to someplace to get a tire . Now today you have a problem buddy you are on your own. We THE OLD GUYS made friends while on the road we sat around having coffee or a group would all stop together for a bit to eat tease and torment the waitress to no end WE HAD FUN no matter what happened . Way tomuch pressure on everybody and way to many stupid people .
I got tickled in tn yesterday cause these folks ain"t used to it. Zero degrees but interstate bone dry and they were still driving slow :)

Hate to say it but this country has been wusified. The
men of eras gone by were real men.Still a few but not a whole lot left.

Finally warming up here, was only minus 15 last night, got to zero a little bit ago......

Saw a big rig blocking one land of a 4 lane this morning, kinda the big intersection in town, he was 200 feet from the lights. Hood up. I noticed truck said Kansas on the side.....

Just leaving the Target parking lot a bit ago, saw a car on the access road, was piled well into the hard snow drift along the road. Really don't know I could get up enough speed in tar short access road to get that far into the snow bank, but anyhow looked like he was gonna need some assistance to get back out again.


Love beef and noodles. We make it more often with canned venison. My mom always used short ribs. Real comfort food; perfect day for it. Got the Fergie started today and waded her through the snow to get some fire wood. She done good! Had to take my daughter to Lansing last night so she could catch a plane today for Oklahoma. She spent the night with a friend.

I retired 4 years ago after 35 years of driving. It sure is nice just staying home when things are bad. I haven't even left the house the last couple of days. I just played around here plowing snow and taking care of things.
OK now two of ya have told us about the beef and noodles. Tell us how and the proportions your honey uses. I have the plain old Dutch noodles or something close. Now if you cut up and cube or make slices of your beef and then throw in a can of beef grave. Am I close or do you have a secret? Let us know.
One I like is pick up sliced spiced ham and American cheese at the deli. Toast the bread then heat the pan and throw in about 1/2 stick of butter. Gently toast ham and cheese till the cheese is gooey. On the back burner is the Campbels tomato byske soup. Cut sandwich in half and DUNK!! Yummmmmy Jeffcat.
Same here DoubleR . It will be 4 years in April (38year) and I do miss driving but not in the winter. The freight line I worked for had contracts to haul hospital supplies and we run even in snow storms where roads were closed and I still can't believe I always got through(The old man up above must of been riding with me).

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