Chicken droppings???


Well-known Member
I have been told by many people that Chicken droppings (poo) is not good to use in the garden. I've got quite a bit of it and wanted to use around my 'maters and peppers. Is it any good and how would I apply it. Around here, they say it will 'burn' a plant up.
I read somewhere that poultry manure was some of the best there is, high in nitrogen. Better to compost it for awhile, but i have taken the litter out of my coops and dumped it in the garden then rototilled it in, never had any problems doing it that way.
use caution also not to breath in spores from it, can cause hystoplasmosis. I would use it on field crops and not think a thing, I would be hesitant to use it in a garden for edibles
That is a yes no and sort of. This time of year it is not real good to use because it is to hot. Now if you wait till the fall and spread it out in your garden area and let it sit all winter then you are fine. You can sparingly put some out this time of year and then till it in real good but do not go over board with it or you will have problems, I use Chicken, goat and horse manure on my garden. The chicken and goat go on in the fall and the horse both fall and spring
It's high in ammonia. Like everyone else has said put it on the garden in the fall and till it in.

We had a neighbor back home that raised chickens and he would spread the chicken manure on his wheat fields over winter. When the wheat would start to head in may it then would fall over and lay on the ground.
I've usually got 70 or so chickens around here. I put it on the garden in the fall and pastures other than that. One year I put it on the garden in the spring. Didn't notice any issues. Had the best garden I have ever had but I watered from the cistern daily so I think it was the right amount of moisture.
The best garden my Dad ever had was planted in his chicken yard about 24 ft by 50 ft. It had been full of chickens for 20 years in the summer. He tilled it up chicken poo and all He had water right there and kept it watered . Hi had very good tomatoes and cucumbers and cabbage.
As already mentioned below, chickiepoo is high in ammonia and nitrogen. Too much of the stuff will burn a plant. My former SIL put too much on their garden and when it rained you could actually smell it. Garden grew like crazy though. Many folks do not realize how powerful it is and use too much.
I put many spreader loads of chicken manure on hay land.It will burn the grass if the spread rate is too fast.No mention of the weed seeds that it contains.I wont use it in a garden.Manure from the roost pits is the worst smelling stuff.I use to haul truck loads of it thru town.If I had to stop for traffic you could see peoples reaction to the stink,
You have to be careful when in a chicken house. A buddy of mine dropped his chewing gum once and picked up 5 of them before he got the right one. LOL!!!

I wouldnt. BTO dumped 80tons of it within 50ft of my home, n let it sit for months with the intention of spreading it on the fields. we had just remodeled our home n the stink got in the home n couldnt get rid of it. it was so "HOT" it caused my pets to burn their fur n skin off em, the stuff was full of fleas n flea eggs so badly, on one particular day, i could stand in the yard n see millions of fleas running thru the grass. my pets got mange, and my wife n i were litterally ate alive by em. we both have huge scars all over us from it, our home was ruined, and our pets were so bad off we had to putdown two of them, and seek medical assistance for them and us. my wife has huge scars on her scalp, legs n feet, i have scars on my legs and ankles, and have eye sight problems which i didnt have before. the pile was within 60 ft of the well, n soon could smell it in the water. the well pump motor went out, n it was caked full of residue from it. I replaced the pump n clorinated the well, but no avail. i let the water run for 2 weeks straight trying to get it flushed out. they also illegally dumped 10 truckloads of human septic tank sludge just 20 ft away from the chicken poop n let it sit just as long as the chicken poop. we ended up leaving our home, wife n i have a bad cough even a year later. wounds from mange n fleas r not healing, n my eye sight has gone down alot. the worst i feel bad about,, is my favorite kitty, his skin n fur was so badly damaged, one day i peeled his skin off off his whole back n belly. he hurt so bad. he was perfetly healthy before they dumped on us. we all were. dont use it on food you will eat. just my experience, n im not a farmer. thanks for listening.
Used straight, chicken droppings can cause issues. Mix it with other manures, especially "cold manures" like pig and cow and it's better than anything you'll buy in a bag IMO. Even better if it's full of feathers which are very high in nitrogen in a slow release form I've read (same for hair clippings). Mix it all up and let it sit a few days and "perk". Use it as a side dressing where you can cover it (don't want any poop in contact with your edibles) or make manure tea with it by steeping a shovel full in a 5 gallon bucket of water. Work it around a little and let is sit in the sun. Anything I ever used that stuff on grew like crazy. I take a real abundant approach with this stuff- chicken droppings and bedding, other livestock waste, barn floor scrapings, wood ashes, grass clippings, any organic matter I can find- it all ends up in the garden. The shredded newspaper you get as packing sometimes works great mixed in. The coarser stuff you put in a compost heap and let it sit for a bit, turning it once in a while. It all makes good stuff for the garden.

If you can, find a copy of "Rodales Complete Book of Composting". Printed int he late 50's/early 60's. About 3" thick and full of info on composting just about anything. Anything from vegetable waste to dead livestock (deadstock?) to sawdust and road sweepings, it's all good treated properly.
I got a bad cough from chicken poo. Almost killed me. A month later I found out I had histoplasmosis, a fungus in my lungs, which is found in chicken, bird and bat poo.

