OT---Personal Memory Recovery?


Well-known Member
I am sure most of us remember the columnist Ann Landers. Years ago, she answered a question for a person that was concerned about not being able to remember different peoples name.
Her suggestion was:
When possible, relax, put the persons image in your mind. and slowly go down the alphabet from A to Z and when a certain letter "stands out" that is usually the first letter of the first or last name of the person.
This has worked for me MANY times, although its not much good when you are talking to that person--LOL.
I have never been good with remembering names, but I rarely forget a face. To be completely honest, I can meet someone and be introduced, and before the conversation is over I have already forgotten their name. The only way I have found to remember names that works for me is repetition of the name. If I can use their name a few times then I"m more apt to remember it than if I don"t.

On the other hand I saw a guy in the parts house the other night and knew I knew him from somewhere. We started talking and it turned out he was a friend of a guy my sister dated nearly 20 years ago. I never knew his name back then, but I knew I knew I had met him somewhere.
at one time i worked for dhia picking up milk
samples . I could always remember the dogs
name but never the wife!!
if i remember correctly the phone numbers
were 7 because thats the easiest to remember
I sure can identify with what you are saying. I use the relax and alphabet idea often also. But as you say when talking to someone and can't remember their name is the hardest.

One thing I have found, a lot of times the person I am talking to is having the same problem trying to think of my name. So, when approaching someone I know but haven't seen for a long time and can't think of their name. I start off by introducing myself by giving my name and hope they will do the same.

These last 8 years , before retiring at end of 2012, I had my first name on my uniform shirt. This gave person talking to me an advantage. I also joked that I was going to put that name on my shirt upside down. Why, people would ask ? "So I can look down and remember my own name !" ☺ ☺
It works for me, too.

I've been in high profile situations in my home town most of my adult life, and it drives me nuts when someone greets me by name, begins talking like it was "old home" week, --and I have no idea who they are.
I substitute teach, and usually (especially in new classes,) I put my name on the board. Tell the students it is so I can remember it. Usually get a bunch of blank stares - so i follow up with, "That's an old man joke, lighten up a bit!"

I see so many faces that it's impossible to remember them all even if I even did have a handle on it at one time. Over 40 years in education, that's a lot of faces! Remember a lot of faces, but usually can't link face with name, or place I knew them from. I do pretty good with voices too, maybe better recognition than faces.
My grandfather used to insist that new acquaintances spell their name---even if it was Joe Smith.

The Dale Carnegie method teaches you to visualize the name, e.g., 'Mike Lee' becomes an image of Robert E. Lee speaking into a microphone.
I remember faces like a computer but I'll be
darned if I can remember a name. And since most
people can't remember my name I use my
professional title as a nickname, everyone just
calls me "Doc". Now for the last few years, since
my pet goat "Bambi" travels everywhere with me
(she likes to ride in the back of the truck like a
dog), all of the children in the valley and a lot
of adults too, call me "The Goat Man". Bambi has
even gotten herself a nickname as the "Redneck

Can't help with the memory. Did have an encounter with Ann Landers once that turned me off. Went to board a plane in Mpls and there was a crowd of people around her in the gate area to see her off. (Before all the airport security). People couldn't get through to board the plane. Airline personnel had to move them so the passengers could board.

Ann Landers travelled 1st class, so she was first off the plane when we landed in Omaha with another large crowd of family and friends blocking the ramp so the other passengers couldn't get off. It took awhile for airline personnel to finally clear them out of the way so the rest of us could get out into the terminal.

I don't have any celebrity worship, so that whole matter didn't set well with me.
NPR had a story tonite about people who cannot forget anything, ever! Ask them any date & they remember which clothes they wore, what they ate that day, who they saw, what they talked about, etc. Scary.
I worked for 22 years for a local grocery chain. I would see thousands of people weekly, most of whom knew me by name. I didn't know hardly any of their names, but the faces were easy for me. I learned early on that calling the elderly ladies "good lookin' " fixed it where I didn't have to know the name.

Now, when I run into someone who calls me by name I simply thank them for reminding me and now would they tell me who they are, or something along that line. The truth is the best remedy here. Most of the time I use the other poster's way, introduce myself as my first and last name and follow that by who in the world are you????

I was asked by one of my kids one time just how many people do you know? Seemed like we couldn't go anywhere without someone approaching me and visiting a bit. Hard question to answer...

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