Anyone explain this one is it normal for your area?


Well-known Member
1. An old tractor (or other item) has sat for 20 years you go inquire about it and then all @ELL brakes loose. People come out off wood work and say it was promised to them, some of the parts on it are there's and they want them back!!! It does not belong to the owner etc. you get the picture.
2.Piece of land has sat idel for years, no activity, so you inquire about it and same as above!!! Guess my issue is if the property or tractor was that important to me i would take action soon, not 20 years later and be upset if someone was buying it???
The smell of $$$$ makes some people act very strange. I usually just say 'No offense meant' and back away.
I looked at an old john deere tractor that a local guy had for sale.He called me about the tractor.His family found out I was going to buy it, and everyone got mad.Seems they all thought it should be kept in the family,but none of them offered to buy it.
Yep, folks are like that everywhere... Every time I sell something, everyone I know gets mad, say they wish they had a chance to have bought it... I quit letting it bother me..
My FIL bought this place after going to all of his wife's siblings and asked if they wanted to buy the place, or he would before grandma lost it(grandpa died young with two kids still at home but most were married with their own kids.)After the appraisal he paid 10,000.00 extra and she kept the house as long as she wanted o live here. New furnace, rural water run a 1/2 mile, paint and water heater whenever it was needed. He offered it to me with the same deal, grandma stayed as long as she wanted to live here. Then the family all thought it should have gone back to the family. It is mine and the banks now.(5 more years)
If i see a tractor or truck or whatever sitting for years and stop to ask about it, its ALWAYS not for sale. Then it strangely sells the next few days or weeks and i never get a chance to make an offer.
This brings back old memories.Two friends and I went to see a fellow.In his yard sat a 39 Caddy with RI plates on it.Cliff said it belonged to A fellow in the Navy.This car was in nice shape,good tires, no scratches of dents.The Caddy would not turn over now and then.It failed start in Cliffs yard so the sailor told Cliff to sell it for what ever he could get.The sailor had left a bill of sale without a buyers name on it said if the buyer would mail the plates back he would leave it registered and insured so the buyer could drive it home.We push started it, engine was nice,big flathead with porcelain covered manifolds.Al offered 15 bucks and cliff put Als name on the bill of sale.We put the car in my dads garage so I could find the problem.Took the starter off and found the starter brushes worn out.A trip to the Western Auto found new brushes for 85 cents.Al owned a 50s Caddy so he only drove the 39 to work once in a while.The back seat was huge with 2 jump seats that folded down so you could haul 9 passengers.Al sold the 39 to a fellow that owned a gas station.Al never asked me if I was interested in buying the car.You could buy good used cars for 25 to 60 bucks back then.I still have the 36 Ford I bought in 1955 and would have kept the Caddy.I was mad at Al for selling that car without asking me first.So make sure to ask your friends before you sell something.
Maybe they just move it out of view somewhere because they are tired of people constantly stoping to buy things that aren't for sale.

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