Stay away from chicken poo, it can kill.
I photographed it all! even had it tested to know what it was. thats how we confirmed there was also human poop in it too. have pics, test results from both areas, and two pets that survived but r still suffering. a dog n a cat. the cat still has blister like sores on her body never really healed 100 percent, maybe 50 percent.. the dog, has grown most of it fur back, but still has blistering sores returning n cant get rid of it totally. just keeps comming back.
(quoted from post at 11:01:51 04/28/13) I wouldnt. BTO dumped 80tons of it within 50ft of my home, n let it sit for months with the intention of spreading it on the fields. we had just remodeled our home n the stink got in the home n couldnt get rid of it. it was so "HOT" it caused my pets to burn their fur n skin off em, the stuff was full of fleas n flea eggs so badly, on one particular day, i could stand in the yard n see millions of fleas running thru the grass. my pets got mange, and my wife n i were litterally ate alive by em. we both have huge scars all over us from it, our home was ruined, and our pets were so bad off we had to putdown two of them, and seek medical assistance for them and us. my wife has huge scars on her scalp, legs n feet, i have scars on my legs and ankles, and have eye sight problems which i didnt have before. the pile was within 60 ft of the well, n soon could smell it in the water. the well pump motor went out, n it was caked full of residue from it. I replaced the pump n clorinated the well, but no avail. i let the water run for 2 weeks straight trying to get it flushed out. they also illegally dumped 10 truckloads of human septic tank sludge just 20 ft away from the chicken poop n let it sit just as long as the chicken poop. we ended up leaving our home, wife n i have a bad cough even a year later. wounds from mange n fleas r not healing, n my eye sight has gone down alot. the worst i feel bad about,, is my favorite kitty, his skin n fur was so badly damaged, one day i peeled his skin off off his whole back n belly. he hurt so bad. he was perfetly healthy before they dumped on us. we all were. dont use it on food you will eat. just my experience, n im not a farmer. thanks for listening.

what the ell??? did you not call DNR? the TV station? there's NO WAY i'dd let that happen to me,
we didnt know what to do. we both was at work, and we came home to it sitting in the back yard. my neighbors came over that night n told me bout all the semi trucks that showed up all at once n just started dumping. neighbors were having an outdoor church social at their home, n needless to say, they got the stink right in their faces by being outside. tore up his yard cause drivers couldnt back their rigs in the drive very well. i do know, the people who came out to take the samples, were in biohazzard suits. they didnt stay long.....
ANY poo, cow, horse, hog, sheep OR chicken should be composted. I have used chicken and cow manure in the gardens and as dad (for over 60 years before) has done, by letting it "age".
Well, I just cleaned out my chicken barn this morning and now I read this. Actually I have done it that way for years. A few wheel barrow loads dumped on the garden and later roto tilled in have never been a problem for me. Potatos and beans grow just fine.
Definitely wear a dust mask when working in the chicken barn. That dust is a killer even if you don't worry about histoplasmosis.
I never worried about it for 63 years. Now my lungs have spots all over. Dr's thought I had lung cancer at first. Still have 2 more CAT scans. Absolutely no fun. Not to mention a pant load of Dr bills.

Google histoplasmosis. The midwest has the most problems. I live in Indiana.
(quoted from post at 10:46:24 04/28/13) we didnt know what to do. we both was at work, and we came home to it sitting in the back yard. my neighbors came over that night n told me bout all the semi trucks that showed up all at once n just started dumping. neighbors were having an outdoor church social at their home, n needless to say, they got the stink right in their faces by being outside. tore up his yard cause drivers couldnt back their rigs in the drive very well. i do know, the people who came out to take the samples, were in biohazzard suits. they didnt stay long.....

If this story is for real, and in a way I hope it's not, then this is where you use the slickest, nastiest attorney you can find. Torn up yards alone are enough to call the police anywhere else. Why was nothing at all done? You lost your health and home and did NOTHING?!!! I've got a long fuse, but there are limits.
in the beginning, bto sent out notices, informing that they were going to spread human waste on the fields. nobody on our street got notices, all the notices were sent to residents that were 3 miles away, n the surrounding neighbors, contacted me making me aware of the notice. all us neighbors got together n we learned we all had the right to block the human waste aplications. we got it stopped. bto was very upset with me, due to he had contracted thru a waste facility to spread the processed human waste. bto had it all ready to go n we stopped em. Two weeks later, thats when the semis showed up n dumped that stuff in the yard close to the home n well. what we didnt know was half way in the pile was loads of human waste n they piled the chicken poo on top of it to hide it. this wasnt processed human waste like the notice stated, it was raw septic tank sludge. was less than 50 feet from our home! i belive he put the pile in that particular location to get back at us for stopping the waste facility n their contracts with bto. my neighbor across the street, a pastor of a local church, wasnt too happy, cause the stink was blowing right into his new home. same neighbor, had the testing done, n thats when we found out what was actually in the pile. soon as bto found out the pile was investigated, my wife n i was evicted. as i said, during this time before the eviction, he was well aware of my pets health deterioration, he did nothing, i seen the flea invasion, pets got mange, n we were ate alive when the eggs hatched. as i stated before, wife n i just remodled our home, when the fleas came, we pulled up the floors n found millions of eggs under the floor boards just ready to hatch! mind you, we just remodled not 4 months before. no way them eggs were there before the pile was dumped. went from a nice remodled home, to a mange infested stinkhole, n the pets got injured first, n then my wife n i started seein sores appear on us both. started on our feet n ankles n went north from there. pile was dumped on the yard in oct, n by april of the next year, we lost two of our pets, many injuries to them and us, and when investigated, we got the boot. im sorry for hijacking this thread, i guess the reason nothing was really done because of us being nieve, n paniking over our pets skin falling off for no reason we were aware of. then getting evicted, n +rying to heal, we just didnt know what was happening to us till the pile was tested, n then researching the cause n effects.
Buddy, unless there's some statute of limitations in play, you need to contact an attorney NOW! If your story is accurate you have civil and criminal charges in play. I'd be contacting some local news agencies too, the dept of health, every bleeding heart organization I could find, some politicians and the people running against them, etc.

It's up to you, but a man has to make a stand somewhere.

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