A new low for America?


Well-known Member
Local newscaster was giving statistics yesterday about the Super Bowl.

The kicker was that 7 million people will miss work today because they are too hung over to go to work. I guess we've hit a new low for the country.
well,if someone wants to use their vacation time for that I guess its ok,however,calling in sick due to being hungover is bull! If you are on the schedual you ought to be man enough to know when to stop,or suffer the consequences and work it off.I went out and got trashed in my younger days but I made it to work and learned my lesson
Should be a holiday.
Even the ones that do go to work monday don't get anything done.
They just stand around and talk about the game all day.
Do you really believe everthing you hear on the TV? How can this be accurate? I have never had anyone call for a poll on whether or not I will be or ever been hung over and not able go to work the next day after a superbowl.
It wont affect me for 3 reasons.
1) I cant stand to watch sports.
2) I don't drink alcohol hardly at all.
3) Don't go to work until 5pm everyday!!!

Hope it doesn't offend anybody; but I just cant stand to watch people run around chasing a ball. But I expect that up to 30% wont show up for dayshift which started about 12 minutes ago.
By the way Fawteen... There is a serious petition somewhere on Facebook to make the day after Sup Bowl a National Holiday. It had 40,000 signatures I heard last night on the radio while the game was playing, & the signatures were rising fast! When the game was in Indianapolis last year where I work. They shut the doors due to the number of expected call - ins; the day after. 30% on dayshift is about 300 people.
Me, I"m an avid sports fan. If I get time today I will check to see how many holes in one someone got. :)^D
I won't be going to work since I'm retired after 43 years with the US Government. Two of those years I was in the Army during the Korean War. Hal
(quoted from post at 04:03:33 02/04/13) Should be a holiday.
Even the ones that do go to work monday don't get anything done.
They just stand around and talk about the game all day.

Sounds like people that ought to be fired or at least reprimanded. I like the idea of having it on Saturday. Let the drunks spend their Sunday recovering and that's it.
Good one, I haven't heard that one in a long time.
Speaking of Bush. Go to Youtube and find George Bush who's on first.
It's a gas!!!
That sounds like opening day of deer season around here, with everyone hiding behind a tree, including the older school kids.
Loren, the Acg.
That's the stupidest thing iv heard, I say amen, let the workin man have a day off! What about the "ones" on welfare that never work??? Think about that, I'm proud to not work December to April!
Regardless if you are a football fan or not in these devisive times among Americans the Super Bowl is one of the few events these days where millions of Americans of all races,religions,political persuasion, etc etc can all join in and have a great time together.So whats wrong with that? And the folks that want to get drunk don't need a reason to do it either as I have seen plenty of folks with a hangover when there was no Super Bowl the previous day.
Don't be a Super Bowl Scrouge!
I just feel sorry for those who worship sports and Hollywood and their empty lives revolve around such events, sure I casually watched the game and enjoyed friends, snacks and a couple beers but my life (somehow lol) goes on regardless of sports or Hollywood.

John T A happy and contented man
Like this?
Everyone has their vices,heck there are even whole websites dedicated to doing non productive useless things like spending hours and hours(days,weeks even years) and way more $$$$ than can ever be recovered on say an antique tractor.
Spending an evening watching a football game
seems pretty tame to compared to something that wastes all that time.
And around this forum.
This is getting really boring {monotonous, tedious, irksome, tiresome, humdrum}
I think I'll just go ahead and poof myself.

You might be right I thought my wife was going to beat me up when it looked like the 49ers were going to score at the end of the game!Saying the Super Bowl is responsibile for the actions of an abusive person is beyond ridiclous
We have national holidays based on folklore, legend, and myth. Why would a "Super Monday" holiday be any different?

Looks like about half the threads here are about the super bowl this morning...
I remember the routine, excess food and alcohol, lots of banter, you don't even really watch the game.

I skipped the routine, friend was busting my chops, thinking I was being unsociable for not coming over to the man cave, which is actually at his folks house, his dad a great ole guy, has a nice little cozy place, converted detached garage enjoys having company, few people over, good food, etc.

Problem is, weather was nice, had some things planned, been interrupted previously in the last week, so I said, I'm staying here.

Well lets see now....... yesterday... we organized a pick up hockey game, cleared the ice, set up the goals, and had a nice little game, still early, had to clear a tree before I even got to the pond, hit some old wire, so back up the hill, for a sharpen, ( I really need to get some spare chains LOL) got that done, went down and felled 4 dead elm trees, 2 of which were dangerous, one of which I misread and put the face cut on the wrong darned side, it had a limb opposite side, must have been enough weight, though the rest was headed the other way. Got the saw pinched, put a chain on the tree, pulled it the other way, saw is clear, finally on the ground and it won't tow out, had to work for that one, but got it towed up the hill, quite just in time to restoke the stove, put a meal on it to heat up and turn on the game just at kick off, no pre-game nonsense, no excess food/drink, got a good work out and some nice logs out, perfect weather for it, the other way around, would have got there at 2-3pm and stayed to the end, forget it, cripes I even skipped having a cold beer last night. Well played game, or I thought so and a productive day, I feel great today too !!
It got me thinking how much more drinking was done with that 1/2 hour blackout, maybe the best Budweiser sales of all.
(quoted from post at 13:40:26 02/04/13) Nothing new, been going on for years. It is also highest day for spouse and child abuse.
(quoted from post at 13:14:49 02/04/13) [b:2b41120393]Regardless if you are a football fan or not in these devisive times among Americans the Super Bowl is one of the few events these days where millions of Americans of all races,religions,political persuasion, etc etc can all join in and have a great time together.So whats wrong with that?[/b:2b41120393] And the folks that want to get drunk don't need a reason to do it either as I have seen plenty of folks with a hangover when there was no Super Bowl the previous day.
Don't be a Super Bowl Scrouge!

