Who sells post holes?


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Neighbor borrowed my PHD. He called me and said the PHD wouldn't dig a hole. So I went to take a look. Removed the 12 inch augar and the head would lower all the way to the ground. His ground was so hard, like concrete. I took my little terramite, put all the weight of the front bucket on the PHD, moved it sideways while neighbor rocked the tractor back and forth. The hard pan was a good 24-30 inches. After that, it would go down on it's own. One time I had to fill the front bucket with dirt, 1/4 yard, to get enough weight push it down. Neighbor wanted to fence in a few acres of a corn field so his cows could feed on the corn stalks.

The augar is almost new. We have had less than 2 inches of rain in two months.

I tried digging holes with backhoe to plant a few apple trees. Lucky to get a foot deep hole.

Never seen clay so hard.

Where can we buy post holes?
I'll sell some cheap. But you have to take care of the freight and take them full of water. We've had over 26" rain since late May. Latest flood was Saturday. Had water setting and running everywhere.
Humphrey Implement in Kiowa, Kansas. Bud bought a dry hole oil well 40 years ago and cut it up for post holes. (That was one of their radio ads.)
Try a Well driller, They should have some laying around with a bow in them, They would be just what you need, Just cut the bowed spot out and your ready to go. I had a whole pile of them laying around here from drilling water wells, But someone must of stole them. Have looked and looked for them all over, Never have found them..
Surf on down to the "basement", there's couple of guys there who will sell you post holes, (good used, of course), and,if you're lucky, they may throw in a bit of sailboat fuel as a bonus!
The local well drillers can put you in touch with recent customers. Most times you can buy the dry wells cheap. If you find a deep one , you can get enough holes to build a long section of fence.
I sell post holes. My question is, what does the center of the auger look like? If the center is worn, it's just like a dull drill bit, no amount of down pressure can compensate for a worn center.
Has he ever heard of electric fence. That is all they use around here. Lot of vacant post holes around here for free. Just have to pick them up.
Guy a few miles from here sells prefabricated post holes. I think his number is 1-800- BR-549.....
Dad told of digging with WD45 Allis one time and hit hard pan like that once, he said the gov kicked in and before he got it shut down the front yard was the back yard and the back was the front. RENE'
I'll take a look at center. I used it this spring to plant garden. Dug 25 or so holes, no problem. I'll use a right angle grinder touch it up. The center of a 12 inch auger is relatively small. May touch up all the auger while I'm at it. Ground is so hard, all the weight of the backhoe on 3 tines lifted the rear of tractor off the ground without digging. Think my neighbor needs to find a good source of holes.

Neighbor is 78 years old and an electric fence isn't good enough for an old school boy.
Believe it or not I saw a CL add for post holes once.

It said many sizes available. You pick up.

We have an 8 or 9 inch hydraulic auger hanging on the loader on the 4020. Even with new cutting edges it will rock the tractor around and stall the orbital motor out. The lack of moisture makes things hard. A few times I have had to put the 4 inch bit on and pre-drill. But have to be very careful with it, it will stick in so good that it won't come out turning backwards.
I bought some from the land of almost right, but with such poor QC, most did not work- they had the hole on the wrong end. Couldn"t stick the post in!
Easiest holes I ever dug was during the dust storm in 55. Me and my hired man built 3 miles of fence in one day. Wind layed during the night,the fence fell over and was covered beneath 2 feet of dust and 4 feet of tumble weeds when all of it settled out from the sky. Leason learned,don't build fence in West Texas on a windy day.
You might talk to Wily Coyote, I believe he gets his from ACME Hole Co. . They seem to work pretty well for everything EXCEPT catching Roadrunners.
I have 2800 ft of post hole here in Kansas I've been trying to sell with no takers. Soo if you want some I'll give you all you will move. :>)
My neighbor has a couple hundred holes with the posts still in them to give away.

Drill a 2" hole and fill with water, leave it sit overnight,..drill to size the next day
It doesn't make much difference, wherever you find them, the quality won't be worth a darn. They are all made in China now like everything else. I don't know if American posts are compatible with Chinese holes or not.

Years ago I stuck my American post in a Chinese hole and it was tight; very, very tight. They use a different kind of measuring system over there, I don't know if it's Metric or what?

Best to get an oversize hole, you can always back-fill around it.

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