My cows got scared last night...

JD Farmer

Fence building at 10pm sucks.....but the laughs were worth it!

The screaming sound of a "ricer" at full song....cows evacuating to higher ground....steam rising over the creek bottom....not a soul in's sundown and my day is over, so I go back to my computer....and then the phone rings.....

Red lights flashing on the road at 10pm.....ambulance and sheriff vehicles can only mean on thing at this hour.....some a$$hole tore out my fence again...all hands on deck!

So I hop in the gator, (wish I had grabbed the camera) arrive at the scene, fence is gone at the "ditch" and the State Patrol pulls up and promptly asks me if I am the land owner and do I have Insurance.....say what?? where's the dawn car??

Seems "Daisy Duke" went on a bender and without the Duke boys.....I never heard the "yee haw" when she jumped the ditch at the end of my driveway....after running down my fence....drove 200+ feet across my bottom and went for all the gold....landing in the big creek....parking it perfectly diagonal across the creek, nose in the water and a$$ in the bank...

That poor little Cavalier was no match for the General we got to watch her do the ballet on the double yellow line under the lights of Ohio's finest....while we put the 5 strands of barb wire back on the fence....I'll get the 2 posts later today.
Here's the pics I just took.


Why would you need insurance for that? Your field and fence didn't attack her...

I would really hope that this would have nothing to do with you, and that she, or her insurance company, would have to pay for the damage to your property.

I also hope that she was uninjured, and is ok after the fact.

Bye for now,


Feel your pain. Somebody tore down 5 or 6 of my fence posts along the road, flattened the wire, and kept going. Fortunately no cows in the pasture at that time. Tracks across the ditch going and coming consistent with going to sleep at the wheel or being drunk. Not the first time it happened.

Be sure and charge her insurance enough to pay for your time.

One corner of our property used to get de-fenced because the road makes a hard left there.

County finally put up lots of signs with arrows and we haven"t had to fix the fence in many years now.

Of course no one stopped or offered to pay for the damage.

Hope she is ok and glad your herd is ok.
Fortunately,as a livestock man,I've never yet got that dredded call. However,when I took over a farm that is on a road to "cottage country" I didn't remove the road fences. This farm is also about 2 miles from the local "watering hole". Over the years,2 individuals managed to punch two holes in that fence that I didn't need. Got paid very well to eventually take that fence down.
You need to put in "stronger" fence posts.

A number of years ago, a friend of mine was constantly having his mailbox mowed down by some yahoo. Finally my friend said enough is enough and he went and got a piece of 6 inch diameter steel pipe, planted it 3 feet in the ground, poured concrete around it & filled the pipe with concrete. He fastened a new mailbox on top of the pipe & painted the pipe white. Everything was fine for several days; then one day he went out to check his mail and here was a car completely wrapped around the pipe and the drunk was still inside sleeping it off. There was no damage to the mailbox but the car was totaled.

I only had that happen once.
The fence was flattened and the
car drove away leaving it's
license plate behind in the
grass. It wasn't much of a fence
anyway but I got a new one for
free. Jim
Quite a few years ago my wife and I sitting at our kitchen table and I thought I saw a car go by in our drive. After a minute, nobody coming in the door so I asked the wife if she saw the car, and she did.
Stepped out the door and a young gal had driven through the 4 strand electric horse fence, made a big circle in the pasture and was all tangled up in the wire on the way out....completely blown away. Wife tried to talk Her into coming in while I snipped wire, but She suddenly floored it and left Her left wiper still tangled in my fence.
I just got back from setting the 2 posts and finishing up the repairs. Yes this is the second time in 2 years that "spot" got hit...last time it was a Kubota UTV....he was drunk also. I got paid that time and guess I will again on this one...then another time they took out the corner next to a telephone pole, missed it by inches...and then drove back thru the fence 200' down the line, that is what makes me mad.
At least this time it stayed where it landed.
I couldn't tell you how many times we have had wrecks along this 1/4 mile stretch....there is a "watering hole" just a 1/2 mile from here.
I feel no pity for these type of people.
Worse yet I had heard her go up the road earlier, and son Alex seen her as she went by his place just 3 mile up the road, headed towards the scene of the crime, on her way back.
I too put a big piece of utility pole in concrete for my mailbox. I was sternly lectured by my mail carrier, post master and my insurance company. Postal rregulations and highway regulations require a breakaway post( 4x4 pressure treated yellow pine or less). You can be held liable if someone gets hurt when they hit a heavier post. If the post sits OFF the ROW then you are a little more protected, but 95% of mailboxes sit on highway ROW
The reason you might need insurance is, she might hire a hot shot lawyer and they might go back and find out there is a violation on your part. The fence might not be up to code, the wrong fence post, too close to road.
If you think this is absurd look at the court cases that have been won, not because the owner was wrong but because he didn't have deep enough pockets to defend himself.
She might also tell the judge that you built the fence where she wanted to drive.
(quoted from post at 06:36:26 07/23/13) The reason you might need insurance is, she might hire a hot shot lawyer and they might go back and find out there is a violation on your part. The fence might not be up to code, the wrong fence post, too close to road.
If you think this is absurd look at the court cases that have been won, not because the owner was wrong but because he didn't have deep enough pockets to defend himself.
She might also tell the judge that you built the fence where she wanted to drive.

