Hydrogen power?


Well-known Member
Hydrogen powered cars may be the thing of the near future. Hydrogen is a clean energy source. Would someone tell me where are we going to get hydrogen without using another dirty energy source? Chemistry teacher would make hydrogen using electricity. So he used electrical energy to seperate water in to hydrogen and oxygen. Most of our electricity is dirty carbon based energy. So, how is the planet coming out ahead using hydrogen?


Thank you,
Years back at the weld shop we were making the electrodes, to go inside a 12" square plastic box, out of stainless steel. Water was put in the box and when a electric charge from the cars alternator was applied to the box hydrogen was produced. That hydrogen was sucked into the air cleaner into the engine.

It was not enough hydrogen to totally run the car but mileage would increase and emissions in the exhaust went down.

It had one big downfall. Some the hydrogen would turn back to water and corroded every thing up after time.

There is still s pallet full of electrodes at the weld shop from 10 years ago.

It worked but it didn't.

Actually, at this point in time, the cheapest and most common method of producing hydrogen is to strip it out of existing hydrocarbons i.e. coal or oil. While electrolis works, it is a more expensive process.
If you want a "clean" planet, let's just nuke it of all living things. It'll be pristine! :lol:

IMO, the "green" movement is doing more to screw up the planet than any coal-burning power plant. We've regulated and legislated just about every industry to death in this country, driving up costs of doing business, substituting products that did a good job with products that were less effective to "save" the planet or to prevent cancer. I laugh when I read labels on seemingly innocuous products that warn they are known to cause cancer in the State of California. (So it's ok to use them in Nevada?)

Yet, the rest of the world is eating our lunch because the tree-huggers and our politically correct legislators who seem to worship at their feet don't employ common sense and cost vs benefit analysis on their crazy "altruistic" ideas.

As for the hydrogen fuel, I am doing work in a hydrogen fuel cell lab at a major auto manufacturer. BIG investments in that area. I think they've seen that the battery technology won't get them where our leaders have deemed we should be by 2025 and are accelerating hydrogen research to move into production. The infrastructure is the big problem but I see that coming.
No doubt if there is a demand sooner or later an economical way to separate oxygen from hydrogen in water will be found.And it'll be the perfect solution
to even make the enviromentalists happy as seawater can be used and if we use enough we can all do our part to stop the rise of the oceans from the effects of Global Warming.Have a campaign along the lines of
"Drive More to Save the Earth!"(LOL)
Hydrogen is a clean fuel. It only produces water as an exhaust. It is not an energy source. It requires energy to separate, so essentially, it is a way to store energy. The only way to use it in a "green" way is to use solar cells to produce electricity to separate the hydrogen and oxygen. This works good for smaller individual users but would not be feasable for a nation. Another thing to consider if you are a diehard environmentalist (which I'm NOT) is that solar cell production deals with all kinds of toxic chemicals which are not environmentally friendly. If I had a large array of cells, I would try to make a small scale set-up and see how it worked. Another downfall is that to drive any distance you have to compress it to extremely high pressures which require expensive tanks and pumps.
Better slow down. If you start looking at it wind and solar power are proving to be no where near as advertised as capable of producing the power we need. Go research the problems associated with our current nuke plants. Not sure we want to build any more of those. So we are back to how to we produce the electricity we need without even thinking about new demands. Then the next problem, we need water to live. We have to have it to make crops grow. It is a finite resource. If the whole world starts messing with hydrogen for power just how long before we find problems with that. Now think about just how much stuff man is going to screw up building the infrastructure to supply this "new" source of fuel. Pipe lines and high pressure tanks to store it in made from steel that has to be mined, transported and manufactured. Smaller storage tanks for vehicles that use 10 times the amount of steel for a fuel tank over one that just holds liquid. Yep that should open up the closed down strip mines! Then I read some where that the standard gas engine will melt pistons running straight hydrogen. So all these engine getting new pistons or just scrapped and new cars getting made with hydrogen engines. Yup sure sounds like a great ide to me.

