O/t The out house


Well-known Member
Just wonderin how many still have the ol chit house on the farm. I have been thinkin bout buildin one for a while now, never seem to get around to it..... I gets a sears catolog every year......Thats half way there,.....Right????
Had one by the timber near the other field. Couple years ago
big flood hauled it down the creek. Sure glad nobody was in
It was about 1958 when we got an inside one. Sometimes Dad would still us the half moon door one. Don't forget to save some corn cobs. Mom made Dad make a smaller hole for us kids. In the winter you didn't set around. Do your job and get back in the house and stand by the wood/coal stove for awhile. THE GOOD OLD DAYS.
Good use for those smaller logs, Lyle
with the corn cobs you need 2 red ones and one white
one. The white one is to check if you need to use
the second red one
My Grandpa died in 2000. They had not had their outhouse for several years by then, but here he is hauling one back to the farm having bought it at an auction!

When we bought our present place 25 years ago,I had
my 85 yo fatherinlaw build us one(he needed a
project).We hauled it 85 miles home.It sets out by
the shop,and is frequently used. :)
Ah, the ULTIMATE outhouse! Does it have heated seats?

If anyone has never heard the song,"Ode to the Little Brown Shack Out Back" By Billy Ed Wheeler, you need to listen to it. I don't know how to post a link, but just go to youtube music and type in the name of the song, you will get a list a mile long, but click on the one posted by Valerie Haynes, it is the original version and there are some good photos along with it.
we still have one that has been on this place and was built be the "CC" (hope I got that right) I think in the 40's (I will confirm the date tomorrow as well) and it is still in great shape and we still use it I will post a pic tomorrow if you like
We still have an original WPA toilet out back. It's in pretty good shape, for what it is. It doesn't get used much, but when it's needed - well - you know how that is. Wife sweeps it out a couple times a year, and she sprays it for spiders. She's a genuine country gal, and would throw a fit if I tried to tear it down. No corn cobs for me - those days are long gone. I do remember the sears catalog when I was a kid. Our old toilet has modern TP in it - we keep it in a coffee can to keep the bugs out.

One of the problems with building a new toilet is sizing the hole. I mean - do you just walk up to the back side of the lady of the house and measure the width of her butt? I don't think so. . . So it's a guesstimate on the hole size, but you'd better guess right. Too big, and you're implying that someone in the family is broad across the beam. That'll get you sleeping on the couch until her memory dims. Good luck on the toilet building, and especially on the hole size, ha.
We had one until was a senior in school. I have no desire to ever have one again. I was using it one morning the school bus was at the road wating for me. I was in the out house. I had to run for the house run through the house run to the bus. All in plane sight of everyone on the bus. Talk about embrassing. Stan
(quoted from post at 20:49:51 08/27/13) chit house on the farm. I have been thinkin bout buildin one for a while now
In conversation I have been told that, in Illinois, new outdoor latrines cannot be a simple hole in the ground. They have to have a holding tank and be pumped by a licensed company when necessary. Older conveniences are grandfathered in. I have never checked with the county health department for verification. Fortunately the one I installed in the early 70's is still standing, although unused for years.
I used to make them and sell them. Sold better with a picture of a
politician, laminated to the hole cover!
Husband built ours a couple years ago... based on measurements we got from one at an old farmstead around here.

The bench seat has a Cabella's Luggable-Loo built in to it, so it can be easily cleaned.

Also has a cream-bucket full of "complimentary" corn cobs in the corner, with a sign to help yourself... but seems folks always choose the roll of T.P. instead. ;)
lyle niemi,
Sears catolog or corn cobs.
An American style outhouse, one or two seater? I saw on TV where in Russia, their idea of an outhouse is just a hole in the floor. People with bad aim would get their feet wet or worse.
around here you have to go through the health dept. they require a concrete vault under them....
We still have the original at our house which I
suppose was built around 1880. A one-holer and the
only living thing using it (that I'm aware of) is a
woodchuck with a burrow under it.
why would anyone want an outhouse if they have internal plumbing for a modern toilet in the house or shop?
We had an electric corn cob. Old appliance cord
glued into the end of a corn cob. Trouble was, we
never ran electric out to the outhouse....
Before they had a telephone, a guy wrote to Sears & wanted to know the price of TP. Sears wrote back & said it was on page 189 of their catalog. Guy wrote back & said if I had your catalog I wouldn't need TP!
We have one we built several years ago. We use it to store the trash until trash day. Keeps the dogs and other critters from getting into it.
My cousin in WVA thinks they are high society cause they
have a 2hole outhouse. Cousin and I were in there once doing
business. As I got up to leave a quarter fell out of my pants
pocket rolled around the seat and fell thru the open hole to the
slop below. I said to my cousin, you can have that quarter.
He took a dollar out of his pocket and threw it into the hole
after the quarter. I said what are you doing. He said, I"m not
going down there for just a quarter.
Had an older veterinarian here who hauled milk in his younger days. Said there was an older couple on the route who had a two holer. Said he'd back in there in the morning to pick up the milk and they'd kick the door open and wave. Said they'd be sitting in there side by side.
John, A lot of em are still in use on isolated cottages. I don't know what folks using em are using now, that Sears stoped their catalog. Corn Cobs??? Regards LOU.
We had an old one on the farm when I was growing up- probably built in the '20's, pretty primitive. But it was a 2 holer, and had a hinged "kiddy seat" that you could put down for the smaller fry.

When I was about 12, Mom mentioned that Dad and I should tear down the outhouse this summer- it was an eyesore. Dad and I just looked at each other and started laughing. He said, "Ma, how do you think things run so smoothly in a house with 4 females and only one bathroom? No, the outhouse stays."

More than once I ran to the outhouse out of immediate necessity, and Dad was already in there.
I have an old one sitting in the trees, we last used it when i bought the place with a burned down house 20 yeas ago.
The old style outhouses with AKA "pit toliets" are still legal in many areas of NY. Many of the state parks still have them in remote areas.
Have been going 4 wheelin' in a wonderful spot in Colorado for over 20 years. There's a spot called "top of the world" (around 12000 feet elevation) where some brave soles have built a rather nice cabin. Beside it they have built a small but very nice outhouse..... well equipped. How do I know. Well, it was raining/sleeting fairly hard once when I was there. Nature did not survey the surroundings when it gave me "the call". What a grateful guy I was for that "port in a storm"! But, having grown up using such "houses" only brought back memories.

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