Tonight's Feature How Many Junk Drawers do You Have?

We have one in the kitchen that has a little bit of everything and the large drawer of my tool box holds all my left over items, old items, extra tools.
I have a lot of them. But they're organized. One type of junk is in one drawer, another type in another, and so on, and they're all labeled. My son tells me I need to get rid of my junk before I die so he doesn't have to do it. I tell him it's all organized, all he has to do is slide out the drawers and dump them. Jim
I dont have a drawer, I hAve a 5 gal pail. Most days it"s dumped on the flour of the shop for easier searching.
They are not junk drawers! They are _____ drawers as in _____ did anybode see where that blasted thing went?! Than you go to the _____ drawer and see if you have a spare! Armand
draws buckets buildings trailer old mini vans or some friends places and its been given freely to other people .
i keep it out of the house .
bu t ever thing else can be used .
lol .
One drawer in the kitchen cabinet, a tool box in the computer room, in the storage building I have no drawers just boxes, buckets, and tin cans full of just about everything. I keep thinking I will get it organized someday. But it's like the little cartoon I have, and I am sure many of you have seen it, This little fellow says, "When I was born God gave me a certain number of things to accomplish in my lifetime. Right now I'm so far behind I'll never die!"
Couple in the kitchen couple in the utility room, but those in the barn are valuable usable expensive inventories of quality vintage tractor parts that we just CAN'T get rid of.... blah blah blah...... don't make anymore...... classic....
One in the kitchen... but our kids can make a junkdrawer out of any old one they open. I clean and organize my desk drawers, then they mess them up when going after tape, stapler or pens.
I graduated to a junk room long ago.

(though I do have one kitchen junk drawer for my IMPORTANT junk that I don't want to lose in my junk room)
well i have 1 drawer in the kitchen, 1 cabinet in the utility room 1 cabinet in the shop, and ummm... one semi trailer, ive been wondering lately just what IS up in the front of that thing
According to my wife several hundred plus 4 parts sheds most of the shop and 1/2 of the barn loft.
According to me I have a very diverse organized inventory of new and or experienced parts just waiting to save the day when something we desperatley need right now breaks down.
I have taken to the habit of when I repair something with my so called junk, I do up a mock invoice to show her how much the parts would have cost had I gone and bought them from the dealership.
Seeing the value she has upgraded to calling it stuff now, but apparentley I still have too much stuff.

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