Near death story


Well-known Member
No,didn't happen to me,but this story was told to me yesterday.
A guy here in the neighborhood came in to Board of Review with his wife yesterday. I've known this guy for a lot of years. He's not a religeous man,not a model citizen and you might say not a stellar human being. I could tell you stories all day about the things he's done,but I won't.
He's had diabetes for a long time,had a foot taken off a couple of years ago. His kidneys shut down a year ago. He showed me where they hook him up for dialisis every day. He just recently had a triple bypass. He and his wife said they only gave him a ten percent chance of surviving that surgery.
Then he told me the story. Usually when you hear a story about somebody passing over and coming back,they tell of the bright light,total peace,loved ones who have gone before waiting for them,that kind of thing. This guy said "You can believe me or not,but I died while they were operating on me and I saw the gates of Hell". He said he saw the gates of Heaven too. I told him it sounded like he got sent back to make sure he got it right the next time. He said "yea I did".
His wife got to talking with everybody else about the property they were there to protest and he and I were sitting there at the corner of the table. I said "are you serious about what you saw?". He said "yes sir I am. I saw the gates of Hell and I don't want to see them again".
I've gotta tell you,hearing that story from somebody like him was chilling.
I like your story. I thought about you Tues when I went to Chelsea another way because they"re working on the pipeline (Yea!) by my house and I saw a nice looking Oliver 55 for sale by the side of the road. My wife used to work for a group of vascular surgeons and talked about the "non compliant" patients that did not listen to the doctors about their diets, (diabetics) first they lost some or all toes, than a foot, then a leg up to the knee and on and on. All this pain self inflicted.
I worked 13 years in a cardiac cath lab. Did a full out code blue on an old boy one time back in the 90s. I was doing the chest compressions. We got him back but he was unconscious. Later in the ICU he awoke screaming about demons and fire and smoke. I did not witness that part but it was the buzz of our dept for weeks. If you believe there is a heaven to gain then there must be a hell to avoid at all cost.
Man I go to church with told of doing some interviews for some kind of research paper he was working on for college credits or something like that. Anyhow, he was getting stories from people who had been with loved ones as they died and what the last things their loved ones said just prior to or as they died. Most reported peace, bright light ,etc. but relatives of one old hateful, mean cuss of a man, said he screamed out, " I'm burning! I'm burning! " and then he was dead.

You can say that you don't believe, but it would be real bad finding out that you were wrong.
I am a religious man and I do believe in an afterlife. However, who knows if the guy actually saw an afterlife...or if his brain saw an afterlife because his heart was no longer giving oxygen to his brain.
I know that Heaven and Hell are real.

I know this because of the following.

In 2005 a friend of mine had his dad die of colon cancer. His dad was in Hospice for 2 or 3 weeks before he died. You do not want to have a family member in this state. His dad basically had a morphine tube plugged in to ease the terrible pain. While in the bed his dad looks at my friends brother and says, "where did he go" The brother says "who dad" his dad says "Jesus was just standing there and I was talking to him" Then his dad fell back into the semi-coma state and died a few days later.

Now for the scary part.
My grandmother died in 1983.
She went into the hospital for a big sore on her lower right leg, she was type 2 diabetic, she drank like a fish, chain smoker too. She withered away in a hospital bed after surgery. Long story short....She was a mean nasty woman. An hour before she fully died she would die for a minute or 2 and then her heart would kick back on. My dad said that when she came back from her heart pumping again her eyes were going berserk like she was seeing demons and she was paralysed in fear of what was happening to her.
I heard that in the final stages of the lost person God allows them to lay in the bed they have made for themselves. (because the heart has been turned away from God for 60-70 years, cant fix it anymore)

The book of Romans in the new testament chapter 1 explains that all the wonders of creation are shown to men and that God has placed in all people the ability to realize that a "great creator" made all things and they are without excuse.
I hope that this guy that you know makes it right with the big guy.
My wife was with my mother when she died. Mom was in extended care at our local hospital and had been unresponsive for a couple of days. My wife was sitting in a chair beside the bed reading a magazine.

My wife said all at once Mom's eyes opened and she said, "It's so beautiful!" My wife said a few minutes later Mom half sat up in bed and stretched out her arms as if she was reaching out to someone. She then lay back down and a few minutes later she was gone.

Ironically, I was with my father-in-law when he died, and all he did was take a few deep breaths and quit breathing.

I'm convinced there is an awful lot going on "out there" that we don't know about, and probably shouldn't. Even though I've been married 47 years, I have reason to believe the spirit of an old girlfriend who died young without ever marrying is following me around. But that's another story.
We had a woman here who died of Lou Gehrig's disease right in our living room. The day before she passed she rallied in the morning and seemed healthier than she had been in a month. That afternoon she started babbling like her mind was coming unraveled. My wife asked her who she was talking to. It was hard to understand here part of the time,but she said my dad was there and several of her friends who had passed before her and that she was talking to them.
Two days before a friend of mines father passed he said he had a
dream. In this dream he was going to live in some rich guys mansion.
He was very excited and happy about this prospect.
In the last hour or two before my own father passed he was unable to speak. But it seemed like he was looking at something and there was
a faint smile on his face. Every once in a while he would raise his his hand
like he was reaching out to someone or something.
There are some great books on this subject one is;
"Heaven is for Real" Colton Burpo. Bob.
Or as Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty said, "the only hope an athiest has is that HE not be there, that ain't much of a hope. Y'see what I'm sayin?"
I've experienced a few strange things happening that give me cause to believe "there's more out there than we know" as another poster put it. I find that what screws me up the most is trying to comprehend God. I'm a religious abundant, believe what you want to, but don't diss someone elses faith. I'm big on the Old Testament God that reached out and gave you that giant sized dope slap every time you goof things up. Seems like it happens to me a lot.

We had my MIL here last spring when she was dying of cancer. Towards the end she would often talk to people who weren't there, including her son who died shortly after birth and Jesus. I don't know if it was real or if it was the old girl making a last attempt at manipulating us. She was so drugged up at the time it's hard to believe it was the latter.

I've heard a few other stories of people coming back from near death and describing a horrible afterlife. Maybe it's our consciousness giving us what we expect or maybe it's God giving us one last chance. I think there is an afterlife, although I don't know how or why and trying to prove or disprove it just creates problems. In the simplest terms, my faith will cost me nothing here in this realm. If I'm wrong, then I'm not out a thing. If I'm right, then I've made the attempt at the very least and hopefully that counts for something.
My wife said she went through the hole to the other side and came back. She must have liked what she saw/felt because the next time she did it she decided to stay. Died of a heart attack but had a history of heart problems.


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