Hitting the lottey


Well-known Member
Went through town yesterday and saw that the Powerball lottery jackpot was getting pretty big again. Just got me to thinking what I would do if I ever won it. I only buy a ticket occasionally when it gets "extra" big. I am a farmer/rancher that does truly enjoy what I am doing MOST days. I believe I would continue to do pretty much the same thing I am doing now, it is just that I would do it with much better equipment. I might get rid of the cows, to free up the winter for some fun. I would build a very nice shop so I could do some FUN mechanic work. Would love to restore a pickup, build a rat-rod, the sort of things that a finacially strapped person usually doesn't get to do. What would you do if you won the lottery? I don't want, or need to hear about how buying lottery tickets is a waste of time and money. I don't drink or smoke, so a lottery ticket once a month or once every couple of months isn't going to break me or starve my wife, just curious what some of the serious responses would be. I have heard stories about how some lottery winners wish they would have never won it. I think I have a pretty "down to earth" group of friends so they wouldn't be a problem, and my brothers and sister have been taught right from wrong, so I don't think they ould be a problem either.
I think thats some of it . You think you have people in your corner,then that money changes even the relationships you thought it wouldnt .
Purchase enough land to have my own compound (that's what they call anybody living outside of society) and invite the kids to live there as well.
I'd just like to win a million. What's that $650,000 after taxes? That's enough to pay the kids debts off,buy a new car and a good newer pickup,then a small place in Tennessee. The boys could quit their day jobs,run their own machine shop out of here and farm the place. The wife and I could come back here at busy times and help them. Nothing extravagant,just doing what I want to do a little sooner is all.
The problem with winning the lottery is the people you don't know. Sad to say but there will be people coming at you with bogus personal injury suits among other things. The best thing that could happen is some common sense comes along as far as the right to stay private with your winnings. A few states have already done this and I don't think it has affected the integrity of the game. Don't get me wrong as I play and have similar aspirations as you. If I won realistically I would have to think about moving away as there would be too many around with their hand out or a scheme to separate you from your money.
1st thing I would do is get a good attorney. There will be women that I dated and/or never met that will say, "This is your kid"
Then build a compound, as described below.
I would help some family and friends, I would tell very few people about winning. I would take up some hobbies that I do not have time for now.
The best part would be able to buy a large new tractor with cab/heat/AC and drive around in the dead of winter and plow roads and driveways.

I too have heard stories of people that win the big payout and their lives are wrecked, people try to sue them, family members especially. And the money becomes a curse not a blessing.
I would not want to win the lottery. reason being that big a windfall would make everything you have ever worked for worthless!. Not to mention the other problems it would create. Enough to get everything payed off would be nice though. Jim
I don't buy tickets, only time I ever did was because all the guys at the shop did as a group--if they won, I'd have been working alone and that's no fun. Most who win significant money end up worse off personally later on.
Probably be a building at the local community college with my name on it... Scolarships for the grandkids, (if they kept their grades up!),
a few improvements here on the farm like a spreader that doesn"t need repair after every second load....

Like the old farmer said, "Guess I"ll farm a few more years - until it"s all gone.!
I would just do stuff.

Take care of my current debt which isn't much but still exists.Would I take care of my childrens debts.Absolutly not.I sent both to college.They both have better jobs than I ever had.I would help them enjoy life but I've already raised them.I grew up with people who were dirt poor,several from the working class and some who were from money.40 years after high school the ones from money still aint got a clue.Mom and dad bought them everything but never taught them self respect or work ethic.

Second I'd give some to the American Diabetes Association. I've watched my youngest son put a needle in his arm twice a day since he was 8 year old.

Next I would take care of family.My mom would want for nothing.I have one sister.I'd give her an allowance.

Now it's time for me and the wife.
We would have a couple of houses around the country.One in the Northern Plains and one in New England,and one on a lake in the Alexandria Minn. area.Went there several times on vacation when I was young.I'd like to learn to fly too.Not a big NASCAR fan but I would buy season tickets at least once.Season tickets for the Cardinals and the Cubs just cause I could.And a lot of toys.

I've had a finance manager for several years.Wile E says get a good lawyer.Somebody want to show me a good lawyer.
That's where I'd start.
Happy Sunday everyone.
buy the governors office so i could dress all the dot officers in pink uniforms. take away there guns and power of arest ,then fire them all ,and train new ones to think my way , respect truck drivers and every one else that work for a living ,then restore old tractors and equ, do a lot of plowing with old ih and case tractors
If it was a small amount i would probably just buy something extra for the farm. If I ever won a huge amount I would buy farm land and rent it out. After expenses I would donate the profit to charities of MY choice. It's not likely that it will ever happen since I've only bought 2 tickets in my life.
Darn! That's why I never win :( . you mean you have to buy tickets to win :shock: ?

