Extra apples on farm, what to do with them??


Well-known Member
Apple trees made three times more apples than any other year. What's the best way to store them? Or what are ideas to cook with them? Brought many to work for guys and kids will be sick of fresh apples soon! But man are they good. Puts a store apple to shame
Mother used to wrap them in newspaper and store them in the well pit. Depending on variety some would last until next August.
Apple pie, apple crisp (cobbler), apple juice, apple cider (expensive in the stores now), apple jack (not for the kids though), apple sauce, canned apples, candied apples, dehydrated apple slices (like in trail mix), etc...?

Sometimes when I make a pork roast in the slow cooker, I will add a sliced apple because I like apple flavor with pork. Chopped apples are good in buttermilk pancakes too.

Do apple store better with an onion, or is that just potatoes.
Store them as cider, that'll last a week or 2 in the cold, when it ferments, you have hard cider. let the hard cider freeze, and throw away the ice, and you have apple jack. boil the apple jack, run it through a coil of copper tubing, and you have white lightnin, HIC, 'swat I usedta do. When you burp, HIC, it tastes just like apples!
well lets see. Apple butter or spiced apple rings or Apple tomato relish or Brandy apple rings or apple pie filling etc etc etc etc. Yep I can apple left right and side ways and still have a good 30 lbs to go
Caught up you got to be kidding me. I still have a good 30lbs of them to can. This year has been the busies year I have had yet. Between the tractors I have been working on the hay I baled and the canning plus the Corvette I am fixing I pretty much do not know which way is up down or sideways
Applesauce is easy to make and can in a boiling water bath, cider is good if you know someone who has a press, they are easy to dry if you slice them with one of those hand cranked apple peeler/corer/slicer machines. We also run them through the machines and freeze the slices for pies, pancakes etc.
I'd find a cider press! I wish I had more apples this year. We had a late frost that killed most of the buds this spring. Only got to make about 10 gallons. I froze it all in gallon jugs, wanted to can some, but ran short...
Saved back one box to make apple sauce with. Yum yum yum!

I've tried cider, I have an old press. Never could use it till this year! I've frozen applesauce and given many away. thanks for all the ideas everyone. I think I'm going to try that apple jack idea, might make coping with work a lot easier!!

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