ot: any good ghost stories?


We recently were awarded my wifes family farm after a long time fighting in probate court and my BIL decided he wanted to completely renovate the old farm house he and my wife grew up on. He's not a DIYer so I volunteered to do the work. My wife had told me of "white misty" people standing in her doorway when she was little and that they used to watch over her, I brushed it off. Well, one day while cutting studs for a wall I was at the miter saw and out of the corner of my eye noticed someone walking behind me so I naturally stopped the saw and moved. When I turned there was no one behind me, I asked Megan what walked behind me and she told me everyone was outside talking, I was alone! Two days later I was measuring for a window, all by myself again, when I distinctly heard three footsteps above my head as someone walked across the floor upstairs, once again I was alone. I was freaked and took the day off, when I came back I had a little chat with what ever was walking around that house. I introduced myself and explained that I was renovating the house so my 2 nephews had a nice place to grow up. I complimented the old 130 year old post and beam work and explained I renovate with the greatest respect, well, the rest of the day I heard nothing. Three days ago I walked in again and explained what I was going to be doing to the bathroom, I went into detail telling them where walls were going to be built, where fixtures were going, flooring options, ect...once I had finished I stood silent and as god is my witness, I could hear two people talking through the floor upstairs, I couldn't tell what they were saying but the space seemed relaxing, I think they like what I'm doing!!! As a side note, my father in law passed away just outside the back door about 4 years ago, and while alive he was an avid "redman" chewer. Every once in a while, while standing in the area he passed in I can smell the strong odor of "redman" so I know he's there watching the progress!!!
What's your story? ~Anthony
Kinda similar. My Grandparents moved to this house when my Dad was 3 years old. I had always known there was a small room off the kitchen that was closed off. The story was that my Grandmother wanted that room closed up right after they moved here. She never would tell anybody why.

About 15 years ago,the wife and I hired two friends to remodel the kitchen for us. I wanted that room opened back up for a closet. When we stripped off the plaster and lath we got in to it. Nothing I there,just a bare small room.

A day or two later Doug and Frank were putting things back together. A new ceiling with recessed lighting. They were using a compass and keyhole saw to cut the holes in the new plasterboard. They put a sheet up,measured and got ready to cut the next hole. The saw and compass were gone. They turned this kitchen upside down and couldn't find them. Frank finally walked outside and they were laying out in the driveway by their pickup.

Doug turned white as a sheet,had trouble even speaking and asked me if I was skrewing with him? I told him the truth,that I didn't know anything about it. He said "dam you,if you're messing with me......" The he said if anything like that ever happened again he was leaving. That was the only time anything like that happened,but I have no idea how that stuff got out there.

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