I saw a show on PBS a few years ago about alternative fuel sources. Iceland is on the forefront of hydrogen powered vehicles. They have an endless supply of geothermal energy that they use to produce hydrogen fuel. Their goal is to have all of their vehicles running on hydrogen. As of now,all of their busses run on it,but even with all that free geothermal to generate heat to produce hydrogen,they say they're at least 50 years from having all of their vehicles running on it.

So to think that the US will have any substantial number of vehicles running on it even in our children's lifetimes is a pipe dream.
Awhile ago I read about a place in CA that used a windmill to make electricity that was used to produce hydrogen from water and stored the hydrogen in a big tank. The hydrogen was then pumped into fuel tanks in cars that ran on hydrogen. Now if that system could be improved so that we could do that at home ...hmmmm.
Separating hydrogen from oxygen does not "use" water- it only takes it out of the system temporarily, because when hydrogen is burned, the result is water, which would be released into the atmosphere and enter the "water cycle" again.
It"s really very simple.

If there was some magic energy source that could be harnessed to eliminate the need to use fossil fuels a free market economy would do so.

Politicians can (and will) pontificate indefinitely but they cannot change the laws of physics.

Though the principles of the free market economy can be influenced by government, doing so is always costly and wasteful.

Go to your google search engine and google in the words, Stan Meyers hydrogen powered car, or just google free energy devices.
Stan Meyers had a car he was running on hydrogen on demand and he demostrated it to the Air Force. On the day they signed the contract to produce the unit he died of food poisning. And his car and all of his notes dissapeared.
Hydrogen on demand doesn't require one to store it, It is produced as one needs it.
I remember in 1960 we were in Longbeach Shipyard for a major overhaul. Somedays the smog was so bad that you could hardly breath I'm glad we cleaned up the cars but it took a lot of years to get it right at a big cost. I just wish the legislators would back off a bit and let the technology catch up
PS I'm not a wacko environmentalist but I do my best to keep the earth clean I think we have wasted way to much over the years.
Even it can be made from water, it takes a significant amount of Electricity to produce it (or to recharge those wonderful Government Motors Electric cars), and hows that generated?? Coal or Nuclear or Hydroelectric for the most part with Hydroelectric the cleanest.

To avoid logistics and transportation, couldn't the "Filling Stations" each be self contained and all produce their own Hydrogen (from water and electricity) ??? Is that logistically and economically feasible??? IM ASKING, I DONT KNOW, CAN ANY EXPERTS ANSWER THAT PLEASE????

If I were younger and starting all over so the payback has more years to run, Id definitely build a smart energy efficient super insulated passive solar heated (maybe some geo thermal backup) and solar electric partial earth sheltered home THATS THE FUTURE FOR SURE

While on the subject, some years we may spend up to 5 months in our RV and all those month we want for nothing, lack nothing, and are perfectly happy and content WITH FAR LESS "STUFF" THEN WE HAVE AT HOME. As far as energy use, we can dry camp with no hook ups for up to a week +. That's possible due in part to 200 Watt Solar Panels on the Roof,,,,,,,,460 Amp Hrs of battery energy storage (4 Golf cart True Deep Cycle Batteries),,,,,,,,,,110 Gallons of Fresh water Storage Capacity,,,,,,,,,,If needed an Onan 4 KW backup AC Genset. Often camping at Natl Forest or Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) Campgrounds for sometimes free or at minimal cost (hey I paid taxes all my life).
Also I have installed LED light fixtures which save even more RV energy. Sure the RV uses more gas then if we were in our car, but no hotels each night and no 3 times a day restaurants either and we dont drive 24/7, maybe to Florida or Colorado or Utah and then we may sit 1 to 3 or more months and not use much gas then.

Hey I like to save energy and trees (AND MY MONEY MOSTLY) as much as the next guy and maybe Hydrogen powered cars are a good way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once the infrastructure and delivery and vehicles are all in place

As an engineer I like these fun energy discussion so no fighting please

Ol John T and all
Not to take this off in a whole 'nuther direction,but you talk about building an earth sheltered passive solar heated home.

