What gender of cat is the best mouser?


I have too many cats, but would like to keep the best mousers. The internet sites I looked at don"t seem to have a distinct answer.
In your opinion and from your experience on the farm, which would you favor to keep?
Our momma cats always seemed to be the most agressive mousers. The Tom"s just lay around and take life easy...

Yep, its the momma cats that bring home the mouse, gophers, rats, etc. The Tom Cats baby sit the young ones and teach them playful games....
I've had both be very good mousers, and I've had both lay around the side of the house and would about starve before finding anything on their own.

In general the momma cats seem more motivated to go hunt, but not always so.

In my experience, momma cats nursing kittens are the most aggressive hunters. That said, I also had a fixed male cat that was always hunting and who would bring me the caught animals to show me, before he ate them.

We had poor luck ever keeping intact tomcats. When they got about half or two thirds grown, they would go out and fight with other tomcats. Some never came home, but a few came back horribly injured, so I had to put them down. If I had tomcats fixed when they were kittens, a couple of times they lived to be more than about 3 years old, but most disappeared or got run over or something.

We have had several female cats that lived to be 10 years old or more. One had been spayed, but all the others were not. But with unspayed cats you end up with kittens, sometimes as many as 4 litters a year, so you have to do something with the excess kittens. If the kittens are found very early in their lives, they usually can be tamed and possibly given away. If barn cats hide their kittens until they can no longer feed them, I have had no luck at all trying to tame the kittens. They end up needing to be destroyed--a very distasteful job for me.

Although other cats I have had have been good mousers, I think the momma cats are far and away the best hunters. But you have to deal with the kitten population. Good luck!
All of the momma cats hunted here. We had a string of calico females that even when spayed were accomplished hunters. I think whatever genes made them calico gave them excellent hunters AND good dispositions with humans, a rare combination IMO. Also had a fixed male tiger coon cat who was good at picking squirrels off the corn crib. He was BIIIG.
I remember a similar remark he was credited with, but not referring to pussycats. Pretty much a slightly shorter remark.
I think Ben Franklin was referring to a different kind of cat.

Modern version, "Beauty is only a light switch away"

We had two Maine Coon housecats. The female would catch mice. One day the male comes out of the basement with a mouse in his mouth and growling like he was really something. Closer inspection revealed that the mouse's head was caught in a trap.
I think any hungry cat is a good mouser. I remember on our farm as a kid all the cats would take off in the spring of the year than return in the fall. When they returned they were fat from eating birds, mice and gophers. Cats eat more song birds then anything else out there.
Lead poising works good on feral cats.
Most mama cats are usually the best mousers. Also over the years the calico cats have been the best mousers, maybe just concidence I don't know. Have also found that a well fed, not over fed were the best mouser's. A hungry cat just seems to lay around begging for food and does not want to hunt. Year's ago my father-in-law told me this and I didn't believe it, but have found it to be true watching them over the year's.
I would have to agree that females, especially those that have or have had kittens are the best hunters.
However, I have two neutered males that catch many, many mice.
The way I see it, the males are like most men, they like to hunt for the sport of it!
Female, hands down. We have a Siamese that appeared one day many years ago. She has had lots of kittens and she hunts mice and rats and brings them back alive to the kittens to train them. We have kept several of her kittens including males that learned well from momma.
Any cat will hunt if not fed as they are hungry. But they will also move on once there isn"t much to eat. Many say not to feed them, but we feed ours once per day and they still hunt and catch and have no reason to go somewhere else.
i've heard bob tail cats are really good hunters, we have a orange and white male cat and anything that moves dies, the orange cats are usually big boned and this one sure does earn his keep!!!
Unruh, you're absolutely right about keeping your cats fed. Our neutered stray male cat gets his evening supper and usually within an hour he'll come back with something he's caught and drop it at the back door just to show me he's on the job. We live in town and haven't had a mouse in the house since he's been here.
Brian, That's because you didn't feed them! No wonder they left. I reckon that's how they turn out to be feral cats. What else were they supposed to do?
My female is by far the best hunter. Watch the animal shows: the female lion does the hunting while the male lays around, then he gets to eat.
Not that much difference between behavior of house-cats and lions...
My grandpa always said Calicos were the best. Something about all Calicos are females. BUT, when we had a mouse problem in town, we got a Calico, and she did not live up the hype!!! We had her declawed though, maybe that slowed her down!

Typically the consensus is that female cats are better. I have observed that to be true when they have a littter to feed however, I am not sure at other times. I recently had male (minus accouterments) that liked a mouse before breakfast most everyday. If he could score a rabbit sometimes he would skip the mouse for few days. Pretty handy fellow, he got co-opted by my girl friend and does not get out much any more.

See attached picture: GreyFellow's last mouse before he moved to the city.
Forget the cat, my parents have a half rat half fox terrier that will kill more mice, rats, and any other vermin than 10 cats.
Everything here is fixed. The females are always on the prowl and keep the place clean.

The toms are fat worthless slugs. They are only around because they have a good personality. They are a huge waste of food, though. Both of the ones we have are over 20 pounds. They look like twins but are separated by about 12 years. Imagine my shock when the young one turned out just like his buddy.
I have to agree, the females, after all, they have the motherly instinct. What's the male have on his mind?
had a tom cat was the best HI SPEED BALL BEARING RAT TRAP EVER , and the more I fed him the more he caught , yes big boned yellow tabby
he could be sound asleep and hear a mouse teet and his nap was over till the mouse was DEAD
I have twin Calico females that have wiped out the mice, voles, and even the moles on my place, plus a couple of squirrels. One of them even stalks deer.
we had a solid black tom for a while that caught anything that moved not just the rodent family, young rabbits and small snakes . wife made a flapjack of him one day on carport, she also got to clean it up
None of them are worth a hoot IMO. They'll hunt rats and mice, yes, but they'll also hunt birds, frogs, snakes, rabbits, game birds, etc. They do far more damage than good IMO. I'll take rat poison over a cat any day. SWMBO doesn't feel that way, so we have cats.
we had a female calley cat and a tom ot that would fight over who sat at which gopher hole they cleaned those varmits out of here.
after calley cat was gone ot would catch mice birds whatever and carry them to kittens of our female named popcorn.

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