OT Stupid People


Well-known Member
I know this is off topic but while looking on Cincinnati Ohio CL farm and garden this morrning for some equipment and I found a New Copper Pot Still for sale. Talk about being stupid! How dumb dose a person have to be to do this? I wonder how long it will take for the ATF to show up? I never thought I would see anything like this for sale let alone advertised like this. I quess "stupid is what stupid dose" takes a hole new meaning hear. Can you belive this? Bandit
it would depend on how the law reads there i think in some states just having the still isnt illegal, but working it is, in other places just having 1 part of it will net you time in jail, then again they may well just be stupid too i have seen some amazing stupid people, the one thing i cant figure is how these people got as old as they, are being as stupid as they are
Boy it sure didnt take long for the add to get poofed! I knew I should have down loaded the add. It sure looked to be well made but very dumb to advertise something like that. Bandit
Watched a new reality show on Des. America the other night, called Barn Treasures or something like that where several auctioneers are brought to a farm, and allowed a certain time to look at the stuff in the barn and around the farmstead, then give owners an estimate as to what they could get for it at auction. The owner gets to pick which auctioneer will conduct the sale, and he has to get the price he quoted or he does it for free. Long story short there were a coupple copper pots in one eposode that sold.
Loren, the Acg.
Could not find the ad. Can you post the link. Sounds like a small business opportunity for someone.
Years ago when I worked in a winery we had an old 1500 gallon copper pot still that they used to make high proof spirits to fortafie wine with. It hadent been used in years but the ATF would come in every 3 months to inspect it and to make sure it was not being used. The winery not wanting to put up with all the BS to sell it gave me the job to cut it up and destroy it with 4 ATF agents present watching the whole time. It liked to killed my soul to do it. ATF was very picky on how I did it, They wanted to make sure it could never be put back togeather and used. It still brings a tear to my eyes thinking about it. Bandit
Go to www dot revenoor dot com- alcohol stills, openly advertised and sold! I looked at them during the "fuel crisis" in the mid '70's (you remember- when gas went to 70 cents a gallon or so). They're still in business- so I guess they must sell a few.
Bandit, while you are hacking up others, maybe you should give your own spelling a little critique. It looks like texting or something has infected it pretty bad. Don"t get nasty, this is just a friendly little tip.
Don't know your home state but in Indiana it is indeed illegal to own a still capable of producing spirit alcohol to drink. If the State Excise Police get wind of it you will get a visit from them and they will ask to see your ATF permit.If you don't have one you are in violation of state law.
I have been to a restaurant in Waite Park MN that has what looks like a usable still right by the front door. That area used to be famous for making some good shine!
I know my spelling is not so good, But what my mind wants to spell my hands dont allways get the same message. I had a 4 1/2" brain tumor removed and this is part of the efects from it. So I take a lot of greef because of it but I am happy to be alive to tell you the truth. Not using the spell check helps keep me on my toes so to speek. As for the putting on add to sell a still, Well it is a bone head move and is inviting problems with the law. Bandit
That would be 'Anton's'. Written up in the book about MN 13 in Stearn's County. My uncle is in the book......Dad said he paid for the farm at Richmond by cooking moon. Uncle said in the book that he chickened out after awhile... afraid of getting caught. Uncle Matt was my godfather, I remember him telling me how simple it is to make a still. BTW- Anton's, next to Sauk River.....when revenuers (sp) showed up, customers boogied down the river- other option was to run across the bridge (which is still there). No doubt in my mind (and hopes, too) you can still find fresh moon around Holdingford. Just gotta find the right people. (I'm working on it!) A friend just tasted it a couple weeks ago- I need the source!
Clarification- Dad didn't cook moon, my uncle did. But Mom and Dad talked about having moon when they were dating in the late 20s....pretty typical for the time. Big issue with ATF was not making it- it was cookers not paying the tax on liquor- that goes back to the Whiskey Rebellion in late 1700s, early 1800s.
We had a guy got busted for making poteen (pronounced pot-yene)
An illegal drink made from barley and potatoes and made in Ireland....strong stuff, even if you drink water the next day you are happy again!
Anyway a few weeks later they check on his place and find a brand new still...so he is arrested and in the court the judge said "I am fining you for possession of an illegal still with intent to produce illegal alcohol. Anything to say for yourself?" Sorry m'lord but could you also take the rape case into account?" "what, what rape case ?"...."Well M'lord I have the eguipment and the intent ...but I havn't commited the act yet!"
He got another fine for contempt of court!!!!
What's so illegal? All you need is a license and to pay your taxes. It's not like they are advertising a meth lab.
(quoted from post at 15:06:50 02/24/13) No doubt in my mind (and hopes, too) you can still find fresh moon around Holdingford. Just gotta find the right people. (I'm working on it!) A friend just tasted it a couple weeks ago- I need the source!
First thing in this thread that makes sense.
At the risk of "Mr Heard" or "Mr Said" conterdictions,I have tasted moon that was smooth as Blanton's Single Barrel. If you find that kind instead of the stump blower version,come by and passitround. :D
Back in the early 1980's when I worked in the Mines, one of the fellows on my crew went back home to Missouri on vacation. Came back with the trunk of his car loaded full of quart jars of Moon. Clear as water and absolutely NO smell, and SMOOTH, oh it was smooth. He brought a case to work, and after work the whole crew partied. He called the stuff "Moon Glow", because after a few good swigs of that stuff - you GLOWED. Best tasting hard liquor I've ever had.
Here in Mo they sell moonshine, or at least they advertise it as moonshine in the convience store's. On I 44 and hwy 100 exit about an hour west of St.Louis it is sitting right in front of the door in the middle of the store. They claim that it is all legal and the taxes are being paid and it is cooked in a sterill enviroment.That was two weeks ago I am guessing that it is still there.

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