Upcoming wedding


I'm just about to get wed, for some odd reason a lady is willin to put up with me a bit, more than others.
My neighbor, farmer, ain't gonna attend.
I truly believe its because I aint gonna be a hermit anymore;
She's a tough lady, looks out for my place.
Maybe they thinks its interference, rather than me just letting people borrow what they want when they want.
I'm disabled, but only a few are allowed.
She just tryin to look out for me, and probably need it.
Anyway, small ceremony, only a few, but it hurts me my neighbor ain't comin around anymore.
She ain't done nothing wrong, everyone else sees it,
but he's my closest neighbor, half mile or so away.
This deeply bothers me, was he a true friend at first?
Any input appreciated.
Thnx, Danny
Maybe from his viewpoint he thinks HE is
looking out for you. Sad truth is, you
will probably have to choose here and live
with the results. You will know what is
best for you and hopefully the other one
will come around to accepting your
decision of who is most important. Its
your life, make yourself happy.
Just reading between the lines it sounds like the lady has questioned your friend's borrowing practices. I think things will smooth out with time.
There is going to be a change in your life. You will not be readily available for your neighbor at all times as in the past.
I have had many fellows that where good friends when single and not too close after marriage. It is kind of natural in some ways. Your focus is different after you are married. Also women are more territorial than most men are. So many do not like their husbands having close friends. They lose (total control) of their "husband/slave/meal ticket", only partly joking about that.

Got a brother that I have not talked to in over three years because of his wife. She thinks I am trying to break them up. I really don't care what the two fools do. They fight like cats and dogs. I mean to the point the law has came and seperated them before. I just told them both that life is too short for that type of thing all of the time. She did not like that and accused me of trying to fix my brother up with other women. I really got a laugh out of that one. I don't know 3-4 women under forty years old that are not relation.

So I would say your neighbor just does not like your bride to be. Maybe with a good reason maybe not. Your the one that has to be happy with your wife not anyone else. If it is just the one fellow/friend then just chalk it up to them just not getting along. IF it is many of your former friends then you need to look at your future wife closer. IF she is isolating you now it will get 10 times worse after you are married.

That is all the Ann Landars I could channel today. LMAO
We had neighbors who wouldn't come to Dad's funeral
because they are Jehovah's Witnesses and the the
funeral was at our Church (Presbyterian).
Go quietly round and see your neighbour, ask him if he will come
to your wedding and if not, why? At least that way you have tried
and it wil not eat you up for ever....knowing why,(even you don't
like it) is better than wondering why and filling your head with all
sorts of silly thoughts....it already is, or you wouldn't be posting
here! Tell your neighbour where he stands with you AND your
bride, tell him you don't want her to come between your
friendship, but she does this and that and you hope he will
respect her views. Also explain that if he misses this wedding he
might not get another chance (unless you marry again LOL)
Let us know the outcome and good luck with your wedding and
future together.

Sounds to me like there's a whole lot of gaps in this story that need to be filled in if you want informed replies.
First of all congratulations on your up coming marriage
Something else to think of there might be a female in his life that doesent like your wife to be, if this is what it is all about I am sorry to say that he might be friendly but never will be a friend again. Women have a very strong hold over there loved ones and for my case after 20 + years I mostly have her and just family now and I am happy with that
Hope this helps
Congrats, dont worry about your neighbor, blow it off. Dont change your routine and he'll come around.

Did you do any sort of pre-nupt? Do you have kids or relatives that need to be put in a will?

As much as you think you like this lady, beware of gold diggers.


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