Looks like another round of winter coming


Well-known Member
NOAA is calling for rain starting today after 5pm CST and then in the morning of Sunday turning to snow. Calling for 3-6 inches in my area and we are currently in a winter weather watch again. Guess March doesn't want to go out like a lamb
I'm glad you posted about the weather. Saved me the trouble. We get a weekly paper that has a page of old news in it. Just read it. In the 75 year old news it said the temperature was 81 degrees on March 22 (1938). All the hype about record temps last year giving way to all the cold this year,sounds like last year was unusual,but not unheard of like some want you to believe.
If memory serves me right,it was the winter of 36 that was so severe around here with snow measured in feet instead of inches. So the wild swings that are supposed to be something new? Man made? Not so much.
Ya my dad us to tell about one year where it had been nice and warm and it was duck season. It then turned very cold out of the clear blue and a good number of hunters died because they got catch out in the weather and the boats got iced in and they froze to death. I do not remember the year but it was back in the 30 or 40s
my dad use to talk about that. he and his dad started out the day in shirt sleeves picking corn.
by the time evening chores came around they couldn't get enough clothes on to stay warm.
grandpa left the car run all night as he had to take dad to Sterling Il. to get on train to go to Chicago to be swore in to go to Army.
That is still talked about here. Told it was a warm day, folks went out and about, wind blew in a major blizzard, was not alerts or warnings, people weren't dressed for it, was a bad deal. Just so sudden and out of the blue.

Well, I'm glad somebody gets some moisture. It has petered out here. Just a skiff of snow and a little wind. (We always get wind)
The wind is our biggest problem here in Sask. too. Even if it is not snowing the wind will pick up the old snow and blow it up into drifts that block driveways and fill in yards.
Just imagine the Sahara desert but substitute snow for sand. Thats what our country looks like now. I have put many hours on the snow blower this winter.
Wonder how local weather forcaster can call Winter Storm comming when its spring Sun has crossed Equator for north hemisphere
Another famous storm was 12 January 1888.
This was also known as the "Children's Blizzard". There was a book written about it. Written by a
libtard. Still worth a read. Bob.
Even my 9 year-old granddaughter is tired of the snow. This afternoon she told me she wishes the snow would go away. On the bright side, I saw a robin here in NWIA. Jim
They said on the news today this years drought will be worse than last years.I hope they are wrong.

My grandma was 10 years old and living in Worthington MN when that storm happened. Her parents were away from the farm for the day, and when the storm blew in she and her brother were able to get the horses into the barn, but not the few cows the had. Cows wandered away during the storm looking for shelter and they never found them again. The following spring her family moved up to where I live now and they bought the farm next to us to the north. Married my grandpa who was growing up on our farm in 1945 at the age of 15. Grandpa was 19.
What part of the world Vito? Heard on the Missouri Net radio news that nearly all of Missouri is now out of the drought, only the Northwest corner still dry. I gotta say this Spring is looking much better than last Spring.
Either Fri.or Sat.NOAA weather said central and western US will be as bad or worse this summer then 2012.Drier Just hope not.
I know a guy in this area that says in Missouri you are always just a week or so away from a drought and seems to hold true most summers. We get rain up till around July and then nothing or so little things do get very dry
My dad was duck hunting with his dad when it hit. They were a mile away from the car. It started with freezing rain but they stayed out there till their guns froze up and about then the snow hit. Grandpa held on to dad's coat and dad led the way back to the car. Dad is still around to tell about it. Jim

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