I'm not much of a football fan so I don't care much whether or not I watch the game. I think it's wonderful that so many people have found that they have something in common.
(quoted from post at 12:59:59 02/04/13) Bret,
That sounds like opening day of deer season around here, with everyone hiding behind a tree, including the older school kids.
Loren, the Acg.
My Father-in-law was transferred to a plant in South Carolina. Quite a difference in culture from what he was used to here in IL. Opening day of hunting season the about the only ones that showed up for work were from Detroit and his old plant in IL.
the problem started when people, primarly under 35 started trying to build their job around their life, instead of like us older folks did and build their life around their job, i gave up hiring help when the last girl i had working for me, wanted half a day off to go get her fingernails done, at the time we had had rain and were already a week behind on work with the phone ringing off the wall with customers wanting work done,i still can't understand the concept of making a appt for fingernails on a day your scheduled to work, regular dr sure no problem, but fingernails or hair , to me , is done on time off, not work time now me and the wife do it all ourselves, the 2 of us hold other jobs now, but still manage to do with the 2 of us what i had 4 hired people doing years ago, she does more than me as my legs are giving out, wont be long and ill have to quite all this side job stuff and just do what i can here on the place which is ok for a 'hobby farm', but you cant live from it today,50 years ago you could but the place was bigger then, just not sure where the lost income is going to be made up if i do
I stayed up to the end of the game. I ate more than I needed but just had a couple of beers. I got up at 530 am to drive my school bus. I was surprised though the amount of students that didn't ride today. The ones that did talked about how they stayed up for the game. The elementary had more absent than than the high school. I figure allot of it was the parents partied and didn't want to have to get up to get the kids ready for school. We also had two drivers that had a student that fell asleep on the bus and didn't get off when they should have. Not to mention 5 bus drivers were absent out of 15 drivers total. I'm not a big sports fan but I do usually watch the game just so I can keep up with the conversation the next couple of days after.
It must be a new low, for many things.

So far today, I've heard that Sanfransissyco is now "Rice A Roni", the Baltimore Raven's treat.

Ray Lewis has now been accused of assaulting the entire 49'ers team.

Raven's owner Steve Biscotti's wallet just swelled a great deal, until someone realized how much some of his players are gonna get to renew their contracts.

Jim Harbaugh has disowned his family.

Kraperlick is still crying.

CBS and the Superdome staff are still trying to figure out how Tom Brady managed to sneak into the electrical room.

And there's now a rumor that all that confetti will cause the largest 'dead' zone the Gulf has seen in years.

Gotta love it!!!
The Doc who managed the horse farm I worked on told the employees, if your not here at the farm you better be in the hospital! Lol
Football, "I don"t watch football games". Especially not the "Super Bowl" or the Terrible "Half time Shows". I "played" football in high school. "I grew up", "got a life", "served two years in the Army", "got a job", "retired after working 30 years", and "still enjoy my old AC tractors". Yesterday evening my wife, my youngest son and I finished building a very large bookcase. We were working together as a family and enjoyed accomplishing something (lasting) together. To each his own!
(quoted from post at 15:48:41 02/04/13) the problem started when people, primarly under 35 started trying to build their job around their life, instead of like us older folks did and build their life around their job, i gave up hiring help when the last girl i had working for me, wanted half a day off to go get her fingernails done, at the time we had had rain and were already a week behind on work with the phone ringing off the wall with customers wanting work done,i still can't understand the concept of making a appt for fingernails on a day your scheduled to work, regular dr sure no problem, but fingernails or hair , to me , is done on time off, not work time now me and the wife do it all ourselves, the 2 of us hold other jobs now, but still manage to do with the 2 of us what i had 4 hired people doing years ago, she does more than me as my legs are giving out, wont be long and ill have to quite all this side job stuff and just do what i can here on the place which is ok for a 'hobby farm', but you cant live from it today,50 years ago you could but the place was bigger then, just not sure where the lost income is going to be made up if i do

(Wow, worlds longest run-on sentence!) It's a different generation with very different priorities. Work does not seem to be the primary focus of many of them.
..and none of them were farmers! " Oh honey , I guess those cows will just have to wait 'til tomorrow".Where's the union when ya need em , should be a paid day off for everyone!
not at all, i can do more, just give me another topic like this and ill make another [ lol, just kidding] if i get the words right the punctuation doent mean that much

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