I'm trying to lay together the $20,000 or so that it's going to take to put in this system that's common in Sweden. Here's a picture of Thogers house and his heating system along with the schematic. Just like nearly everybody there,he has five solar panels on the roof of his house that heats an antifreeze that runs through the coils in these two 450 gallon insulated tanks and heats water. Then there is a small wood gasification boiler to back up the solar panels in the coldest weather. The wood in the rack will last him a week. He says he uses less than two cords of wood a year to heat the house and all of his domestic hot water. He's in the same latitude as Anchorage Alaska.





Late 80's? early 90's? Me and an older fellow at work went to a local welding supply shop exo. there was a tin box like a mig or tig on casters, plugged into an extension cord, and a garden hose. It made hydrogen and oxygen for torches. My friend sayed 'look at that Antonio! When someone figures out how to make a car run on the hydrogen out of a gallon of water, the oil industry is dead!'
This machine which was only to create gases out of water , say on a long weekend, and the stores are closed, you need oxygen bottles, and gas... but the lights work, the sink works... trouble is, it seems it took $5 worth of electricity to make $4 worth of hydrogen and oxygen... cheaper to just stockpile extra bottles for the weekends... after 20 or 30 years, what became of that?
Remember after Sept 11 Bush and cheney were cranking up the 'hydrogen economy'? saying we need to get off of imported energy? GW was tanking up a hydrogen car at a high tech pump. He was looking at the numbers on the pump, started the car, looked at the dash, and mummbled 'don't look this is gunna fly'... it didn't...
NEAT So he heats with circulated hot water heat (Solar or wood fired if needed) and hot water radiators I take it right??????????

In addition to the rooftop water heat Id add some Solar Electric and/or battery energy storage bank or backfeed the utility if I had any excess electrical energy etc.

Then Id use a lot of 12 VDC LED interior lighting.

LOVE sparky and energy chats, our friend John is good at this solar stuff also

John T
Yes,the tanks just hold water heated by the coils from the solar panels or the boiler, There are 7 meters of coil running through it for the domestic water,cold in,hot out. He says he's had as many as 14 people there hunting and what not,taking showers and has never run out of hot water. The hot water in the tanks then runs through radiators and in floor heating. All thermostatically controlled of course. He says beginning about October he has to light the boiler about every third day. By November he burns it all the time,says he puts in about 3 sticks of wood every twelve hours. By April the solar panels take over and provide enough heat again.
Some very smart and deep pockets organizations have invested $billions into Hydrogen fuel powered vehicles and to this point it has gone nowhere. There are some huge inherent technical roadblocks.

I don't know enough to second guess these companies but I think if it had real simple commercial potential it would have been here by now.

I don't see this as a conspiracy, I just think it is tougher than the enthusiastic proponents think it is.

I do think some things need a govt. push to get in place. Auto safety measures have saved about 20,000 lives a year and that is a lot, especially if it is your wife or child that was saved.

When I am going down the road behind some polution belching clunker, choking every mile, I wonder how we lived with that horrible polution 30 years ago. Guess we did not know the difference. Without some govt. mandates that would not have changed.

That said, I don't think the govt. has any stomach for pushing Hydrogen cars because I think they are realistic about the major technical hurdles.
Then the next problem, we need water to live. We have to have it to make crops grow. It is a finite resource. If the whole world starts messing with hydrogen for power just how long before we find problems with that.

The thing about hydrogen power is, that when you ignite hydrogen, it turns back into WATER.

You're not making the water "go away" by separating the hydrogen.

From what I read, the hydrogen is not being burned in a conventional engine to pump pistons up and down. The electrons are separated and somehow it powers an electric motor. The electric motor powers the car. No pistons.

