case tractor


Well-known Member
Found this case tractor that is goin to be sold at a auction saturday! Im a farmall guy and dont really know much about case tractors especially old ones! But in the pic it looks a motor sits side way i assume its what the case guys call cross motors! The auctioneer has it listed as a old case tractor engine! This auction is some old doctors place in the middle of the.allgheny national forest in pennsylvania! Guy has a few odds and ends of equipment from the fifties but this case tractor caught my eye! I was wondering if anybody can give me a idea what it might be wirth dead or alive! Is it worth saving! Were this auction is located cant think thier will be many collector guys id say probly alot of scrap iron guys! Its in the boon docks! I will post a pic of it over in the tractor gallery
If it is resrorable, I believe you could go as much as 5K and still make some money. (RESTORABLE) is the key word.There is one offered in the photo adds now on this site. Take a look at it and go from there.
Loren, the Acg.
I hope someone does get it to restore or just keep it in good shape as is! I will save it from the torch but not gonna spend huge amount i got enough projects! But i can always use another!

Unless you are willing to spend a ridiculus amount of money, don't bother coming to the auction. My wife says I have more money than brains, so it will be going home with me.
(quoted from post at 08:16:55 06/27/13)
Unless you are willing to spend a ridiculus amount of money, don't bother coming to the auction. My wife says I have more money than brains, so it will be going home with me.

I like this way of thinking! I saved an 830 gasser from a scrapper at a recent auction and feel good about it. I hope you give it a good home.

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