ok time to make people smile


Well-known Member
a little bit ago i posted about a cute girl wanted to clean my house and needed some help from you all as what to do
ok update shes a farm girl and daddys girl dont have a tractor but her dad does.
ok i did a dumb thing and asked her for a date ok i got to much time on my hands.now one arm is in a sling and i dont want my butt in one. the question i have is what did you do to win your other half ? or start running ?
Females like good manners .Don't pick your nose in front of her or scratch privite parts.Females like to talk, so learn the art of saying Wow !, uhaa,tell me more.
Don't spend the nite talking about hunting,fishing or trapping.Let her do that.
Females like strong men, so pick her up a few times,but don't shake her they are delicate.
They like big spenders so offer to pay the tip.
If this relationship starts to bloom,remember,If momma ain't happy,no one is.Make her happy.
The most important thing in starting a relationship is being honest and telling the other person what you expect/want out of it. The next most important is being you're self...if it was ment to be it will develope naturally. Best of times to you both, and Happy Holidays.
They also like to think they'll always in charge and always right. Plus ya have to laugh at their corny jokes. Most like men with real dark hair, So if you have some old used diesel motor oil slick your hair down with that. You do have hair right?
There's always something good comes from any question asked on this forum.

I did read a saying sometime back and it said;

A Man that treats a Woman like a Princess is a sign he was raised by a Queen.
So, did she say "yes" to the date or turn you down? Just remember, "no" doesn't always mean no. 'Might just mean "not now" or "maybe later". Don't give up.
You asked too late, your goose is cooked, you ask her out then come here for advice? Been married for 49yrs 111/2 mos. I know what is going to happen. You know what happens to a fish when he takes the bait!
I was a bit older, but when I asked my wife out for the first date, I expeced a polite no thanks and I could go like my hermit life in peace.

That crazy lady said yes and now we have been married 7 of the best years of my life. It is a real blessing to find one that treats you right.
She chased me down. I always figured if you had to run after one or try to impress her,you'd be doing it the rest of your life.
Find it difficult to offer advice. Grasp chances as they come along (wait-and-see sometimes is your enemy), on the other hand do not force things (pulling on the grass does not make it grow faster).

The other responses made me chuckle ... in recognition. How true they are.
Make sure she's not a narcissist with bi-polar tendencies. BTDT. If she's not, then talk some, listen a lot, and laugh.
I just chased her till she caught me!No,not really.From the first time we met we,we just 'fell into each other's arms'.Chemistry?Meant to be? Yep.
Interesting question.I will not bore anyone with the chase.Be honest with your opinions of this girl.Don't let her attributes sway your judgement.Establish a relationship with her before you sleep with her.After that the goal posts move a little bit if you know what i mean.I got it right after one failed attempt at marriage.


Got outa the ARMY and I just drove around till I found a guy with lots of silos. Stopped in to see if he had a daughter and the rest is history! Going on 30 yrs. and we still laugh about it.
1. Don't lie...on the first date, on the last date, or inbetween. Can't build trust on lies...and EVERY good relationship is built on trust.

2. Have a sense of humor, and exercise it often. Just make sure there isn't any mean-spiritedness to your humor.

3. Show her respect, and she'll either show you respect in return, or she'll show you why she's not the one for you.

4. While it's good to let her know about you, make sure the conversations aren't ALL about you. And if you notice the conversations are all about HER, that might be a warning sign as well. It's always a good sign when the conversations end up being about "us" instead of about "me."

5. Is she "high-maintenance"? Does she require expensive clothes, expensive jewelry, expensive cars? Would she be just as satisfied with a burger and a soda from the dollar menu and some good conversation as she would be with lobster and wine?

6. What about YOU? How much "you" are you willing to invest in a relationship? If you're there in person, not really "there," refer back to #3 above; show her some respect and don't waste HER time.

This isn't an exhaustive list...but it's a damn fine place to start. If your heart's in the right place, your head will usually follow. Good luck!
I just tell people that I was drunk and laying in the gutter; she came by and helped me up. I told her that if she took me to her home, she would have to keep me.

(Sound much more dramatic than what really happened.)
I was just honest with my wife. Told her what you see is what you get. No lies,no BS I am what I am.We were married 32 years before she passed away from cancer.

Asked her one time. Why did you marry me. She looked me straight in the eyes.Said somebody had to.
I can tell by the responses that we don't know if this guy is for real or not. Some respond serious and some not. I don't know what my take is on this one.
yup im for real arm had rotator cuff surgery not use to sittin and only chores got to looking at jd post and thinking that when things get bad sometimes you got to rememeber the good times . a trick i pull on old people that are down in the dumps is give them something to remeber the good times i guess my secrets out . but yes i did ask for a date and i have been on my own for a long time and it takes a special lady to put up with a farm life
you bet i am read some of the post and tell me if there day isnt a little better. you can forget the cold snow that part that dont fit. the best thing i ever got was when my father in law was dying after he passed one son came to me and said no matter how bad he felt i could always make him smile and thats not easy when your crying inside look at jds post i hope he looks at what your saying and maybe he can remeber when he popped the question
Billy, 35 years ago I told my wife the same thing. I also told her she would have to work.
She being 8 years younger than me tells everyone she rescued me. I don't know what she means by that I just agree.
Wouldn't trade her for anything.
Well, since you mentioned a FIL in your past, I am sure you realize the importance of being able to get along with your in-laws. I had one failed engagement before I married,and that was part of the reason. Her dad was right about everything! It didn't matter what anyone else said, he was right! Just a few months before we were to get married, everything blew up. I bet there are still tire marks in the street in front of her house where I burned rubber leaving that night! Never saw or heard from her again. Guess I made the right decision.
I met the girl I married when I was eighteen, she was nine. I went to church with her grandfather, and was visiting his family one Sunday night and her family dropped by. He told me later that this little girl informed him that I was the man she was going to marry. We had a chuckle, and as time went by, I dated several girls, but nothing serious ever developed, until the one I mentioned above. A few months after that breakup I saw this "little girl" one day. By this time she was seventeen and "all grown up". Wasn't long before I began finding "reasons" to drop by their house and say Howdy! Her Dad and I got along great. Her mother was, well,---- a mother! I finally got the nerve to ask her for a date, and the rest is history. We had forty three and a half years together.
Speaking of getting along with your in-laws, let me throw this in and I'll shut up.
Her Dad worked second shift, got home about 11:15 or so. That was her curfew. On Saturday nights, after a hard week, Ed liked to kick back and relax for an hour or two. He had an old enamel dish pan that he would pop full of pop corn, set out a cold six pack, and many was the night that my fiance (by that time) would go to bed and leave Ed and myself sitting in front of the TV, drinking beer and eating popcorn! Like I said, he and I got along great.
If you share common interests, if shes "real" and not all about the latest garbage fads, if you LIKE her then do what ever you need to do. Just be honest and real yourself. If she's about spending $$$$ and getting stuff and reality TV and "clubbing" then take what you can get if you want it and get out.

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