Finally done

Erik Ks farmer

Well-known Member
Just came in from finishing the last of the haying. Baled 1546 rounds and 290 squares to remind myself why I leave the square baler in the shed. The 468 Deere I traded for last winter treated me well, sure is nice to spend my time in the cab baling hay instead of fighting a temperamental baler.
How many acres does it take to make that many rounds? Irrigated ground?
I traded my round baler for a newer NH. It was a lot of cash to swing but I am sure glad I did. The net wraps everytime, on the old baler I was always getting off to pull twine into the baler. What a pain...
I am glad your JD 468 worked out well for you. I have had great luck with several JD balers I have a JD 567 and a 568 right now. I think after season I may up date the JD 567. It just baled its 50,000th bale last week.

We have put up about 1700 bales of hay for ourselves this year. The busy season for us is corn stalk bale time. Usually bale 10-15K each fall. It all depends on the weather.

Are you going to bale any corn stalks this fall???

Treat that wonderful Lady to a nice night out since you are done baling. Fall harvest is right around the corner. Then you will be swamped again.
LOL she will make sure I make good on that! Seriously though, balancing the work is important, got to take the time for family too. I know a middle aged guy who is regretting not taking time for his wife and kids now. Can't buy back lost time.

Not planning on baling stalks this year, hay is plentiful in our neck of the woods. We had almost prefect weather for growing brome hay, lots of snow after the N and P was spread. We had some nice rains last of July/first of August and have had fairly good fall grass. It is getting dry again now.

Mike, I figure that is roughly 360 acres of hay. We had awesome brome hay this year, many of the old timers say they never saw such a brome crop. Most of my brome hay made right at 3 ton to the acre. Native grass hay (prairie) was a little lighter at around ton and a half.
I sold my NH 320 last year. I found it to be easyer riding the tractor planting corn and soybeans then bailing hay with no help.
Thats some pretty darn good yields. I always thought you guys out in the midwest were dry and yields would be way down. I pulled 200 rounds on about 50 acres with some of the best growing weather we have had for hay in a long time.

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