I'd have some new equipment, like a self propelled mower conditioner and round baler. Would be debt free. New boat, 18 footer for fishing. Couple of guns I's like to get. More land. Help the kids out and make sure there was a trust do the grandkids can go to college without debt. And if it was a big one I'd start a small "hands off" manufacturing plant of some type near here that could make a profit while paying decent wages. That would be my charitable contribution to the local area. Create jobs. LOL got a local town here of snobs. They want the retirement/bedroom/resort community kinda feeling. I'd build that plant just outside of city limits and build the ugliest building I could. I'd have a very nice heated shop that I could tinker in and the Snap-On guy would be a little richer. Wire feed, turning lathe and milling machine. Enough to keep me out of trouble.

I seldom buy lottery tickets, but if I happened to win big sometime, I would pay off all my children"s student loans and set up trust funds for all 5 of them and for my 8 grandchildren. I have several very good friends that have always just scraped by--I would employ them and fix it so they have secure, decent retirements. I would like to have them all live close to me. I would probably pay to build a new building our church needs and set up funding for some programs we would like to do.

I would probably build a new house on my second ten acre parcel, with all the features we have wanted on one floor, with no stairs that we have to use every day. My Wife would get a huge sewing room and whatever new machines she wanted. I would also build a nice, big heated and cooled shop where I could hang out and do what I pleased. There would be more old tractors to mess with!

I would buy myself a brand new 4 wheel drive pickup and probably a new Corvette, or maybe a nice, very old Corvette. I also would build, or have built a nice street rod, like I have always dreamed of. Maybe a new 40 Ford Coupe like I have read about.

I think I would try to buy some good farm land around my area, but would probably have someone else farm it. I am too old to get started in REAL farming, and I probably don"t know enough about it to not make huge mistakes. I would try to keep the farm land as farm land.

One of the things I would try to do is keep it as quiet as possible about my winning. Hopefully then I wouldn"t have to worry too bad about someone doing something to try to take the money away from me.

Winning a lottery would change my life some, but hopefully not too much. For the most part, I have a real good life right now. But I would hope my winning would help out a bunch of my friends, family and associates and my Church.

I would also plan on paying LOTS of taxes!!!
I don't play or believe in the lottery being anything but a voluntary tax on hopeless dreamers and fools, but since we're "what iffing"-

I'd pay off all my debt and my wifes debt, after hiring the slickest CPA/Attorney I could find. I'd send my oldest boy to college under rigid stipulations. I'd get my oldest girl debt free and fix up her home. The I'd probably build my wife the home she really wants, or more likely try and buy it since it sits on the farm next to us. I'd finish our new church building and turn a little corner store/wide spot in the road into a mini version of a Vermont tourist trap designed around our local Amish country and our lakes. I'd aim to provide some jobs related to local products and agriculture.

Or maybe I'd be real smart and get the heck out of NY!
Well first off, after taxes and in cash, you get about one third. Personally I would split down the middle with my brother, my only sibling. Par advice of several big previous winners, I would set an amount in the bank with the interest on that amount going to charity. What charities and how much would be determined by a paid Board of Trustees. Really just three people meeting once a month, a cushy job for some close friends. That way whenever somebody comes to you begging for money you can just hand them the card and say" I don't handle that but if you get your request to this address they will see to it that it gets the proper consideration". I'd also put a lump sum in a local bank with instructions to see to it that every student who graduates the local high school get the check for an amount to be determined until the fund runs out.
The dairy cattle would be gone, and I'd let my brother run a farm. I think 38 years of milking cattle is enough. This kind of money would give me a chance to travel throughout the country and even the world see the things I'd like to see. A big RV and doing the Snowbird thing sounds like fun. Also I always thought that a 50 to 60 foot live aboard boat would be a wonderful way to see the coastline from Texas to New York. I could even bring that up the Mississippi and tie it up in Winona Minnesota for the summer.
The best security for this is anonymity. Living in a $300,000 motorhome or boat is not really raise that many eyebrows anymore. Be careful not to flash fancy jewelry, expensive watches, designer clothes and expensive cars, and be tightlipped about your finances and you should be able to travel without too much worry of robbery or kidnapping. Living locally would be no problem as the graduation fund and helping local charities would lead to the local people here being very protective of my privacy.
I wouldn't do much. Probably brick my trailer. Overhaul and paint my old pickup, I like it better than the new ones. Give a bunch away before someone takes it. To people like Salvation Army or American Red Cross (have to be used in this country...).

Really, I don't want to win big enough to lose my friends two maybe three hundred thousand would be nice.

I just don't think I would be happy being a millionaire. I know some and none of them are. Too worried about how to hang on to their money.
I would move to America and try to farm there and help you lot pay some more taxes until it was all done!
I would just be the usual redneck 12 beers deep, that I m good at on sat afternoon. And not one cent will be given to charity as our socialist monopoly utility scam already rape us each month that way. There will still be an overabundance of coors light in the pop machine, maybe i ll put a little more effort in the tractor pullin . nah
I've never bought a lottery ticket in my life, but I guess there always has to be a first time.

