If you can't control your kids


Well-known Member
I hear this advertisement all the time on my radio. If your kids talk back, and you can't control them. Send for our DVD that will help you control your kids. I don't know how it was when you were growing up, but we learned real fast how to behive, and not to talk back to Mom, and especially Dad. Stan
OK, We gots ta think bout this a little.... The people who were punished by mom and dad way back when are the same people who are havin troubles with their kids today...lol
Not the actual video. You use the case that it came in.
It helps if you add a stick to it for extra leverage.
We're living in the "nanny state" now. You can't lay a hand on your kids, even when they justly deserve it, without being arrested for "child abuse".

When I was young and did something really bad, my Dad (God rest his soul) took a leather belt to my backsides. And YES, I got what I deserved and I LEARNED.

Kids today are too damned SPOILED!

Make sure that the nail that you use to hold the stick to the case, projects out at least an inch to add "reinforcement" to your APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY.
My Dad used a razor strap, and my Mom used a switch. I deserved everything I recieved.
Our church Pastor says a good spanking won't hurt anyone.
Got a neighbor who was a bit wild as a kid, he's 44 now and turned out OK. His Son is a chip off the old block and has given him some problems, but He deals with it pretty good.
Got after his son about a year ago when he was 16, said the boy picked up the phone to call the police. Said he told him to "go ahead", but he also said, "when I get out of jail, you better be 500 miles away from here." His boy hung the phone up and has been a lot better at listening.
The daughter tried that on the wife once. The wife told her to go ahead if she thought they'd take her away from here to someplace better. That was the last time she ever threatened that trick.
Yes times have changed.
I can remember my mother back slapping my sister right across the mouth in department stores, grocery stores, etc. My sister was a little *itch. That was in the early 80s.
If you slap your kid in public now the cops are called.
Our neighbors had our parents permission to send us home with a sore rearend, and when we got home in tears to Mom standing in the doorway on the phone hearing from whoever sent us home in tears and why they did, when she got off of the phone, she told us to go wait in our room until Dad got home. That was always a long wait. And when he got home...

Times have changed. I remember hearing about 15 or so years ago, the state of Oklahoma actually passed a law because they felt the need to make it clear to the world that parents have the right to spank their children.

Times have changed, the world is upside down, and no one seems to have the first idea why that is. I know why it is.

Not in this house, Lyle. I rarely went a day
without getting a belt, switch, flyswatter,
hairbrush, shoe, etc.
Our son doesn't need to be spanked, whooped,
whatever. He's just a Genuinely Good Kid.
Dad used the little ash shovel that hung on the end of the cook stove. After a couple of episodes with that thing all he had to do was rattle it and I straightened up.

Marilyn, on the other hand was beat by her dad so she will never ever spank a child. At the 300 person child care facility she worked at she was the one who had to handle the kids the other teachers couldn't handle. If she left one bruise on a kid from restraining him she could be brought up on charges so she learned how to outsmart them. When she got done with a kid he'd walk around watching for her out of the corner of his eye.

Once-in-awhile she had to set a kid in her lap and lock his hands and feet with her legs and hands until the kid settled down. She ended up with a broken tooth from a flailing head once and the facility was more concerned about the parent suing because of a little blood coming out of the back of the kid's head than they were about her bleeding broken tooth. Sadly, a lot of those kids who give trouble do it because they are abused at home. They wern't just mischevious like I was as a kid. They were just plain mad at the world. Jim
Yea, my Dad taught me to dance at an early age with 2 thing's, his pocket knife and a maple tree. I did some fancy dancing, and probably needed it most of the time. Got a Grandson now causing problem's, all because Mom didn't believe in spanking. He now thinks he can do as he wishes at age 12. Still a good kid, but could have been a lot better.
My Dad had his own program. You got one warning and the belt came out. Talk back to my mother no warning just a belt. My brother told dad one day he was leaving. Because he didn't want to follow the rules. Dad backed his bags and threw them in the truck. Told him hop in and tell me where you want to go. Brother decided to hang around and go by the rules.
Part of it is the fact that most people only have one or two kids these days. So there's more time to coax, reason, coach and teach them the proper path in life.
That wasn't the case when people regularly had 6, 8 or 10 kids. There just wasn't time and energy for all that kindly stuff.
I think a good swatting is ok on occasion.
But beating a kid is wrong.
You never really get over those beatings though at last you can come to terms with them.
Some kids were good but had bad fathers.
I don't know why that is.
I got my fair share, that's for sure. Most of them due. LOL
My kids got a swap when they needed it too, but never a beating.
My granddaughter, the 5 year old, was over a while back and had
a big chip on her shoulder, so I went and got the belt.
I didn't use it, just had her carry it around in case she "needed" it.
Amazing what a change in attitude she had!
My folks were good, but stated the more we talked back the longer it would take us to walk back. When I was in the 7 or 8th grade I told Dad he could whip me. WRONG.

