Texas Folks

We've gotten some rain but according to DFW airport we're still several inches behind. Area lakes & ponds are still low. I've baled some fields that have made 3-4 rd bales per acre that measured 4X5.5. In a storm one night I got a reported 9.5"s of rain.
I'm in the Dallas area and we are getting some rain but not nearly enough. My pond is down at least 40%. People in my area are rolling some hay some but it won't be enough. The fields are already brown and it usually doesn't get that bad until July. There is also talk of 100 degree weather by the end of next week.
Austin area is getting rain, but Lake Travis is still 40 feet low. Still haven't recovered from that drought two years ago.
We've gotten our fair share of rain here on the farm in NE Texas.

Got .75 inches on Thursday and got over an inch this morning.

Have made first cutting on three fields, and will make the first-cut of two more this week.

Second cutting on the Coastal hay meadow in 10 days weather permitting.

Coastal Bermuda is about 12-18 tall right now.

Got some very tall grass in the bottom, but too wet to cut just yet.

We never complain about rain in June here in Texas.
It's still pretty dry here in SE TX. Did get a 1 inch rain today, but still way behind a normal year. First cutting of hay is just starting here and yields are below normal. Most stock tanks are about half to three quarter full.
MF261, Since the first of the Yr I have received 5.5inches.... 5inches 2 weeks ago, .50 last weekend and a brief shower this am as the Wife and I went to church. We are wetter than than we have been in 2.5 yrs!!! But that Ain't saying much. Yes we are Green that is only 2 inches deep once we hit 100* consistently that will be gone. we have some grass but that is nothing hang your hat on of sustain a herd of any size through the summer. There are areas that are wet, wet, wet but that is the Exception, not the Rule.
Area Lakes are All down at or near record lows Now!, So if most of them do not receive big rains soon by the end of summer our water outlook will be bleek. that is just the Long and Short of it!
I went to the High Tx Panhandle 3 weeks ago... from Amarillo north that country looks like a Barron Wasteland. I saw Grass Quarters that have always had Ankle high Buffalo Grass on them, It look so bad I thought I would get violently Ill if I had to look at it for long. Corners where cattle usually congregate up, bed down were trying to, start Blowing sand!!
Up in the Okla Panhandle. In Cimarron Co. Near where Cimarron Cattle Feeders are, I used to Farm out East of them about 15 miles or so, Back in the 80s! So I am well acquainted with that country. That area looked so bad I wanted to cry!
We need Rain, I don't mean a shower here and there. We Rain to the point we think we better start building an Ark!!!
Thank you for asking, I don't mean to Unload on you, Just illustrate the point how dry we are here in Texas and joining Areas at this point in time.
I do realize there are folks who had so much rain that can't find a place to store another .50 inch of rain. Yes Texas is a dry area But Not this dry. We haven't seen a normal rain pattern is over 7 yrs.
Yes summer is hot and dry in Texas, but we used to get fall rains Not so now, Used to get winter and spring rains Not so now. .............
I recond the Lord will send rain on a regular basis when He deems we need it !
WE do garner all Prayers for rain to be sent to Texas! Thanks Y'all!
John A.
Thanks guys
I have tried to catch the weather down there now and then in hopes that rain has replentished that part of the country..im from the Sherman/Denison area but moved away many many years ago..most of my family are still there.
Not to rub it in but my part of the world, near Springfield Mo. we have gotten so much rain that every pond, lake ,and puddle is at full capacity..i got first cut in with the longest span between rain which was 3 days..it rain twice today..looks like sun and 90 this week before rain at weeks end.
Very few here have cut any hay due to fields being swamped..
If i could send ya a few months supply i would..
Your right John, when the lord sees fit that Texas needs rain he will make it happen.
Watching news..as of today we have gotten 24.72 inches of rain so far this year..last year at this time we received 14.06 inches..yep were wet in this area.
In the last 10 days, I got about 1 inch, then I got about 1/2 inch. That help A lot. But we are still short of rainfall. My ponds are low. A few people have been baling some hay. I am in E. Texas.

Hammer Man
Im about 20 miles nw of abilene. Had about 5in this year plus 100° 4 times already. The preivous 2 years hasnt been much better.
3.3 inches since Jan 1 70 miles se of Abilene. A lot of the area west and east has had a lot more. Tank has been dry since last fall. Grass brown.
I'm NE of Dallas. I get a lot of the donut hole.....rain just goes
around, but still have had a beautiful 2013. Everything is green,
green, green. Don't know how many inches.

Pool is low since I didn't get the rain in sufficient volumes and
fast enough to produce run-off. That's good and bad. Bad for
the pool level, but good for the hay patch. It all soaked in.

I'll take this year again in a heart beat.

i'm west of ft worth and we have gotten a inch here and there... fields are green and the coastal is growing good if u could afford to fertilize it... alot of people have gotten there first cuttings in.. ive got all my fields but two cut for the first round.. should start on them Wednesday. we needs lots of rain. lake Bridgeport doesn't even look like a lake more like a over sized pond..


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