Barley price?


Well-known Member
Anybody out there know how much barley is worth? We planted some last spring because our winter wheat pretty much all died out. Planted barley into the failed wheat and now have much more wheat/barley mixed than we can feed. Was going to us it for calf feed, but our milo crop exceeded our expectations, so we are feeding that instead, because it is wet. Will take a load to get cake made for the cows. We live in an area where no barley is grown anymore, so the local elevators have no idea.
With the wheat mixed into the barley you really only have livestock feed. Even then it is poor cattle feed. The wheat will make dough balls in their months when they chew their cud. Small grains without a husk usually are not very good cattle feed.

The wheat/barley mix would be better as hog feed. Asked around and see who is raising any hogs they would be a better customer for it than a cattle feeder.

As for the price per bushel barley is running in that $5.50-5.90 per bushel range. I think it usually is grow in contract though. I have not seen an open market for it in a long time.
A mix of two grains, we used to call that succotash. It has feed value only since you can"t separate the grains. Barley by itself has 92% the feed value of corn. I"ve used it for steers as a replacement for corn.
All you have is feed since it is mixed.
When I think of Barley I would think horse feed but you can give it to cattle. It falls between corn and oats.

The problem comes in Barley has a hard outer shell. Without processing about 50% of it gets undigested and will still be a whole grain in the feces.
Another problem is Barley ferments rapidly in the rumen. This can cause acidosis, founder
and poor feed conversions if you are not careful.
Not as much spring grain put in now, as it doesn't work real well in the BTO cash crop plan. Are local CO-OP is giving $175.00 a metric ton/2200lb. for barley or mixed grain. Mixed grain is oats and barley, planted together. If you run barley through a hammer mill, It will make good cattle feed. We have fed barley for many years, and it has the same protein content as corn.So grind some up and try it.
Barley weighs 48 pounds per bushel and wheat 60 so if you have a small amount of wheat your mix is probably around 50 pounds per bushel -- $12.00 per hundred weight or $240.00 per ton -- I would advertise it locally as hog or cattle or sheep/goat feed at the $240.00 per ton, you can always go down if need be but in my area it would sell quick for that price.
I paid $12.00 for 100 pounds last year, I use it as a cover crop on the garden. If it gets too tall I'll mow it before plowing. Hal
I know the mixed grain can't be sold as barley or wheat. It would be great feed that we were going to run through our grinder mixer and mix with Purina's Accuration, and feed to our calves. But since we ended up with SO much extra WET milo, we decided to go with the milo for calf feed, and it is working well. We just ended up with much more feed than we need, and need to get some bins opened up for next year. We are taking some of the barley/wheat mix to the feed mill on Monday to get cake made for the cows. Was wanting to sell some of the barley/wheat to the feed mill if they wanted some of it. Kinda needed a starting point on pricing. Was thinking $0.10/lb so it looks like I might have been pretty close at that price. Not many hog producers in the area anymore. $0.08 hog prices 10-15 years ago kinda put them out of business.

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