Should have gone a little farther north. From M57,on the east side of 127,north beyond M46 it's crazy with them.
Hydrogen is too far out in the future, What about liquefied natural gas (LNG). The first filling station in IND for LNG just opened for business in Sellersburg, IN. Some trucks can run on it. Sells 40% cheaper than diesel fuel at 2.59. Cleaner burning. Comes from domestic supply not foreign supplies.May be a more realistic alternative energy in short term than hydrogen.There is a CNG filling station under construction in Indy at present also. Another near term alternative.
I saw on the news this morning that 3 auto makers will have fuel cell hydrogen powered cars in 2015. Is hydrogen power just trading one energy source for another, hydrogen, and then claiming the exhaust from a fuel cell is just water, eco-friendly? The news is failing to show where hydrogen is coming from? It doesn't exist in nature by itself.

Where did the space shuttle get it's hydrogen?
Gene, The space shuttle has been using hydrogen fuel cells for decades. It's a hydrogen battery. In 2015 3 auto makers are going to produce cars with fuel cells.
(quoted from post at 13:07:45 11/22/13) I saw on the news this morning that 3 auto makers will have fuel cell hydrogen powered cars in 2015. Is hydrogen power just trading one energy source for another, hydrogen, and then claiming the exhaust from a fuel cell is just water, eco-friendly? The news is failing to show where hydrogen is coming from? It doesn't exist in nature by itself.

Where did the space shuttle get it's hydrogen?
t has been said before, but the reality of it is that hydrogen shouldn't be viewed as a fuel, but much more realistically, as just another energy storage medium, much like a battery. Wind, solar, nuclear, nat gas, coal, hydro, whatever is fed into producing hydrogen. Hydrogen put into a tank & eventually used, releasing that stored energy to propel the car.
Bubba is working on a real natural gas powered engine. He eats lots of beans, has a long hose under his seat running to the carb. His first attempt backfire. Burnt the hair off his backside. He is trying to come up with some kind of check valve to prevent this from happening in the future, just as soon as he can sit down again:)
Always thought tide in and out would be good source of electricity. Problem is not always available. Now if used to produce H2 and store the energy produced is a possibility.
Dr.Cliff Ricketts Ag Education professor at MTSU in Murfreesboro makes it using solar power. He started with a brigs motor running off hydrogen in a balloon progressed gradually up to a couple of M farmalls and currently holds the world land speed record for a hydrogen powered car.As an ag teacher I had the opportunity to visit his shop many times and have seen many practical working models that he has. I started to say why I think it doesn't become commonly used but someone might make it political.Anyone that doesn't think it it practical is welcome to visit his shop at MTSU.He shares his knowledge freely and has in time testified before congress about alternative power sources.
Lee, there is no doubt in my mind that it is not practical. In a free enterprise economy, there are many millions looking for the best return on investment, so it it were 'practical', then such a hydrogen industry would be awash in money and would shortly wipe out the oil industry among others. As an energy storage scheme, it may have its best chance up against batteries.
Back some thirty years ago, there was a local guy by the name of Dick Kipp. I believe he is now dead, but he had an invention in a barn about three miles from here that was claimed to produce enough hydrogen to keep an engine (part of the machine) running constantly after starting it. Although I never saw it, several friends, who I know are still here, were raised as foster kids by Kipp, and they have seen the unit run.

When Kipp was about to go public with the unit, a large force of Feds, armed with writs and orders, swept into the barn, and confiscated all of the hardware, prints and associated documents, loaded it into a truck and left. Dick, and his associates, were told that the operating pressures were too high, and if there was any more said or claimed about the machine, he, and anyone else, would be subject to arrest under espionage laws and would likely 'disappear'.

No more was said about the machine. Kipp moved, and I believe has since passed away. A couple of the kids are still here, but the machine has never been mentioned again.

I now often wonder if it might not have been a great power plant for an ETD....
You guys really want clean, renewable energy sources? It's simple and easy and pretty darn cheap. Get some land and some horses and cattle and build a wood gasifier to run your gen set off of. That's the only viable alternative. No matter what you do, whether it's LNG, methane, hydrogen, miracle machines the gov't comes and seizes or whatever, you aren't go to invent something that will give you clean, renewable energy. Hydrogen is just like ethanol, it takes more energy to produce than it can make. Solar is not a "clean" energy at all. Look at the minerals involved in making the panels. Yeah, China is mining the minerals, but it's still pollution. Look at the chemicals and minerals involved in your storage batteries. Face it, there's no free ride. So if you want a genuine clean energy source, better learn to drive oxen and horses and prepare to live using about 2% of the energy you use now.