I guess I was a tough learner even though I was my dad's favorite of four. He used to break my ear drums clapping me on the side of my head, and chipped my teeth hitting me on the jaw with his fist. By the time I was seventeen I was whippin him, so one day he was going for his gun, so I took the car, so he had me thrown in jail. They let me out to go live with the High school principal the next day, and it was a week and a half before they let me back in at home.
I have four boys. They all where disciplined at home. They KNEW better than to back talk me or their mother. A swat on the butt when your little usually starts the kids out not needs a real spanking later. Just a tune up every now and then. LOL

The youngest was the hardest to raise. His mother passed away when he was just four. I did not remarry until he was almost seven. His Grand Parents watched him while I was at work. They felt "Sorry" for him and did not discipline him at all. He was sharp enough to be good while he was with me but would be a brat to everyone else. I finally made him go to work with me one whole month. He got real bored sitting watching me work. He could help me but he could not run around and cause trouble. He came around pretty good. That lasted until his teenage years. He decided he did not have to listen to me anymore. He took a swing at me one day. I know where to poke and hold that will make you pee your pants with pain an not leave a mark. I worked him over pretty good. He pulled the "going to call the law" deal on me. I told him to think long and hard about that call. He asked me what I meant. I told him to think about how long I would have with him before the law got to the house. He turned a little pale at that thought and straighten right out. When he got over 18 he got brave a few times but found out the old man could still handle him real easy so it was no big deal. LOL

The best part is that his boys are him made over. They can be hand full now. I keep telling him to just think about when they are teenagers.

Did not forget my daughter. She just was a good kid. She wanted to please her parents from a young age. Never had a single problem with her. Even as a young kid she was good.

I think those tapes are just a crutch for lazy parents. It takes time to raise a kid. You can't farm it out to some "HIRED" hand and expect good results. Too many kids raised by other people that are not family.
(quoted from post at 00:22:42 08/27/13) OK, We gots ta think bout this a little.... The people who were punished by mom and dad way back when are the same people who are havin troubles with their kids today...lol

Ain't that the truth. Kids grow up and discipline their kids they same they were disciplined. Beat your kids and you're probably just teaching them to beat theirs...

I wasn't real bad, but I was no angel either, yet my parents never laid a hand on me - they knew better ways of improving my behavior. And I think I turned out ok, if I do say so myself. I never laid a hand on my kids in turn, and I know they turned out well, we get compliments on them all the time. Girl that my kids grew up with and my wife had in school has a 2 yo child now, she said that she and her husband (who we have never met) want to come talk to us about raising their children - they think so highly of our kids that they want theirs to turn out the same way. That's one of the best compliments I have ever received - but the real compliment goes to my parents (and my wife's parents), as we learned from them...
my folks belived a good solid backhand solved most behavioral problems...it did, cant stand adds like that or like the new subaru add where the "mom who shouldnt have had any kids" drives around with a chest of clothes for her out of control kid who throws all his out the window, smack the little ---- and he wont do that anymore , none of out kids required any smacking guess they herd tales about how their grandparents delt with behavorial problems and decided not to push their luck
I was drug to the tub when I was young
And I didn"t want to go.
Would come out clean so I could be seen
man I thought, that was mean.
Drug to reuions , funerals & weddings
Place"s I didn"t want to go
Schools bus stops & woodsheds
Those place"s I"d always dread.
Sunday school & Youth retreats.
The farthest from my mind!
By the ear I did go & pacified the time.
Drug to the office for disrespect
A piece of wood did the trick.
And when At home I"d hear the phone
& a leather belt would follow.
Pony tails came into view,
I followed, thats what guys do.
& got drug back to Sunday School..
Heard the word? Me Not I.
For I only searched for my hearts desire.
I was the one who didn"t grow,
Ended up losing someone I know.
Seasons come & seasons went
All the wasted time I spent.
One day the drug finally sank in.
I was the one who lived in sin.
This drug is stronger the heroin & crack cocaine
now I"m addicted its in my viens.
This additction I pray remains.
So If I"m weird I can"t help myself
Affected by years of gain.
And I"m so glad they Loved me so.
Pushed & Shoved & Made me go.
A undruged outcome, We"ll never know?
This drug has changed me....

PS a DVD wouldn't have helped me.
(quoted from post at 04:22:32 08/27/13)
(quoted from post at 00:22:42 08/27/13) OK, We gots ta think bout this a little.... The people who were punished by mom and dad way back when are the same people who are havin troubles with their kids today...lol

Ain't that the truth. Kids grow up and discipline their kids they same they were disciplined. Beat your kids and you're probably just teaching them to beat theirs...

Actually, it's just the OPPOSITE.

Parents today won't spank their kids because they remember how much they HATED being spanked as kids themselves.
spanking isn't the same as beating them,I was spanked but I wasn't abused, a neighbor with a son a few years younger than I said all you had to do was talk to them, a few years out os hs he was busted for selling pot, I wonder how that worked out for him
(quoted from post at 06:01:46 08/27/13)
(quoted from post at 04:22:32 08/27/13)
(quoted from post at 00:22:42 08/27/13) OK, We gots ta think bout this a little.... The people who were punished by mom and dad way back when are the same people who are havin troubles with their kids today...lol

Ain't that the truth. Kids grow up and discipline their kids they same they were disciplined. Beat your kids and you're probably just teaching them to beat theirs...

