O/T Mamma's boy


How does one help cut the apron strings of a momma's boy one came to work out by my daughter and he is true mamma's boy he had to quite one job because he got bumped to a different shift that paid twice as much to this job because she wanted him home with her to take care of her this woman work a 50 hour week and grabs all the overtime there is she not sick or anything just wants him there he was out on one date and she had to go along and he thought it was normal any help please for the boy?
It's not the apron strings that need to be cut, it's the umbilical cord. And if that's not cut right away, there isn't much hope for him. Just the way it is...

Donovan from Wisconsin
Probably way too late! One can cut the proverbial apron strings and umbilical cord... won't matter - mama has invisible hooks in him and that will probably never change. Not unless he gets tired of it himself, mans-up and says enough is enough Mom.

I was a daddy's girl...took me to about age 40 to figure it out. Still have a good relationship with my dad, but he no longer controls my life - and that is the way it should be.
It's called codependency. They both need a lot of help. The mother may be beyond help but he may still have a chance. It's very common with children of addict's.
It's a shame but like Dear Abby said in her column one time.

"A person does not need your permission to take advantage of you"

You didn't say how old this boy is but if he's in his teens some one needs to talk to him. He needs to be talked to even if he's older.

His mom is starving for attention or some mental disorder as I'm concerned. Just my view!
have a friend who's sons age in high 30's, every sat she waits till 6pm, calls him at work to see what he wants her [momma] to bring for dinner at work, excuse me, he can walk a block to McDee's for a burger on his lunch break,,their need to be a disconnection there... to top that off, then she calls me at 7pm to see if i want to go grab some dinner,,geeze
Doggone it, I can't remember his name, but one of Andy Griffith's friends was tied to his mom's apron strings. Every time he mentioned going out with a woman she would get deathly ill.

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