OT insomnia


Well-known Member
I HATE insomnia. I have always battled it in waves. I have been really lucky and haven't battled it for about two years.

Fun's over! I caught a cold and have been up all night with a nasty case of restless legs. At 2 am I went out and filled the chicken feeders and picked up the work benches. Came back in thinking if I got in the spare bed it might trick something in my body. Nope. Guess I will go ahead and start the day. It promises to be a long one now.
I sleep fine for about 4 hours, then wake up. I've found that playing a radio softly helps get me back to sleep. Having something else to listen to keeps you from having your own thoughts keep you awake. Something boring is best- NPR, for instance. Of course, this means going to the spare bedroom.
I didn't even try to START in the bed upstairs. I knew how that would go. It must have been the reaction to all the snorting and spitting I was doing last night during chores.

My grandpa was the same way I am. He always said (in low German) "The cats are blackest at night".

I hate it because all day long I will only be wondering if I will sleep tonight. I'll be wandering around the barnyard all day in a Nyquil induced stupor but not sleep again.

What's this with the wife's tale bar of soap?
I went on 3-4 hours of sleep for years. I'd toss and turn every night till about 45 min's before i had to get up. Every bill, every debt, everything I hadn't gotten done, every problem and issue would repay over and over in my head. It was terrible. Finally my wife got me taking a simple OTC Walmart sleep aid. I sleep now, it's marvelous!
We started taking Melatonin. Seems to work well and no biggy if its not worn off by morning like some we have tried!
I used to have that problem but its completely cured nowadays. You need to get in a routine and ritual mode like a wind down period prior to getting in bed. Then each night in bed I listen to old time radio programs which keeps rambling thoughts out of my head and puts me to sleep. There are tons of on line old time radio programs and if not on line I have over 8000 old time radio shows on my I Pod, more then enough to listen to in my lifetime. There are also those white noise or sea and surf and birds or gentle rain audio tracts that are very peaceful and put a body to sleep.

Get a routine and rituals and listen to audio tracts (sea, surf, birds, rain on a tin roof etc etc) or old time radio programs to get your mind off other thoughts and you will go to sleep..WORKS FOR ME

John T
I have RLS also, it seems worse when I am stressed. It seems that a regular regiment of potassium in the morning and melatonin at night helps. The melatonin takes a couple of hours to work.

John T is right on with read a book or do something relaxing for an hour before bedtime.
I have sun-downers, when the sun goes down, pain sets in and can't sleep until my body stops hurting around 2-3 am. Even drugs don't seem to help that much.

Guess you could say my wind down takes about 6 hours.
I have a textbook from college, "A History of Western Music" by Grout/Palisca, that is written in such a scholarly manner that I could read it for about 15 minutes and wake up 30 minutes later. Never failed. I should figure out a way to bottle it.
I could start explaining cost accounting ... or taxation ... most people last about ten minutes of one of those topics until their eyes glaze over.
I've taken a low-dose pill of amytriptyline (Elavil) for years. It's an antidepressant but that's not why I take it. It breaks the cycle of "can't sleep because you're tense" and "tense because you can't sleep" if that makes sense. Anyway I forgot it last nght, woke up at 11 (an hour aftr I went to bed) and was still awake at 4 when my wife got up to go to work. If I take the pill I go right back to sleep if I wake up for bathroom. I also have earphone radio.
Hey John T - I too enjoy listening to old time radio programs. Personal favorites are comedy shows like the Bickersons and Jack Benny. But if I don't have my iPod, a good play by play announcer doing baseball or football on the radio works well for me too.

Also I have a scanner on the bedside stand programmed for the CSX railroad "road" and dispatch frequencies. I enjoy listening to engine crews call wayside signals every 2 miles as trains cross our section of western NY - it can be so boring it often puts me right to sleep(!)

(quoted from post at 17:45:36 09/10/13) Hey John T - I too enjoy listening to old time radio programs. Personal favorites are comedy shows like the Bickersons and Jack Benny. But if I don't have my iPod, a good play by play announcer doing baseball or football on the radio works well for me too.

Also I have a scanner on the bedside stand programmed for the CSX railroad "road" and dispatch frequencies. I enjoy listening to engine crews call wayside signals every 2 miles as trains cross our section of western NY - it can be so boring it often puts me right to sleep(!)

..a fifth of Jack before bedtime?
Ya might have known, you and I are so similar in so many other things, why not radio also lol

My favorites are Gunsmoke (have all 400 episodes) Dragnet (have nearly 500 episodes) Lux Radio Theatre (have all 500 some) The Great Gildersleeve and The Life of Riley (have all episodes) Frontier Gentleman, Amos n Andy, The Weird Circle, Lights out Everybody, Suspense, Quiet Please, Inner Sanctum, Mysterious Traveler, Voyage of the Scarlet Queen, Box 13, Cavalcade of America, CBS Radio Mystery Theatre, Doctor Kildare, Escape, etc etc etc of which for the most part I have alllllllll episodes, around 8000 or so on my I Pod........

When I get real old n feeble I will listen to all of them maybe???? Brings back memories of simpler times huh

John T
Mike (WA) Im the same way sleep good most nights 4 to 5 hours then awake ever 30 min after, I the keep TV on all night that helps.
Here you go........

Have S*X with your wife before bed, works for me.

If that dont work do her again.

Good luck.
Two Tylenol PM's usually do the job for me. I tried Melatonin and it put me to sleep right away but I was sleepy the whole next day. Jim
Have had deal with the same thing for years because of what I was doing for a living.
Had a slight MI and a 5 way bypass at 52years. Changed jobs, less stress, still have a problem once in a while. I just eat a few plain almonds before I turn in. Sleep like a baby most every time.

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