Special Firewood customer calls again!!


Well-known Member
I take firewood to one of my customers with several special requirements you won't believe. This will be the third year. 18", 99% no bark, cherry with a little oak mixed in, whisk broomed off and for sure neatly stacked in a custom by me off the ground firewood holder. Some people just have too much money!
I have a customer requesting about 1/4 of a pickup load of green hickory. Since I just sold them a hog, I understand the request completely.
I ran across a DVD yesterday that someone gave us; it was just a video of the flames in a fireplace that people could watch without having a fire in a fireplace. Just plain boring!!!

Told the wife to put it in with the next batch of stuff to go to Goodwill.
All that DVD needs is for Glade Air Freshener to bring out a "wood-smoke" air freshener spray. It sure would make things a lot easier!
At our Utilities warehouse annual Thanskgiving lunch feast, the parts gal has a flame-fireplace video she sticks in, makes a real homey nice look. We all like it.
I've got a special spot in my pile for him. I take any bigger cherry and it gets cut one or two years ago to 18" and then we split it with a 3 pt splitter to get as much heartwood as possible. The bark and outside go to my house!! Amazingly it burns just fine! His is only for a nice fire while football is on Saturday or Sunday. No heating going on here. Sure is a beautiful uniform pile when we get it stacked!
One way to get him to share the wealth! I harvest quite a bit of elm for our own use and I like to leave it stand dead until the bark falls off, makes for clean wood and fewer ashes.
You mean you don't make him a stack like this? Slackered... LOL!
I hope you charge 1000 per cord for the screwing around.
I'm not to sure I'd bother even then...

That is a lot of fire wood from just one tree! Thank you for posting, I needed to smile.
People who demand custom work are not wrapped too tight but they seem to have the money to pay for things they want.

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