Winter storms names.


Well-known Member
I was watching the weather channel, and I see they did start
naming the winter storms, this one is called Freyr?? The last
one was uclid?! Seems crazy to me! Anybody else see this?
Yea,just noticed it the other day. I so dammed rarely ever watch that channel anymore because it can take hours to actually get the weather and because it's nothing but globull warming political hype. I guess naming snow events gives an illusion of panic like huricanes so folks whos livelyhoods aren't connected to to the weather will believe it's never been this bad before,EVER in the history of the precious planet!

The only reason it was even on that channel the other day anyway was because we had company from Virginia and they were wondering when they could leave. I got the actual weather for them online without waiting several hours for the "weathertainment" to end.
Lol, I agree, I never watch it either, just happened to be channel surfing, i use a accua weather app on my phone, or call the weather phone. I also have a scanner that plays the NWS updates!.
Guess they figure if they name them they can then go back and say this storm by name did this much in damage so people will know what storm and what year they are talking about. Like the hurricanes. People know if some one says Andrew or This years Sandy what people are talking about but if one says the ice storm of 2007 many say there was an ice storm then??
The 8 year disaster we are half way thru will by far be the most costly of any 8 years in history. I think we all know the name of it.
How many on here remember this snow as being an average winter day. Many, I'm sure. When a real storm hit, everyone spent the day digging out. Litterally digging out. The wheathtainers will name this snow, and claim it is some sort of record. The young people of today will never know any different. Heck, even the wheather man doesn't seem know any different.
I'm telling you what,they had some idiot on there the other day who must have NEVER been out of south Florida before in his life. He was out along the highway near Fishers Indiana. He had a pair of plastic safety glasses on going nuts over how they were icing up. Said you can only imagine what it's doing to the windshields of those cars out there! Yes I can,they had their wipers and defrosters on. Then he got down in the grass,gathered up what little bit of snow he could and said LOOK AT THIS! I CAN MAKE A SNOWBALL! He might as well have been a puppy outside in his first snow. I grabbed the remote and changed the channel before I had a stroke! Mister Rogers had more respect for the intelegence of his audience of three and four year olds than that moron had for his audience.
While we're on the topic, when did we turn into such a nation of wusses?

I was born and raised in central Michigan, home of lake effect snow. Started school in 1955, graduated high school in 1968. I can only remember school being cancelled entirely once, for the blizzard of 1967 when we literally had to climb out a window to shovel the snow away from the doors.

Other than that, maybe a half-dozen or so early dismissals for snow in the years I spent going to school in Clinton County from K through 12.

We rode the school bus and it was routine for the driver to ask us all to move to the rear of the bus to put more weight over the rear wheels so he could bust drifts on the bus route.

There was a couple of grain scoops behind the rearmost seats, and a couple of times us bigger kids would bale out the emergency back door with them and shovel us out of a situation. At least once, I walked to the nearest farm to ask the farmer to bring his tractor and pull us out.

Occasionally, we'd be late, but we went to school!

A couple of weeks ago, here in Maine, there was an article in the paper about parents being ticked off at the local superintendent for NOT calling off school because of snow. We'd gotten all of about 3 inches...

What are we teaching our kids? Do they really think their boss is going to be okay with them missing work every time the ground turns white?
If you still lived here your head would explode. All they have to do is PREDICT snow and they cancel school. My Dad was a bus driver and transportation supervisor for YEARS. I remember the absolute worst mornings,the superintendent would call. He and Dad would mull it over for a long time before they called it off. Generally,one or the other of'em,or both,would have gone out and drove in it,called the county garage,called other superintendents and talked it to death before they'd call it off. I've heard a lot of stories of how Dad would lay the bus right up on its side busting through drifts. Seems to be some folks best memories of Dad was how much snow he could put a bus through.
I vividly remember our bus, a mid-to-late 50's Dodge with a 354 (?) hemi in it. Had a nasty habit of breaking camshafts and leaving us stranded (happened 3 times that I can remember) but it was a lugging fool and would push that bus through some serious snow.

When the Dodge was in the shop, our substitute bus was an even older IH that never did have a working heater...
For a long time,Dad drove the only cab over that I ever remember the district having. It was the only one with an automatic transmission in it too. He could slip that transmission without ever spinning the wheels.
Yes, I saw that. It does not bode well. Fryer was the Bounty's skipper, under Captain Bligh, so I forsee a mutiny in future... preferably in warmer weather. Too cold to have an uprising right now. Going on a foot here already, couple hours east of Albany.
I thought the same thing about naming winter storms. Just silly! The weather channel has become more political than weather forecasting.

I know some of you got more, but I got 90 some channels and there ain't noth'n on none of em any more. Maybe Duck Dynasty and Pickers an that's about it.
just b=ll=-hit 101 for wusses to get xcited about askin the save us goverment from disaster , and deliver a chek so the govmt can stay in powr

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