Texas weather, High , South Plains Okla Pan.

John A.

Well-known Member
Guys, Spent 2 of the last 3 days on an 1100 mile Road Trip to go celebrate My FiL & MiL's 60th Wedding Anniversary. Quite an accomplishment in anybody's book. We wound up at Stratford, Tx.Saw a lot of country on this little excursion.
I have been talking about how dry we are here in Texas and I do believe most of the Public Do not believe or comprehend it can be this bad. I will Illustrate in the next few lines to come.
Here At Home,(25 miles S of Lampasas,Tx) we have received some showers around but NO Sustained rain pattern to build the moisture in the Soil Profile We are Green for the most part just waiting for summer and 100* +++ readings to dry out what little we have and then turn brown. This Picture remain for 200 miles North to I-20 at Sweetwater,Tx.
From Sweetwater, Tx to Lubbock, Tx We see the Pastures dry up and the only green is in the Road Ditches. This is where the changes start getting noticeable.
From, Lubbock to Amarillo,Tx the Road ditches really brown out with some green in places. The pastures are all brownish/grey dead of winter look!
From Amarillo to Stratford, Tx pretty much all brownish/grey except for the fresh bud break of the mesquites trees the green of the tree leaves really do pop to the eye in contrast to the dead grass everywhere.
This is the worst part......
Saturday Evening we had a nice meal way out North up in the Oklahoma Strip at a place that caters for events the meal was excellent all had a very nice time. But I any here to talk about the weather and its effects.
The Oklahoma line is about 15 miles north and the place we ate at was another 12 miles North into the Oklahoma Panhandle North of Cimarron Cattle Feeders In Cimarron County Okla.
From Stratford on to Cimarron Feeders, Okla, area The Drought conditions worsened. They have not had much winter snow if any, No rains to speak of, the pastures are just brown to grey. in pastures I have known to always have cover the corners where cattle bunch up were silting some in the high SW wind Saturday evening. No this is not dust bowl proportions just a nuisance at present time.
BUT TEXAS and surrounding areas are Dry, Dry, Dry! Our Drought has been going on for 4+ yrs now. the next time I here someone mention the drought in the Midwest I will just Puke, I think! and Heaven forbid that this week in Agribusiness speak of it at all. Orian Samuelson and Max Armstrong's weather man won't mentions this Drought at all. He is too busy making sure the Mid-West and just about anywhere else But Texas gets reported. If they did report it, it would scare them so their Dentures would fall out!
The Drought is Damm Bad here in Texas and Surrounding areas. I say this with all due respect for others but It is incalculable the problems we have just been sweeping under the table that are water related, or Drought Associated.
My Texas neighbors can vouch for the info here But we are past Serious now.
Sorry Mid West guys I know a drought is hard, No I am not picking on you but as short as your last one was, that is a speed bump to us down here. We are 4+ yrs into this one Now. With 3+ yrs still ahead of us!!
John A.
I drove down through the area you are talking about last September and just though it was a desert region! We got a shock when we flew into St Louis airport and saw how brown everything was, but it got worse, until we got back up to the Ozarks. I wish I could send you some of our rain!!
Lots of lives & dreams have been shattered by this drought. The drought is not in a major media center so it's not front & center on the news, but as the price of beef. & food rise it will be.
Weather forecast said this is the 4th driest spring on record for the n. central Tx area, but nothing like your area. Lakes are only 3/4 full and cities have already instituted watering restrictions.

Things are ok at the farm in e. Tx.

Really feel for those folks.
Old news isn't news. Like when there is a killer twister on the east coast, and people in the mid west ask why that is so special... well it's national and international news because a tornado back east- is a?? 'man bites dog!' sorta thing.
Texas and California... well, between the Pacific and Gulf Coast, has been so dry for so long... it just isn't newsworthy any more... so the 'man bites dog drought areas' get the spotlight....
Sounds like you were spending the weekend in the exact place the 1930's dustbowl began, middle of OK panhandle? Might be history/weather patterns repeating themselves?
It would be nice if places like Northern Ireland would ship extra rain water to these parched places... but all they sent us is Guinness......

Hey John A. if I'd known ahead of time you was coming through the area l could've met you at the TA in Sweetwater or Rip's in Snyder for a quick cup of coffee. You came by my "backyard" on your way through! Glad you had a safe and enjoyable trip.
twostepn, One of these time we will do just that. how about sit and drink a hot cup and watch it rain!
John A
hey John,if ya happen to go thru Gruver wave at my buddy Ray for me.
as for the drought,not quite as bad as yall down here in Colorado County and we had a pretty nice spring till last 3-4 days...crazy wind and heat again...sposed to be the same all week and same 20% max chance of rain couple day of the next 10...i set a date for sure this time...2 years from now on 4-31 if weather aint straightened out...i'm sellin out lock stock and toothpicks...shoulda done it few years back...woulda had more to retire with
It was the same thing here starting in 1998. Had 10 years of severe drought out of 12 years. Never much said about it till water started running out in towns and cities. Then it was in the news. Had 3 rivers dry up between me and Richmond and hit the news. Those years it was drought from north Florida to Maryland. Wells went dry, towns laid large pvc pipe on top of the ground to get water any place they could. Little place called New London just west of Lynchburg had water hauled in for 6 years to houses. Each house had a plastic water tank beside the driveway and was filled every week by truck.

Most folks that have never been to the east coast think it's all cities. Most of these states agriculture is still the leading cash industry. Have a good friend in Wis. ask me how did I raise cattle here with it being nothing but cities. I had to laugh. I live more in the sticks than he does. Folks still raise corn, barley , wheat, soybeans, cattle and lots of grass over the area I typed about above. And yes we still raise tobacco too. No it's not the mid west but folks make a living farming here.

Don't want to make anyone feel bad cause I know all about drought but we are wetter this winter and spring than it's been in 25 years. I never and will never complain about rain the rest of my life. So hang in there as best you can. It will rain again.

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