Crop conditions in your area?


Well-known Member
I have noted the talk here of some having too much rainfall and others still lacking which led me to the question of how much of the nations crop will be below average?

The crops here in Tennessee look great. Much of the corn was planted late but due to the adequate rainfall it appears that our corn yields will be above average.

Early soybeans look great. Most are projecting better than average yields. Late beans (wheat beans) had a hard time getting started (poor stands due to lack of soil moisture at time of germination). About the only dry time here directly followed wheat harvest, and has since recovered.

What are you guys seeing in your neck of the woods?
eastern NE has just received rainfall that makes the 80% of the dry land look good to excellent and the irrigated has looked great all year.
We finally are getting some rain. Its to late for a lot of corn right here. Its all when you got it planted. Beans might make. Just north of me all year if I got a inch they got two or three. So one neighbor might have a good corn crop and the next neighbor nothing.
In SW Michigan, a lot depends on planting dates. Early corn looks very good; some of the late planting not so much. Shorter and more spindly plants. Most beans are looking good. An interesting observation. A guy down the road put in a new irrigation system: corn looks great. Guy across the road doesn't irrigate and his looks just as good. A few guys are growing pickles--pickle plant is only a few miles away--and green beans. They get a double crop. Other areas grow onions and celery. We've had rain every two or three days the last couple of weeks.

Winter wheat was harvested yesterday, 50 bpa which for around here is considered ok but nothing to brag about. I'd say this is a good indication of how most crops will be this year. Some of my soybeans look great and the rest might only yield 30 bpa. Corn is the same story I have alot of low ares that are stunted while the rest looks great but those areas with little to nothing really wreck the average yield for the entire field.
Lots of small fields in river bottoms are totalled. So much water standing or running over them that you'd be wasting money to put a machine in there. That goes for all crops. Except hay fields. Growing like crazy.
The corn looks great here in ne MD. We had over 2.5" of rain on Thursday. We needed a good soaking rain. My garden looks great, I'm getting so many tomatoes I'm giving them to my neighbors. Hal


S.E. Indiana , looks like a bumper crop all around . We have only had 3 good week and a half streches of no rain to get hay up so ya got to put all down you can handle . Most hay is 1/4 heavyer than normal . Corn and beans look great but not that many beans planted this yr.
Eastern Iowa has GREAT looking crops. I have been doing some stand and yield estimates the last week. Most of the corn is checking over 200 BPA and the soybean pod counts put them well into the 60 BPA range.

I know that there is ground in western and north central Iowa that did not get planted but the rest of the state has pretty good crops.

Talked to some friends that live in IL and IN they all say there crops are above average.

I think we have a big crop growing right now. The good areas plus more planted acres are going to cover the areas that have issues.

I am working on protecting myself from lower harvest prices.
In my area of Missouri you that is about all there is. The hay has been doing good but the gardens have been doing poorly. Wet cool spring then hot and dry then back to wet and cool seem to be messing with the gardens. My okra is doing poorly as in my peppers and tomato's. Some of my squash is doing real good while other squash is doing poorly. The green beans on the other hand are coming out of my ears and I have been giving them away left and right. Will be canning some green beans later today
There are more poor looking corn fields than good ones around here. Most of the first cutting hay didn't get put in until July. We had almost a whole year's worth of rain in June!
Western MT is coming out of a very dry Spring and a hot and dry early summer. Our rainfall is about 3 inches below normal.We got about 3/4 inch of rain yesterday(compared to 0.18 inches for all of July) in our part of the Mission Valley and our irrigation water is holding up so far. The hot dry weather and the water availabilty have some alfalfa producers get a third cutting which is somewhat rare for this Valley. The grain looks really good and the irrigated pastures are holding up. We"ve had a lot of fire in the area but rain and the cooler temps have damped those down somewhat at least for now. We have a ways to go before we call it a good year.
North central ND... only 40% to 50% planted in our area, most of it is LATE, an I would expect yields to be down.

Statewide, 20% not planted.
Wet, wet ND...
Wichita Ks....lots of rain over the last month. Thank goodness. Don't believe the farmers are complaining too much. Cheny reservoir is back up to decent levels, provides Wichita 50% of its water..Minor flooding on the little arkansas river. Beans and corn around me look fantastic.

There was consideration this last winter (by the city counsel), to put a 1000$ penalty on people exceeding the colder months average usage. El Dorado was being looked at as another provider. They quoted as being very high in price...Believe that is all by the wayside now.
Here in southwest Pa fields are getting wetter and wetter. Rain about 5 days a week. Third cutting catching the second, second catching the first. About 16 fields done, 20 some to go. Corn very tall with small ears.
38 years of farming this may be the BIG one. Had 700+ acres of wheat that was better than any we have ever raised and got over and inch or rain this morning. Will finish the corn out with a bumper crop and so far the beans look to be great also. Two counties in Middel Tennessee, two in West Tenn and Two in central Ky. Last two years were so so but this looks like a bumper crop but never know till harvested .
east central wis had a lot of rain this spring, some field didn't get planted,some got planted after the 4th of corn on tiled land looks excellent, everthing else is up and down, wet spots bad or completely drowned out, alot of fields were planted around wet spots. looked at a tiling job today were the corn was a foot my 1st crop marsh hay made last week, as it finally dryed out enough to get in there. haven't had a good rain in several weeks, starting to look a little dry
Pretty dry around Spokane too. I think we are about 3 inches below the usual average Which is nearly a third of what we usually get, but we seem to have got the precip when we needed it. I suppose it helped that the Winter was fairly mild and the moisture we got then sank in rather than just running off.

The wheat crops look pretty good, as do the lentils. I think most of the dryland hay is done and the bluegrass is pretty much done.

That heavy rain we had earlier in the week sure shut things down. We got over 1 inch in 24 hours. I have seen some wheat fields that have been harvested, but most still have some green showing, so I doubt that many will start combining wheat for a couple of weeks.

There is not much irrigation around my area SE of Spokane any more. I guess we usually get enough moisture from the sky to do OK, and it could be that we just don"t have the ground water to support it. I sure don"t miss fooling with sprinkler pipes like I did when I was a teenager. But the guy I worked for got great hay crops from his irrigated field. And I earned a few bucks.

I love the Mission Valley! Beautiful area!
In Central Ohio crops are outstanding! Looks the best I've ever seen. Some planted early had tasseled before July 4th. Even the beans planted after wheat are looking great.

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