Actually, it's just the OPPOSITE.

Parents today won't spank their kids because they remember how much they HATED being spanked as kids themselves.

Our two kids who are now both parents are both grateful for the loving spankings they got as kids. They are now both raising their own kids the same way with loving spankings. "The Lord chasteneth who he loveth". Who wants the court system disciplining their kids?
I am a teacher for an emotionally disturbed unit and you would not believe how many story's and things parents say that they cant control their kids. There is a lack of common sense and responsibility with parents now..
My wife works at a middle school. Most kids are pretty good but there is a percentage that are a pain. Most of the time when the parents are called in to deal with a problem, they don't take responsibility for their child's actions and deal with it. It is the school's fault or anyone else but them. Very sad to think that the parents think school is a babysitter, not a place to learn how to be a productive citizen.
(quoted from post at 15:24:03 08/27/13)
(quoted from post at 06:01:46 08/27/13)
(quoted from post at 04:22:32 08/27/13)
(quoted from post at 00:22:42 08/27/13) OK, We gots ta think bout this a little.... The people who were punished by mom and dad way back when are the same people who are havin troubles with their kids today...lol

Ain't that the truth. Kids grow up and discipline their kids they same they were disciplined. Beat your kids and you're probably just teaching them to beat theirs...

Actually, it's just the OPPOSITE.

Parents today won't spank their kids because they remember how much they HATED being spanked as kids themselves.

Our two kids who are now both parents are both grateful for the loving spankings they got as kids. They are now both raising their own kids the same way with loving spankings. "The Lord chasteneth who he loveth". Who wants the court system disciplining their kids?

No one wants that Show, but it's incorrect to imply that is the only alternative.

If you can raise your kids successfully to be good kids and then good adults without spanking them or beating them with a leather belt or whatever, why would you do those things? If a parent feels that the only way they can correct a child's behavior is with a belt, then the problem is most likely with the ability of the parent, not the child. As the saying goes, when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like nail...
Once when I was 13 or 14, I sassed my Dad about something...the reaction was immediate, and I found myself FLYING across the room. I landed in a heap and Dad was standing over me, ready to see if I needed another one. I didn"t!!!

I had no idea that he was either so fast or so powerful. Or that he would react so suddenly. But the message was clear: he WOULD NOT stand for me sassing him like I had heard other kids sass their parents. He never had to hit me again.

I really got along great with my parents. I had my Mom as my 4th grade teacher, and she carefully explained to me that I had to behave for her to successfully teach my class (of more than 30 students). Once when I was doing something I maybe should have known better than to do, she quietly asked me if there would have to be a parent/teacher conference? I straightened up right away. I didn"t want Mom to tell Dad I was acting up. I do not ever remember my Mom striking me, and only a few times from Dad. His signal that he was thinking about one of us needing a licking was that he would unbuckle his belt. I do not ever remember his ever taking off the belt, but I heard that once when I was really small, he spanked my oldest sister with a belt.

In raising our kids, I seldom spanked them, and the few swats they got were when they were still in the diaper stage. I thought the loud POP the paper diapers made was quite effective in getting their attention, and I never whacked them hard enough that they possibly could be injured. I took way more than my Dad did when my step children were teenagers, but the situation was different. Once when my stepson was about 14, he decided to shout disrespectfully at me and get in my face when we disagreed about something he wanted to do. It kind of shocked me when I realized that I had gone into a defensive position as I had been trained to as a law enforcement officer, and I was ready to react strongly. Luckily he did not try to hit me, or I almost certainly would have cleaned his clock! And that might have caused the end of my marriage to his mother, as things were not going as well as they might have been right then. But he didn"t, and I didn"t, and my wife and I are still together. And today that stepson is one of my closest buddies. Being a step parent was about the toughest job I ever signed up for!

Controlling kids is not easy, and what works with one kid might not work worth a darn with another. I personally do not think it is a good idea to spank kids, at least not after they are old enough to be reasoned with. Good luck!
I was spanked on occasion in my younger years. All were deserved. I got the belt more than once, I attribute that to my success in life. I am well aware of consequences of my actions. I am aware that if I am a lazy slob with no respect, thats what I will be.
I have had to spank my kid plenty of times. Not so much in recent years though. Most of the reason for that, is she lived with her idiot mother for the first 6 years of her life, who has absolutely no structure. She is a fat lazy slob with no respect who was never disciplined. She continues to be a loser to this day with no job, car, money and sleeps on some other loser's couch.
Unfortunately because of that, my daughter took some straightening up. I was always fair, and it was spankings that were given. Not even the belt, and no beatings. Now because of that, she is a good kid. She is into all good stuff. Rides horses in shows, does good in school. Does NOT want to upset me...lol. When she first started living with me, I was not sure how she would turn out but now, I have confidence in her success later in life.

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