Thought of JD


Well-known Member
I just shinnied to the top of the silo to put in a new rope for the star that gets hoisted up there. I had to think of JD Seller and his acquaintance that fell down the silo. I haven't scaled a silo in many years. Those old boys that did it constantly were better than me! Mine doesn't have any doors on it so every other step is a big one. My knee will know I did that for a good while.

JD, how is that boy that fell?
Steve is getting around OK now. He just has to not stay on his leg for too or he has pain around where it broke. It should get better with time.
It's good to hear that he is doing better. I remember reading your posts about him and they stuck in my head. Reading about what someone actually goes through after such a serious accident is very sobering and makes you think of times that a few inches or a few seconds was all that stood between an uneventful day and a terrible tragedy. My wife was injured in a wreck the Tuesday after Memorial Day of this year. She couldn't walk any till the fall but is improving a lot as time goes on and working again. She hit the side of an 18 wheeler that she was meeting on a major 2-lane highway. Only the front corner of the car hit the truck, so her injuries were not life-threatening or permanent, but a foot to the left and a 3 seconds earlier would have meant something much, much worse. On the other hand, 3 seconds later and a foot to the right would have been a normal trip to town. Seeing what it takes to get over a serious injury puts things into a perspective that not everyone is exposed to, thankfully. If my memory serves me correctly, he has come a long, long way if he is getting around with a prognosis for improvement. I'm sure all of us could write a list as long as our arms of situations we have been in or seen that could have turned out like what happened to this man or worse. Praying for him and his loved ones.
I was working in a silo today making a repair to the unloader. As I was climbing during one of several trips up and down to get tools, I happened to think about the man who was injured when he fell in that silo accident that JD posted about last winter and wondered how he was. I had planned to post here tonight and ask about him. Glad you posted and glad that the fellow is recovering.

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