O/T Does anyone else??

John B.

Well-known Member
Does anyone else feel like they have the flu at this time of the year? I've been feeling like yuk for the last two weeks, the wife had a small bout of it, now our son has it, many co-workers are not feeling well. Stomach aches, headaches, arms and legs hurt, vomiting, diarrhea, no appetite...

This heat wave sure isn't helping me feel any better either.
John, sorry you're not feeling well, I can't say I have flu like symptons but this heat sure takes the life out of ya.
Sorry to hear you feel that way. I usually get into a funk/flu-like symptoms about mid June and it slowly goes away so that by fall I fell pretty good again. I blame it on the seasonal allergy BS. It happens every year about the same time and doesn't seem to get any worse year to year. I've been tested for allergies and I'm allergic to several tree pollens and amongst others pigweeds. I've tried allergy shots I'm not sure they helped and because of my heart I'm limited to Zyrtec and Clariton for over the counter meds, I've just decided to put up with it I'll feel better in the fall. John
The heat alone makes me feel awful. When we have a cool day after a stretch of high temperatures I feel 100% better. As soon as the heat comes back it's back to dragging myself around again.
Just caught a cold also. Not fun when temps are in the mid 90's with VERY high humidity, hard to breath, and deal with the headaches....
Do You have Carbon Monoxide detectors in Your house?
CO poisoning causes flu like symptoms.
When it is hotter outside than inside standing pilot lights don't allways vent correctly.
Get to a Doctor and get checked out!
Better to be safe than sorry.

Steve A W
Watch what you eat. For a 1000 years, 'Summer Sickness' had to do with food. Anything with mayonnaise, egg and potato salads, sandwiches, eat it within an hour at most. That's raw eggs, can't mess with it this time of year. Barb a que's a killer, hot dogs are pre cooked, so even kid safe, but chicken, hey anything with pork, sausages, chops, ribs, that can get the whole family back in bed never mind fighting for the bathroom for 2 weeks. Use a meat thermometer to 160 no mater how someone wants it bleeding. And don't stare at leftovers in the fridge, it was 104 here yesterday, 115 in the shop, and the walk in that should be at least 20 below couldn't do it, and a rolling cooler that needs to be 40 couldn't get under 50, barely safe, freebies with every purchase! Got to eat it up or throw it out.
And like my 90 odd year old father was told, everyone needs to drink lots more water everyday, a couple quarts even if it hurts. I prefer Gatorade. And Carling black label of course...
Yes, I'm just getting over it. Been hanging on for a good three weeks. I haven't been real sick, but just not feeling well and no energy. And, yes, THAT too. I try to limit the Imodium to whenever I go to town where I might not find relief in time. This morning everything's fine. When I traveled on the harvest I was kind of sick the first two weeks out there and then I was kind of sick for two weeks after I got home and I always drank bottled water. Our bodies don't like change. Jim
(quoted from post at 05:35:46 07/20/13) Does anyone else feel like they have the flu at this time of the year? I've been feeling like yuk for the last two weeks, the wife had a small bout of it, now our son has it, many co-workers are not feeling well. Stomach aches, headaches, arms and legs hurt, vomiting, diarrhea, no appetite...

This heat wave sure isn't helping me feel any better either.

Yes ,very mild flu like symtoms.I live and was brought up in NNY state and was never any good with extended high temps.2 or 3 days of it and I'm in trouble.In my travels I've been in some HOT areas-New Delhi in the summer for a month and a half,Africa,in and out.In a weeks time in Delhi the flight surgeon put me in an air conditiond room.I've no idea how U.S. troops managed a one year tour in SEA! As soon as the temp. drops below the 80* mark I recover.
There is a parasite on fresh vegatables causing the symptoms you are describing. Called Cyclospora. You might want to see a Dr. Symptoms can last for close to 57 days.
Sounds like it. When I was on Taiwan, I was laid up for a couple of weeks with it, along with several dozen others.

They blamed in on the mess hall buying local vegetables for salads. On Taiwan, at least at that point in time, the locals used human feces for fertilizer.
Every years for as long as I can remember this has happened to me.When I was a kid I would get the flu after the second day of haying and then after a day I was fine.I think we gather allergies a little at a time over the years.I noticed a difference when we switched from growing mixed oats and barley to all barley.I would feel sick and have rashes when I stacked the bales in the mow.I can"t walk in a corn field without my arms and neck getting really itchy from the leaves rubbing since then.
Our in plant safety courses at work say that allergies can develop over time due to exposure to something your body doesn"t like.You are fine for years then one day your immune system says enough.One of my kids was fine with pennicillin until he was 4 then had a reaction.
I used to wake up every morning intil the killing frost feeling mildly hungover.I used aver the counter nondrowsy allergy medication about 3 days a week and that helped a lot.I now work for a poultry processer.The allergies were bad when I was assigned to sanitation and working around a lot of chlorine but I now work on the kill line handling the live broilers and the allergy pills have sat in my locker for a year.
(quoted from post at 07:35:46 07/20/13) Does anyone else feel like they have the flu at this time of the year? I've been feeling like yuk for the last two weeks, the wife had a small bout of it, now our son has it, many co-workers are not feeling well. Stomach aches, headaches, arms and legs hurt, vomiting, diarrhea, no appetite...
From Reuters News "As of July 18, 2013, CDC has been notified of more than 200 cases of cyclospora infection in residents of multiple states, including Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, and Wisconsin," the FDA said in a statement. Symptoms include watery diarrhea, vomiting and body ache.

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