Or claim the fence was down and she swerved to miss your cow.

Or maybe the just jumped out in front of her???

Or maybe like the lady who believed the deer crossing signs were placed in dangerous places!!

I have got fence along the county road that seems to draw the idiots. It has been knocked down at all times of the day and night. The fence looks like crap but every time I put better fence up some idiot drives it down or through it. The strange thing is that they run through it on the straight away AFTER a curve. I mean 1/4 mile or more after the curve. It is like they make the curve and then forget to steer. LOL Only had one car go off the curve and that was on ice.

I finally fenced off a 10-12 acre pasture in the front along the road. Try an make sure there are no cattle in there after dark. IF the cattle get out there are very few fences to the west of me. The cattle could go for miles across farm fields that have had all the fences torn out.

Just had a Kid drive through it a few weeks ago. Steel post stopped him when he tried to drive back out. It got caught in the front axle. He did some real damage then. If he had just stopped when he was in the field the car would have had just a few scratches. He did not want his Dad mad at him. LOL Well his Dad was real happy when he came and found the car torn up. I will give the kid's Dad credit. He made the kid dig every post hole by hand in some real hot weather.
You better have that post at least 6' off the right of way, even if just on the edge you could end up seeing a judge. Or more.
That reminds me of the tv commercial repeated often "if you've been injured in an accident, call our lawyer group". Like an IRS audit looking for something to pick on?
My niece totaled her car out the other night. She hit a 2000 lb Red Angus bull standing in the middle of the road. Apparently the bull jumped the (non-adequate) fence. No one fessed up to owning the bull (only 1 cattle farmer within 3-5 miles), so the state police said we could have it. Made some nice steaks!

As I said this was a number of years ago and I don't know if my friend had his mailbox on the ROW or not. I've always picked up my mail from my P.O. Box at the Post Office.

At least she can walk and you can laugh about. Last weekend a car sailed off the road and at least 2 are dead. The girl was a very nice young lady who was in a car with an idiot driver.
A few years ago, friend of mine topped a hill on a foggy night, took out a couple-three beefs. Farmer had a reputation got poor fences and animals out. When it went to court she had to pay for the critters. Never could figure the justice there. She never fully recovered from the acident injuries. She was mentally and physically fragile. Were I the judge, she"d owned the farm.
(quoted from post at 14:35:29 07/23/13) I too put a big piece of utility pole in concrete for my mailbox. I was sternly lectured by my mail carrier, post master and my insurance company. Postal rregulations and highway regulations require a breakaway post( 4x4 pressure treated yellow pine or less). You can be held liable if someone gets hurt when they hit a heavier post. If the post sits OFF the ROW then you are a little more protected, but 95% of mailboxes sit on highway ROW

Was going to mention this myself until I saw this posting. I have mine on a 4x4 that is somewhat loose in the ground, if hit it will come out. Have had to pick it up and put it back in the hole a few times, some of those are the county snow plow driver with bad aim. Also buy the cheapest box I can find ($11.00, all plastic at Lowes). It will withstand all but the most determined blows and is easy and cheap to replace should the juvenile miscreants have enough time to do damage. On the third one in about 8 yrs.
(quoted from post at 19:35:27 07/23/13) My niece totaled her car out the other night. She hit a 2000 lb Red Angus bull standing in the middle of the road. Apparently the bull jumped the (non-adequate) fence. No one fessed up to owning the bull (only 1 cattle farmer within 3-5 miles), so the state police said we could have it. Made some nice steaks!

I hit a steer on the way back to school many, many years ago. Dented the corner on the front fender, very small dent, and didn't seem to hurt the steer a bit. About half a dozen had broken out from the next farm up the road and were running in my direction. They ran into the dairy farm I'd just passed and the farmer corralled them. The owner did come along and ID themselves and their insurance company paid me $400 bucks for the damage. A good payday for a college kid in 1974 (and the car was titled in my dad's name!). Never did fix it and passed it on to my sister to drive, she trashed it worse than any steer could.

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