Why does moving sap a mans will to live?!

Any more I don't like doing the long drive thru's. Back when I was a young buck driving truck did a lots of straight thru drives with a little bit of short naps. Seen to many wrecks were someone fell asleep at the wheel. Happens to easy. Be safe, Do more stops and don't push it anymore.
WOW!!! 27 hours? I have driven it twice in 19. Won't do it again. San Bernardino to Lubbock. I flew out there on a Friday evening and drove a car (purchased from my brother in law) back home. It was a really good deal or I wouldn't have done it then.

Didn't speed, much, and stopped for gas and got snacks there. Sure was worn out and the reflexes were shot during the last 100 miles.
Relax, take and extra day or two to finish the trip, stop and see some of the sites along the way, and enjoy your trip more. Some day you may wind up paying big money to see the same sites you are passing right by today.

A friend had a bad wreck 5 miles from home at the end of a long marathon trip. Why risk a wreck when you are hauling most of your posessions?

Have a safe trip.
I have moved on the average of every ten years. Counted it up yesterday, eleven times. Finally got rid of all the excess stuff so I can get everything I own in the back of a car now.

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