And as for the other end of it, do any of you really believe the gov't is going to let someone play with their rice bowl and cause then to lose all that tax money?
(quoted from post at 17:21:09 11/22/13) You guys really want clean, renewable energy sources? It's simple and easy and pretty darn cheap. Get some land and some horses and cattle and build a wood gasifier to run your gen set off of. That's the only viable alternative. No matter what you do, whether it's LNG, methane, hydrogen, miracle machines the gov't comes and seizes or whatever, you aren't go to invent something that will give you clean, renewable energy. Hydrogen is just like ethanol, it takes more energy to produce than it can make. Solar is not a "clean" energy at all. Look at the minerals involved in making the panels. Yeah, China is mining the minerals, but it's still pollution. Look at the chemicals and minerals involved in your storage batteries. Face it, there's no free ride. So if you want a genuine clean energy source, better learn to drive oxen and horses and prepare to live using about 2% of the energy you use now.

And as for the other end of it, do any of you really believe the gov't is going to let someone play with their rice bowl and cause then to lose all that tax money?
ell, from what I read, it looks like BO has the people in place to put you back to horses, mules, walking, etc. with a "de-develop" the USA!

(CNSNews.com) - In a video interview this week, White House Office of Science and Technology Director John P. Holdren told CNSNews.com that he would use the “free market economy” to implement the “massive campaign” he advocated along with Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich to “de-develop the United States.”

In his role as President Barack external_link’s top science and technology adviser, Holdren deals with issues ranging from global warming to health care.

“A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States,” Holdren wrote along with Paul and Anne H. Ehrlich in the “recommendations” concluding their 1973 book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions.

“De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation,” Holdren and the Ehrlichs wrote.

“Resources must be diverted from frivolous and wasteful uses in overdeveloped countries to filling the genuine needs of underdeveloped countries," Holdren and his co-authors wrote. "This effort must be largely political, especially with regard to our overexploitation of world resources, but the campaign should be strongly supplemented by legal and boycott action against polluters and others whose activities damage the environment. The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge. They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being.”
- See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/white-house-science-czar-says-he-would-use-free-market-de-develop-united-states#sthash.ImYlxIlA.dpuf
Just another thought. This is a big world with a lot of very smart and wealthy people. Many countries have little or no oil...Japan, Germany, Korea just to name 3. Those 3 are also very talented in automotive engineering. If hydrogen vehicles were so easy, wouldn't they have them already?
Well if Paul Ehrlich says it, it must be true. He sure has a good record of predictions in his Population Bomb book. You have probably noticed the massive starvation world wide for the last 40 years since there is no way possible to produce enough food for more than half of the current population of the world.
A similar question was asked a few weeks ago, hydrogen cars are already out. Chevrolet Equinox and the Honda FCX just to name two. Around 2007 time frame.

Your real question is a great one.

People say hydrogen is clean, yet to produce it, the energy input is astronomical, typically a coal burning electric plant.

Read the detail on electric cars with huge battery packs such as the Toyota Prius. The net impact to the environment is not all that pretty when you factor in the mining of the minerals, manufacturing of the battery and components, then finally the proper disposal.

(quoted from post at 15:58:20 11/22/13)
(quoted from post at 17:21:09 11/22/13) You guys really want clean, renewable energy sources? It's simple and easy and pretty darn cheap. Get some land and some horses and cattle and build a wood gasifier to run your gen set off of. That's the only viable alternative. No matter what you do, whether it's LNG, methane, hydrogen, miracle machines the gov't comes and seizes or whatever, you aren't go to invent something that will give you clean, renewable energy. Hydrogen is just like ethanol, it takes more energy to produce than it can make. Solar is not a "clean" energy at all. Look at the minerals involved in making the panels. Yeah, China is mining the minerals, but it's still pollution. Look at the chemicals and minerals involved in your storage batteries. Face it, there's no free ride. So if you want a genuine clean energy source, better learn to drive oxen and horses and prepare to live using about 2% of the energy you use now.

