John B.

Well-known Member
Well it's 68 degrees here in South Central Illinois and barometric pressure is really dropped. The garage floor is sweating like I've never seen it do before. Tornado warnings are out, the strong winds have started like they said they would. Severe storms are predicted for tonight. Let's hope they're nothing damaging.
Hope everyone else stays safe this evening.
upper 70's yesterday and stayed 70 overnight. Temp is dropping with 100% rain/snow/wind for tonight. 1-4 inches of snow predicted and a high of 26 tomorrow. NW MO.
Central NC, 5:40 pm est. 68 degrees! I was just outside for a few minutes and it was comfortable in a t-shirt. Supposed to rain tomorrow. I hope nothing severe materializes for you folks John. There has been too much of that lately.
had 62 degrees here at 1:00, now it's 59 and pouring rain. Heaviest I've seen in a year and a half! Hope it keeps up for a few hoursas I wouldn't mind seeing about 4" come down!!
I had to run to town and when I backed my truck outa the cold garage, everything fogged up big time too.
You guys are warm. -2 with a 30mph wind here in NE Mt. Has been snow some all day. Travel not recommended.

I didn't know where Silvis Il was until I just looked it up. Google map says it is 241 miles North of us and a little West, 3hrs 51 minutes.

I'm sure they will get the same weather as we are going to get. Hope it's not too bad.
Started rain'in here in Alton about 5:00.Wind blew for about 2 seconds.Just a nice steady rain now.Bring it on.
Heavy rain here in central MO about 4:00. 5:30 now and a good steady rain with more on the way. 54 now, was close to 60 this morning. Calling for an inch or more, fingers crossed.
All that rain everyone is talking about sounds wonderful ! It hasn't rained here since early October. Right now it's -28C/-18F here (not including windchill), and the sad part is, that's ten degrees warmer than it was this morning... It's supposed to warm up to around zero this weekend though. I'm looking forward to that.

I orders some seeds last weekend, when the seed catalogs arrived. I love looking through those catalogs, anticipating the arrival of Summer!

Bye for now,

Northern BC, along the Alaska Highway

Got up to 58 today, rained since about 2am. More of the same for tomorrow, then head back to normal. We need the water badly, but change in temps and humidity play heck with my arthritis.
Somewhere under this rain/snow melt I own 60 acres!!!!

Windy here in N' Ireland also.
Southwest of you John, Waterloo, IL.. Rain has stopped for the time being. No wind yet. Looks like the bad stuffs north and south of me.


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