The thing about winning the lottery is you are still the same person after you collect your winnings as you were before. If you lived from paycheck to paycheck before, that's how you'll live afterwards; just with a bigger paycheck.
(quoted from post at 15:29:45 09/15/13) I don't play or believe in the lottery being anything but a voluntary tax on hopeless dreamers and fools, but since we're "what iffing"-

I'd pay off all my debt and my wifes debt, after hiring the slickest CPA/Attorney I could find. I'd send my oldest boy to college under rigid stipulations. I'd get my oldest girl debt free and fix up her home. The I'd probably build my wife the home she really wants, or more likely try and buy it since it sits on the farm next to us. I'd finish our new church building and turn a little corner store/wide spot in the road into a mini version of a Vermont tourist trap designed around our local Amish country and our lakes. I'd aim to provide some jobs related to local products and agriculture.

Or maybe I'd be real smart and get the heck out of NY!

What I want to know is would you keep the sheep? There are some things that I would do for our church, but you have to be very careful with that because there are those who would love to point out where the money came from.
I don't play the lottery either. But if I did, and I did win, I suppose that I would buy a piece of property in Texas along the gulf coast, a six pack of beer and a comfortable chair, then I would sit back and stare out into the gulf and drink the six pack. After I finished, I suppose that I would give the property to the first person walking by, then I would head to the airport and be flown off in my new Gulfstream to somewhere, anywhere, maybe Paris France for dinner, because I could.

I don't play the lottery though, and no one from the lottery is calling me to tell me that I still won anyway.

Good luck all.

Pay off my debts, get a Magnum 340 for planting and grain carting, and pay someone else to do my job when I don"t feel like doing it. And get the mods I want done to my truck and get it painted.
Then buy some land 2 miles and 1 1/2 feet outside McCook, and open Angela"s Truck Stop, IHOP, and Tea Tea Bar. It"s a running joke with some friends, but the extra foot and a half is so the city can"t mess with our permits and such. I don"t think the mob could run a city quite the way McCook seems to be run.
The diner out north of town started to stay open when the 24 hr joint in town burned. Once those people bought out another place and re-opened 24 hours again, a sign got put up on the north edge of town "REPORT DRUNK DRIVERS CALL XXX-XXXX". I guess Vicki doesn"t have the right money backing her staying open 24 hours.
(quoted from post at 17:42:45 09/15/13)
(quoted from post at 15:29:45 09/15/13) I don't play or believe in the lottery being anything but a voluntary tax on hopeless dreamers and fools, but since we're "what iffing"-

I'd pay off all my debt and my wifes debt, after hiring the slickest CPA/Attorney I could find. I'd send my oldest boy to college under rigid stipulations. I'd get my oldest girl debt free and fix up her home. The I'd probably build my wife the home she really wants, or more likely try and buy it since it sits on the farm next to us. I'd finish our new church building and turn a little corner store/wide spot in the road into a mini version of a Vermont tourist trap designed around our local Amish country and our lakes. I'd aim to provide some jobs related to local products and agriculture.

Or maybe I'd be real smart and get the heck out of NY!

[b:d51702e1f1]What I want to know is would you keep the sheep? There are some things that I would do for our church, but you have to be very careful with that because there are those who would love to point out where the money came from.[/b:d51702e1f1]

Yup, I think I would. The sheep, the goats, the horses, the cows. But I'd hire some stuff done that I'm trying to do, like fencing. I'd love to hire fencing done the way I want. And I'd be able to build the kind of sheep I want, a hair breed with lots of heavy muscling. I'd have time to mess with the horses and really learn to plow well with them. I'd surely fix the barn up and add an additional wing for more stock. I'd fix my garage/shop up like I want so I could work on my stuff. ANd I'd have enough extra to get the $44.00 worth of liner o-rings I need to get my D4 finished.

It'd mostly be finishing the little stuff that I'd be able to do. I never seem to get things totally done, drives me nuts.

Oh yeah, and I'd hire somebody to take care of the STUPID POOL!!!! That pool has got to be the ultimate pain in the backside man has ever invented.

As far as the church goes, we actually have a bazillionaire member. She inherited huge gobs money from some relative in Germany- hotels, ships, a bunch of prosperous companies. She and her husband won't supply the $150K we need because it wasn't her or his idea to build a new church that has good floors, is easy to heat and has functional electrical power. She simply won't do it. But she drives to church in her $100k-paid-for-in-cash BMW. To me, and I love her in spite of this, it seems pretty petty to see falling membership in the church because the building is falling to pieces and not try to help. But it's their money, not mine.

It's kind of funny, they never had a pot to pee in before she inherited. HE was/is a shyster that was always one step ahead of the law, but always managed to scape through somehow. He used to drive a ratty S-10 and was always developing some scheme for more bucks. The other day we we're talking and he got on me about my old Burb, my old tractors, my old buildings and started in on how I should do this and that. I reminded him that I wasn't in his position and he says, "I don't care about money anymore, it doesn't matter." Well naturally I responded that it was real easy for him to say that...NOW! He sort of smiled and said, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Selective memory is a wonderful thing sometimes.

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