July corn in central WI

This is my first year at growing corn. Planted on May 20th. I've had the land for years but I let the neighbor farm it. This pic was taken before church this morning. 8+ feet tall and just starting to tassel. And to think, I just helped a different neighbor plant corn last week. He hopes it makes some silage.
Wow, nothing around here even looks like that and I mean nothing, My sweet corn is higher than the field corn, as of today its waist high, and it was planted 1 month later than the field corn, of course that does not mean a darned thing, being different, but its just an off year, they will be combining in Novemeber into December, as whats planted near me is for grain, sileage might be off on yield, hard to figure that though.
Where abouts in Central WI, I am in between Wausau and Marshfield and there a few fields like that here, but very far and few in between. Had lots of replanting. Beautiful looking corn you got on your hands.
Our corn down here is going gang busters too. Pretty soon the ears will be staring at you through the window fo the combine. Ears are almost completely formed and filling out nicely. Kernel count looks good too. Got my fingers crossed!

Excellent singulation! What planter did you use? I see a few tillers behind you, which says to me that you could have gone with a higher population. Must have some nice fertile ground!

Those that got it in on time, are going to have bin busters this year!

Not good for the price, but if my bpa average goes up high, it might make up for the price drop! If only I could have gotten over the corn to give it more nitrogen...

You got a real nice stand and you got a great planter. Each one of those seeds that doesn't get placed right makes a bad ear. Having a nice even stand, even if the population is lower, means every stalk has a good chance to make a nice ear. I'd rather have 30 stalks in a row make 30 ears, than 34 stalks in a row make 26 ears! It adds up really quick.

What are your plans when it dries down?

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