What are these wheel weights worth?


Well-known Member
I took these weights several years ago in trade
for some backhoe work I did and they've been
laying in the back barn since. I'm tired of them
being in the way so I offered them up on
Craigslist. I've heard frequently that most wheel
weights bring an average of $1.00 a pound so I
listed them for $200. These are I think for a 9N
Ford (correct me if I'm wrong). Anyhow I had a guy
come look at them (2 pair=280 lbs.). He offered me
$20 for all of them and became quite nasty when I
turned him down. He beat feet to his truck when
the dog came down to see what the hub-bub was all
about. I'm figuring he must have been a scrapper
that feeds on stupid people. Your thoughts?
Like most things they are worth what you can get for them. I agree with starting at a buck a pound but if you get no takers...less is more!
I do also think your "taker' was trying to take you at $20...I would sic the dog on him too!
If you go to an auction, you will find that USUALLY the front suitcase style weights will bring about $1.00 per pound. REAR wheel weights, unless they are really rare, usually sell for between $0.25 to maybe $0.50 per pound. OR less.
I have paid about $15 for a pair at an auction and have been out bid at other auctions. You need to find the person who really wants them.
cant believe someone would drive to see them knowing the price and then offer 1/10 of what they are listed for. Some people are just jerks! Bill
Well I think you both are wrong. LOL. The buck a pound weights are for the in demand front suit case weights. Mainly IH and JD weights. Even, MF,Case, Allis front weights usually do not bring the dollar a pound.

Your weights are not in much demand and they are in pretty bad condition. So they are not worth $200 but are worth more than $20.

Also I do not think they are for a Ford 9N. Those weights either had a real small center hole and where flatter to fit out side of the axle hub or thinner and fit around the axle hub.

So unless you figure out what they are off of then they are worth scrap price which is about $250 per ton right now.
(quoted from post at 06:46:19 09/21/13)................. He beat feet to his truck when
the dog came down to see what the hub-bub was all
about. I'm figuring he must have been a scrapper
that feeds on stupid people. Your thoughts?

I'd give the dog a bone and an 'atta boy!' :)
A dollar a lb won't get them sold I know where there is a junkyard that puts all the tractor weights of all kinds in a big pile and I mean
BIG pile and they want $1/lb they sell the small ones but rarely sell the large ones over 50lb even the JD weights are there by the dozen.
(quoted from post at 09:47:03 09/21/13) A dollar a lb won't get them sold I know where there is a junkyard that puts all the tractor weights of all kinds in a big pile and I mean
BIG pile and they want $1/lb they sell the small ones but rarely sell the large ones over 50lb even the JD weights are there by the dozen.

How about posting the name and location of this place on the pulling forum? The suitcase weights will be all gone in a few days. A few rear wheel weights will probably go too.

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