Tonight's Feature

John B.

Well-known Member

I'm sorry to say this but I'm going to have to give up sponsoring "Tonight's Feature" for a while. I've been laid up all winter and need to get caught up on many projects now that I'm up and going again. It's been a long road for me to get this far. I enjoy the evening features and being part of it and will participate when I can. Just now something has to give for me and I feel obligated to run the feature but I hope that some one will take over after tonight. I feel like I'm letting everyone down and if so I'm sorry.

Not a let down at all John B, it has been a great pleasure to see all the
features and pictures you have posted!
You have a great imagination just to come up with that many different topics!
On tonight's topic, if you ever get down around Kendallville, IN, they have a
great windmill museum there. $5 if you want to contribute, great place to stretch
your legs and learn more about windmills than you ever wanted to know!
Mid-America Windmill Museum
John I just want to say thanks for the wide and interesting Varity that you have given all of us.

Hope the good Lord smiles on you in your endeavor's of catching up!
Sorry to have you stop since you have done a great job. I don"t usually post but I do look when I have time. Great old ads on the windmills. I bet there were as many companies that built them as built tractors :). Keep in touch.
I don't think you should feel sorry, be thankful you recovered so you can do your other projects. This is just for fun to pass the time. Thanks for all the great Tonight's Feature. John
You've done a fantastic job of entertaining and informing us for quite some time. You have no reason to feel that you are letting us down though. We all understand that you have a lot more responsibilites than just to your friends here at YT. Just don't be a total stranger, and I know you won't.

Take care of yourself

John B,

I look for your "Tonight's Feature" first every night. Your contribution here has been great and you deserve a break.

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I need to say thanks for all the positive comments. When Larry@steincorners asked if I could take over for a week I jumped at the oppurtunity and that was a couple of months ago...LOL :)

I will post the Picture for Today every morning. I have 15 minutes every morning before I go to work because I know I can't start another project at that time of the day.

It does take an imagination for Tonight's Features. I would think of them on my way to and from work or see something on the way. It's nice to know there are other folks out there like all you that all think alike.

I will see you in the morning with another Picture for Today!!

I can't say enough!
John, thank you for a wonderful job.
I took this picture in Nebraska at a well repair shop just after sunrise. It is one of my favorite pictures.
We will miss your pictures and comments greatly John B. Many thank you s for what you have done for us on here.I sure hope someone takes over for you , the feature photos are great. clint
Thanks for the posts over this long and strange winter. First glad you are well again and able to get back to work. Thanks for the thought provoking topics and all the interesting responses, Also Thanks again for making the world smaller and giving me a reminder of my childhood "downstate". But again first and foremost, glad you are well.
Take care..

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