And as for the other end of it, do any of you really believe the gov't is going to let someone play with their rice bowl and cause then to lose all that tax money?
ell, from what I read, it looks like BO has the people in place to put you back to horses, mules, walking, etc. with a "de-develop" the USA!

(CNSNews.com) - In a video interview this week, White House Office of Science and Technology Director John P. Holdren told CNSNews.com that he would use the “free market economy” to implement the “massive campaign” he advocated along with Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich to “de-develop the United States.”

In his role as President Barack external_link’s top science and technology adviser, Holdren deals with issues ranging from global warming to health care.

“A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States,” Holdren wrote along with Paul and Anne H. Ehrlich in the “recommendations” concluding their 1973 book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions.

“De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation,” Holdren and the Ehrlichs wrote.

“Resources must be diverted from frivolous and wasteful uses in overdeveloped countries to filling the genuine needs of underdeveloped countries," Holdren and his co-authors wrote. "This effort must be largely political, especially with regard to our overexploitation of world resources, but the campaign should be strongly supplemented by legal and boycott action against polluters and others whose activities damage the environment. The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge. They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being.”
- See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/white-house-science-czar-says-he-would-use-free-market-de-develop-united-states#sthash.ImYlxIlA.dpuf

Yup, that's Agenda 21.
You are right. We usually think of an energy source as a fuel source. However, pound for pound, hydrogen has about 2.5 times more BTU's per pound than the next hottest energy source.
(quoted from post at 09:27:29 11/23/13) You are right. We usually think of an energy source as a fuel source. However, pound for pound, hydrogen has about 2.5 times more BTU's per pound than the next hottest energy source.
.5 may be a good number, but not of much if any importance when considering a motor fuel. At atmos pressure you need a tank 3,000 times larger than for gasoline for the equivalent energy content. Compress it, you say.....fine, just factor in the volume & weight of 10,000 PSI tanks. Liquify it you say.......just factor in the -400 degree temps, tank insulation, and the fact that without a continuous external refrigeration source, it all MUST turn into vapor, whether you use it or not or else the pressure can't be contained. It is either burned off or released into the atmosphere.... unused. In the hydrogen BMW, the whole full tank is gone while sitting at the airport parking lot over just a 9 day air trip. There is much, much more to this than a dreamy-eyed number here & there. Much more than I know as well!
The ad I saw, said the car can go 300-400 miles on hydrogen fuel cell. It takes less than 5 minutes to fill tank. Guessing hydrogen is not liquid, gas. The same problems exist with compressed natural gas. Large heavy tanks hold an equilivant of 3 gallons of gas.

Lot of pipe dreams in the works. Only time will tell what shakes out. I have no plans of buying a Green car. Car and turck are both Red.
We are currently only using one of two proven nuclear reactor technologies. The second I believe uses Cesium, and is fail-safe. Meaning if something goes wrong it automatically shuts down, no computers, switchmen, etc, needed to do it, and the fuel is a lot safer that what we have now. I believe the research center near Knoxville has or is building one.
(quoted from post at 08:02:28 11/23/13) [b:2dee988481]The ad I saw, said the car can go 300-400 miles on hydrogen fuel [/b:2dee988481]cell. It takes less than 5 minutes to fill tank. Guessing hydrogen is not liquid, gas. The same problems exist with compressed natural gas. Large heavy tanks hold an equilivant of 3 gallons of gas.

Lot of pipe dreams in the works. Only time will tell what shakes out. I have no plans of buying a Green car. Car and turck are both Red.

You saw ab ADVERTISEMENT that claimed that? Gotta be true, just like that old Hai Karate aftershave ad that showed any man wearing Hai Karate would have to fight the gorgeous women off.....

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