Just my 2¢

I don't have them. And I think it's unusual - I seem to have every kind of computer malady imaginable. This seems to be the only website that I visit that pops right up and works like it's s'posed to. My e-mail sits and grinds forever. I keep expecting a knock on the door, and a guy with a horse and a three cornered hat with a piece of parchment in his hand. . .
Saw a discussion on this at one of the other discussion boards I visit, just yesterday. If you have a "tool bar" on your page, that'll generally cause that sort of thing. Apparently there are more flaws and "holes" in tool bars than just about any other computer application--according to the webmaster at that other site--and that's what allows your system to be "violated" and that's why you see those "roll-over pop-ups." And Norton, among other antivirus "protections," has trouble "seeing" these things as well, according to that webmaster.

I don't have any tool bars, and I use Chrome instead of IE...so it's been a LOOOOOOOONG time since I've had any of that stuff showing up on my computer. But I'm no expert on these things; I'm just passing along the "wisdom" of others.
I think they have gotten better the last couple days. Used to be they popped up every time the mouse slide past them but not so lately.
(quoted from post at 06:22:23 05/09/13) Do these roll-over pop-ups drive anyone else crazy, or is it just me?

Very irritating.


There is one that comes up on Auctionzip.com. You can not disable it. You can close it temporarily, but in a couple of seconds it is right back.

Beyond Irritating. When it pops up the screen dims and you must address it or you can't see what you are viewing.
That's me too. No toolbars. And if I do run into something bothersome I do a web search for "block so and so ads" and there is usually a fix.
I use Firefox along with Adblock and TACO.It takes a little getting used to, but stops a lot of the junk.
Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out (TACO) It's a freebie, but well worth it.
If you're getting them in the forum you've installed some sort of adware or malware program by accident.

You gotta be CAREFUL when you get those dialog boxes on the screen. Read CAREFULLY, because sometimes "no" means "YES."
Recently I started having problems with lots of pop ups. I tried several programs that were supposed to block pop ups, but they didn"t seem to work.

So this morning, I reset Mozilla Firefox back to the original settings, as explained in one of Mozilla"s websites. Now I am not getting any pop ups anymore. Hope it stays that way!

My guess is that I opened something in one of my internet searches in the last few weeks that allowed my computer to accept pop ups. I don"t know which site it might have been, but I have been bothered by the pop ups ever since.

Doing the reset did not remove my bookmarks and some other information as I had worried it might. So far, I have not found a downside to having reset Firefox, only that now it operates faster and I don"t have to be bothered by those stupid pop ups. Mission accomplished!

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