Say Goodbye to my new seeded hay


We started getting the heavy rain this morning, that is the stuff coming up from down south. Really heavy at the moment. On April 5th I put out 6 acres of alfalfa, timothy and orchard grass mix. I put his on the tops of my highest hills (some of the highest points in the county) that slope quite a bit. Well on April 8 we got a severe thunderstorm while I was in the shower. It lasted about 5 minutes and dumped 2 tenths of hard rain. Now today we get this! What ever happened to soft rain? Oh well, I put the loader back on the 3020 yesterday so I am ready to work.
Have you ever looked up in the sky and noticed those weird, wide, chemical trails coming out of some of those high flying jets since around 1997? Your local commy government in Washington has been trying to modify the weather for the last few years and nobody seems to be paying much attention. Just look on the web under, chemtrails or government trying to modify weather. Lots of information about it, some true and some fiction. The weird weather we been having the last several years has nothing to do with Al Gore's global warming.
every time i see one i turn on the shop vac, collect it and then bury it. every one i buried turned into a wet weather spring.
I hear ya. Two weeks ago, we seeded about 4 acres in the area we call "the bottom". A couple of days later it rained and turned cool. It has rained every few days and stayed cool. Its finally starting to warm up. No telling how much seed washed, got buried or didn't make it because of the chilly temps.
How can you say Al Gore has nothing to do with those weird wide chem trails in the sky? A friend of my brother in law has a friend who says he knows a guy who works at that secret air base on the east coast and they have seen Al Gore wearing a flight suit climbing in the cockpit of a black 707, and he swears on a stack of comic books that the 707 is loaded with secret chemicals that when breathed in will turn any conservative into a flaming abundant. That 707 has spray rigging on the wings that make a crop duster look like a toy....they can empty that bird in 29 1/2 seconds over any red state.
If you see that black 707 over your farm, head for the hay mow and dig in.
"A friend of my brother in law has a friend who says he knows a guy" WOW now that's some reliable info right there! lol
(quoted from post at 09:22:18 04/12/13) What about the same trails the bombers left in WW11 or dont those count?

Those contrails from WWII were from Recip. engines. Contrails today are from turbojet/turbofan engines.Big difference in the makeup of the contrails. :D.
Just back from picking up parts. Rain has stopped here. Just so happens the north south runway for ABE Airport crosses right above these hay fields. Being high like they are makes it possible ro read lettering on the Big Jets. I hate when they use this runway at night.
I understand the contrails are the the result of the
swirl in the air at the end of the wings. Type of
fuel or engine has little or nothing to do with it.
Vapor trails and chem-trails are TWO different things. A normal jet contrail will rapidly disappear. These chem-trails the government jets are leaving is a chemical spray trail, which doesn't disappear. It keeps spreading out and when there are several jets spraying at the same time, a nice sunny day turns to a gray overcast one. Just watch them sometime and you will see what I mean. I have to laugh at the number of people who still think they are normal contrails. They are not very observant of the world around them.
Retired Farmer, you are right on it. Did you get the info from Coast to Coast? The weather always changes after the buildup of this. It is to offset the ozone loss. As you said, big brother is controling this. Some have said that they can feel a spray from a take off of these planes.

I also say that we do not need crop reports. The satellites can tell the acres and population, they just can't see the kernels for a yield check.
Finally, somebody who knows what I am talking about! I first heard about it on the Art Bell radio show back in the late nineties. Then I started seeing the spray trails. Keep getting worse and the government just denies anything is going on. They keep going on and this planet is going to end up just like Mars but people are too stupid to see that. It all has to do with the New World Order.
Ok, explain to me why "big brother" would want to create more severe weather, more droughts, more floods, more hurricanes, more tornados, more blizzards... If they were controlling the weather wouldn't they want to make it sunny and 72 for 6 days a week, and a gentle rain on the 7th?

"They" gotta live here too, and someone's gotta grow them the food they eat, build them the cars they drive, provide them their entertainment. If "they" are indeed intentionally causing this what is the agenda? Even a dog isn't stupid enough to $hit in its own bed, and that's exactly what "they" are doing if what you say is true.
How large and visible the contrail is depends on temperature, humidity, and winds. How long it sticks around depends on temperature and wind.

They must be slipping that stuff in my fuel tank some nights because when it's 20 below my Cummins will leave a big contrail out the tailpipe until the wind blows it away.

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