Where's all the historians???

Tony in Mass.

Well-known Member
6th of June? No comments? No liberation of Rome?No ANZAC Day post in April, or Bismark chase 72 years ago last week... Midway? All the late spring battles? you guys are slippin'........
I looked at the 3 calendars we have and not ONE mentions D Day! "he who doesn't learn from history will repeat it"
I'm bad with dates and details. My sister called me the other night and asked me if I remembered what happened 60 years ago. I said I guess I didn't know but it probably saved a lot of embarrassment when I came along a year later. But yes, I did hear on the radio that it was D day. My flag is out.
Since I never served, one old curmudgeon downstairs once told me I was "unqualified" to comment on those brave folks who stormed the beaches of Normandy on this date, 69 years ago.

Apparently, this guy was ex-military, so obviously his opinion counts and mine doesn't. But I have the greatest respect for the men who were there. My wife's uncle died in France a couple of weeks after the invasion.
Thanks Tony for the reminder - though I was aware that today was D Day.
My interest has always been the war in the Pacific and since The Battle of the Komandorski Islands in late March 1943 there hasn't been any large actions against the Japanese.
Coming up soon and through the fall will be the Battles of Kula Gulf, Vella Gulf, Horaniu, Vella Lavella, Empress Agusta Bay, Cape St George and other actions. All of which took place 70 years ago this year.
Meanwhile, the US is putting the finishing touches on a war industry which when finished will So overwhelm the Japanese - and Germans - with gigantic numbers of ships, tanks, planes, arms and materiel as to be staggering.
From here on out we will hand our enemies one major defeat after another till we roll them up and defeat them utterly in 1945.
D Day (which wasn't even the largest amphibious landing of WWII - Okinawa was) is 70 years ago next year.
We're still not ready this year.
But next year, simultaneous with the landing on Normandy we will smite the Japanese hard at the Battle of the Phillipine Sea.
There will be no stopping us on either front till we stand with our allies in the Japanese and German capitals.
With the board's permission I will continue to post reminders of those days.
Look for a post on Kula Gulf in early July where we didn't fight as well as the Japanese but still dealt them a substantial blow.
(quoted from post at 21:37:03 06/06/13) I meant to post a link that talks about the German fortifications in Normandy we overcame.
y wife's two uncles never forgave me, as a youngster, for driving a Jap car. At 71, I now understand.

Where are they? All dying off, all too soon.
I was born in 1954. Never served in the military, but military history is my hobby. So I had not forgotten. But I was out in the fields early working. So I didn't say anything about it.

David G, Most people know about the German Battleship Bismarck. Most are not aware the US Navy also had a Bismarck, The USS Bismarck Sea CVE 95. Sunk by two Japanese Kamakazis on Feb 21, 1945.321 of the 933 were lost. Maybe your humor would be appreciated on another blog. gobble
It is not 'Politically Correct' to talk about war these days. We are supposed to be one big global peace loving world today.
My father was sent to the Pacific beginning his second hitch in the CG. Jan 44? He got drunk and his ship left without him the day he was to rejoin it in Boston. He said 'give me a train ticket to Portland or Halifax, I'll catch up with it there'.... they handed him a ticket alright, to Long Beach. He got on a new LST in Anawetok, the first time he was ever shot at- washing machine Charley kinda thing... and then it went to Philippines, Iwo and Okinawa. There are several aeral photos on the net of the 760 at Iwo Jima, where a Japanese mortar hit a truck on the top deck, good thing it wasn't a tank truck huh? So not all the enemy were in concrete bunkers up on the mountain eh? They gave it battle stars for those 2 islands, nothing for the Philippines liberation or other PI island landings- or trips to Hiroshima a week after the war with the light and telephone stuff. Republic of Philippines sent him a metal... in the 1990's... kinda late for most guys. There is still an LST/amphibious group in Mass, they blame age, but the price of gas and? lack of interesting topics? is shrinking the meetings. My father don't want to ride 3 or 4 hours to Cape Cod to listen to sad speaches..
I had 3 relatives at Normandy, my mother's 2 uncles, both translators, and her cousin in the Mount Royal Fusiliers I think, the brothers in the US armored divisions came out without a scratch, this poor Canuck got shot full of holes somewhere inland from Juno beach a few weeks later. His sister, who also joined the Montreal Regiment in '39 or 40 was killed in the blitz a couple years earlier. When I was a kid... holy cow... he would weez, gurgle, his laugh would make you laugh, his father talked good English, said his lungs were all shot up, so he made these noises since then... but he chain smoked... I didn't speak much French, he didn't speak much English, but when they came over, they liked to play with my model trains! When they left, my layout smelled like Beefeater's Gin, Molson sank sank and Export A's! He died around 1970? Barely 50? Really, all 3 battle hardened vets died from either booze or cigarettes...
Most people living today. Have no clue what went on back then.Don't teach it in school anymore. Can't let people know that America saved the world. Yes we were part of a great team. But the American industrial complex most of the weapons.
Just can't keep up with todays date even so without even knowing todays date don't think about dates in the past. Guess age does that to you. Would not have known yesterday was the 6th without having to check to wright a check. Know that the 8th is connected to my heart atack 2 years ago and yesterday evening asked my wife was the 8th the day of the atack or the surgery and the 8th was the surgery, 5 bypasses, so the 6th was the date of the heart attack so something like that is easier for and old guy to remember.

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