Tractor shed has bats


Well-known Member
Bats under the aluminum siding on tractor shed. What's best - plug any openings after dark when they are out?...or?
I have heard to use steal wool to plug the openings, they kinda get tangled up in it I guess and don't come back. John
In your house they are a health hazard.
Outside though, I've never heard anything but good about them.
I too have bat houses to help keep the bugs down.
I just keep them away from the house.
Leave 'em be- nothing better than having bats flying around at night, eating the bugs.

Best solution for bats indoors, according to a friend with experience, is badminton racquets strategically placed around the house. Good sport, and very effective, once you get the hang of it.
Look up the site and make some houses they will move there tell them to move here are get all the gnats flying around.
Bats will eat their weight in mosquitos a nite, if their not hurting anything leave them alone or you can do what others said to put up bat houses. I also wish I could have more of them.
We also have bats in a shed where the flat bed tractor trailer is kept. Just cover the trailer bed with a tarp and let the bats eat millions of mosquitos.
I don't have anything good to say about the bats. They were in my barn, which is also my shop. They hang in the rafters and crap all day on everything below. It will not take long for the stink to keep you out of your building. When they leave at night, they circle before they leave and pee. Everything the pee hits is a rust spot. They also carry rabies. Put up a hanging piece of fabric over the opening, when they leave they can't get back in. Stan
Bats certainly can be a nuisance. Buuuuttttt, I think they do more good than harm. If you can figure out where they are getting in, you can build a "funnel" out of aluminum window screen so they can get out but not back in. Build some bat houses so they have someplace to go. They really do eat alot of skeeters.
I just dealt with this last week. Bats living in the roof of some folks' house. Stinking up their Bedroom somethin fierce...

The bit about bats carrying rabies is a bit of a myth. They are no more likely to have it than any other animal.


I put buckets in strategic places to catch the guano. You know that they used to mine it out of caves and sell it for fertilizer. I put covers over whatever I need to protect from them and tarps stay in place easily indoors.
Who has a photo or plans on the bat house. We see a few around about dark, wish I had more.

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